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Re: hello application

>>>>> "Sebastien" == andre33  <> writes:

    Sebastien> Hello,
    Sebastien> I try to run the hello example with gdb in a simulator
    Sebastien> mode !!! i think that is possible but i don't success

    Sebastien> i execute it :

    Sebastien>          arm-elf-gdb ../../example/hello
    Sebastien>            (gdb) :   target sim

    Sebastien> and i try many ways but no succes

    Sebastien> (gdb) run                or (gdb)  load cygmon.img
    Sebastien>                                     (gdb)  run

    Sebastien> What i does wrong ?

    Sebastien> Grrr the compilation of hello.c is correct but no
    Sebastien> emulation is possible :-(

You are trying to run an eCos application in an instruction-set
simulator. That is not going to work: eCos requires functionality such
as timer hardware, so you need some sort of architectural simulator.
The simulator built into gdb only supports architectural simulation
for a few targets are per my earlier message, and ARM is not one of
those targets.


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