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How to disable c++ exceptions, -fno-exceptions has no effect?


How do I avoid including the code for c++ exceptions in my ecos application?

My target is at91sam7s256.

I am compiling with
arm-elf-g++ -c -o SolarController.o
-mcpu=arm7tdmi -Wall -Wpointer-arith -Winline -Wundef
-Woverloaded-virtual -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-rtti

And linking with:

arm-elf-gcc  -o t80_main.elf -nostartfiles -Wall
-Wl,--Map,"mapfile.tmp" -mcpu=arm7tdmi -Wl,--gc-sections -Wl,-static
-Wl,-n -g -nostdlib
-L/home/stou/ecos_workspace/myproject/ecos/install/lib -Ttarget.ld

However my code crashes like this:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'St9bad_alloc'
  what():  St9bad_alloc

>From which I conclude that the exceptions are included although I do
not use them explicitly in my code, from what I could figure out it is
thrown by the new_handler in libsupc++.a.

This is part of my mapfile:

stou@stou-Xubuntu:arm7_peg$ grep eh_ mapfile.tmp







 .text          0x0012e3d8      0x354
 .text          0x0012e72c      0xb78
 .text          0x0012f2a4       0xf4
 .text          0x0012f398      0x148
 .text          0x00130390      0x1e8
 .text          0x00130578       0xbc
 .text          0x00130634      0x3c8
 .text          0x00135388       0x20
                0x0013f4d4       0x14
                0x0013f4e8        0x8
                0x0013f4f0       0x10
                0x0013f500       0x14
                0x0013f514        0xc
                0x0013f520       0x14
                0x0013f55c       0x20
                0x0013f57c       0x20
                0x0013f59c       0x10
                0x0013f5ac       0x10
                0x0013f5bc       0x20
.eh_frame       0x0013f5f0        0x8
 .data          0x002008a0        0x4
 .data          0x002008a4        0x4
 .data          0x002008a8        0x8
 .data          0x002008b0        0x4
 .bss           0x00203d64     0x401c
 .bss           0x00207d84       0x20
 .comment       0x00001780       0x20
 .comment       0x000017a0       0x20
 .comment       0x000017c0       0x20
 .comment       0x000017e0       0x20
 .comment       0x00001800       0x20
 .comment       0x00001860       0x20
 .comment       0x00001880       0x20
 .comment       0x000018a0       0x20
 .comment       0x000018c0       0x20
 .comment       0x00001920       0x20

What is the purpose of
.bss           0x00203d64     0x401c

Since my total meory size is 64k, thus  16k is a substantial amount of
the total memory budget, and how do I get rid of the exception
handling altogether?
I need the dynamic memory handling (new + delete).

Rasmus Stougaard
SW Developer, Allsun a/s

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