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Re: [docbook] Using multiple modules

It works, though. A very thin customization layer should get you
there. Here's what I use to make this work:

<!DOCTYPE slides PUBLIC "-//Norman Walsh//DTD Slides Full V3.2.0//EN"
  <!ENTITY % MATHML.prefixed "INCLUDE">
  <!ENTITY % MATHML.prefix "mml">
  <!ENTITY % equation.content "(alt?, (graphic+|mediaobject+|mml:math))">
  <!ENTITY % inlineequation.content
             "(alt?, (graphic+|inlinemediaobject+|mml:math))">
  <!ENTITY % local.textobject.mix "|mml:math">
  <!ENTITY % mathml PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD MathML 2.0//EN"

  <!ENTITY % jpebnf PUBLIC "-//Justus Piater//DTD DocBook EBNF Module V0.1//EN"
  <!ENTITY courseurl "";>

Two notes:

- My own jpebnf module is derived from the DocBook EBNF Module
  V1.1CR1. It adds a little more markup and slightly more flexibility
  in the elements which I needed for didactic purposes. (Norm, why not
  augment DocBook's version in this way :-) ?) But I don't think I did
  anything special to make this work together with MathML; it should
  work just as well with the original DocBook EBNF module.

- I have not checked, but perhaps the reason it works without hassle
  is that the DocBook DTD is included later via a customization layer
  (slides). That's why I suggested above that it should be easy to

Hope this helps,

Justus H. Piater, Ph.D.
Institut Montefiore, B28        Phone: +32-4-366-2279
Université de Liège, Belgium    Fax:   +32-4-366-2620

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