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Re: ecos_install vs install

>>>>> "Dave" == Dave Airlie <> writes:

    Dave> 	I've just noticed on my system if I use the
    Dave> Configuration Tool under Windows to build eCos I have to
    Dave> point my separate source tree to ecos_install, but if I use
    Dave> ecosconfig under Linux I get an install sub-directory...

    Dave> Any reason these aren't one subdirectory? so I don't have to
    Dave> change my Makefile depending on how I create my eCos
    Dave> image...

There is an inconsistency here which will have to be addressed at some
point. The inconsistency is partly for historical reasons, and partly
because GUI and command line tools operate under different

Both the GUI tool and the command line tool operate in terms of a
current "document". For the command line tool this "document" is the
current directory, which will contain the ecos.ecc savefile and the
install tree, and acts at the build tree. It is possible to override
the name and location of both the savefile and the install tree with
command line arguments. It is possible to create the configuration,
edit it, generate the build tree, and build eCos all without changing
directories. On the other hand each configuration needs its own

For the GUI tool the "document" is the ecos.ecc savefile rather than a
directory - having a directory as a document is not standard practice.
ecos.ecc is merely the default name, it could be called xyzzy.ecc in
which case you end up with directories xyzzy_build and xyzzy_install.
Multiple configurations can co-exist in one directory. The GUI tool
handles changing between directories for you automatically.

Both tools behave reasonably, yet differently. I suspect that the GUI
tool should be given a preference setting to make it behave like the
command line tool for people who want to work in both worlds.

In the meantime, it should be possible to pass suitable --config and
--prefix options to ecosconfig (possibly via a shell alias) and
thus share everything between the GUI and command line tools. Note
that mixing the GUI config tool and a Linux command line tool may give
problems with carriage returns etc. in the generated configuration
headers, makefiles, or elsewhere. Interoperability at this level is
not something we have specifically tried to support, although it may
be made to work given the right versions of the various tools.


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