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Re: File IO under Linux synthetic target


> File I/O is not yet available on the synthetic target - at least, not
> using the eCos functionality. With the current release sources it is
> possible to make some Linux system calls to perform file I/O, for
> example by calling cyg_hal_sys_open() and cyg_hal_sys_read(), but
> obviously those will have the Linux semantics rather than the eCos
> ones.

I now just read a file into memory and access this as if it were my flash region.
Works great, I use mount in a similar way as in the ROM FS and for the linux target the fs_mount
function now reads a file containing the flash image  into memory as below.

externC int cyg_hal_sys_open(const char *, int, unsigned int);
externC int cyg_hal_sys_close(int);
externC unsigned long cyg_hal_sys_read(int, void *, long);
externC unsigned long cyg_hal_sys_lseek(int, unsigned long, int);
#define O_RDONLY        0
#define SEEK_END        2
#define SEEK_SET        0

      fd = cyg_hal_sys_open(pDevice, O_RDONLY, 0);    // Open the FATFS file
      if(fd) {
          fsize = cyg_hal_sys_lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_END); // Determine size
          pMedium->base = malloc(fsize);              // Allocate mem
          cyg_hal_sys_lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);         // Rewind
          cyg_hal_sys_read(fd, pMedium->base, fsize); // Read complete file
          pMedium->offset = 0;
      } else {
          pMedium->base = NULL;

This could also work for the ROM FS package.


	Rob Jansen

Software Engineer
Competence Center Platforms
BU Mobile Communications
Meijhorst 60-10, 6537 KT Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Tel: +31-24-353-6329
Fax: +31-24-353-3613

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