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Re: ARM Development with multi-ice from South Africa

On Mon, Jun 25, 2001 at 12:41:04PM +0530, Rajeev murthy wrote:

> i wanted to know from you how you are using the embeddedICE
> with the gdb5.0(Insight5.0). 

First, you need to have a gdb binary that was built for arm
targets.  Then you connect using a command like:

gdb> target rdi /dev/ttyS0 19200
gdb> target rdi s=/dev/ttyS0,p=/dev/par0 19200

Once connected, most of the gdb commands work as usual, except
you use the "continue" command to start execution after you
load a file:

gdb> symbol-file myprog.elf
gdb> load myprog.elf
gdb> cont

> i have a multiICE with me which i believe can be made to work
> as an embeddedICE.

I don't have any experience with MultiICE, but I don't believe
it's compatible with EmbeddedICE.  At one point there was a a
library that could be used to get gdb to work with MultiICE,
but there were licensing problems.


According to the posting below, multiICE support for gdb hasn't ever been

Grant Edwards

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