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Re: newbie: partitioning docbook documents

Robert Krüger <> writes:

> could someone point me to a tutorial or the part in the documentation that 
> explains how to partition a document into many files? At the moment I would 
> like to do two things:
> - put each section of an article into a separate file
> - and put code examples that I use as programlistings in a separate file

External entities are not easily usable with non-XML data like
programlistings. You might want to look into XInclude, a W3C spec for
such things.

You will need a special XInclude processor for this, however -
inclusions are not processed automagically by the parser, as with
external entities. IIRC, both libxslt (and its command-line processor
xsltproc) and 4xslt from the Python 4Suite package can resolve
XIncludes before XSLT-processing.

Another possible drawback: I think that you can only include complete
XML documents, not "well-balanced" fragments, i.e. they have to have
one single root element.

> could anyone give me a working example for the two things I describe 
> above.

--- book.xml:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<book xmlns:xi="";>
  <bookinfo><!-- ... --></bookinfo>
  <xi:include href="section1.xml"/>

--- section1.xml:

<section xmlns:xi="";>
  <title>Section 1</title>
    <xi:include href="hello.c" parse="text"/>

--- hello.c:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    printf("Hello, World!\n");
    return 0;

If you run book.xml through an XInclude-Processor (which, as stated
above, some XSLT processors can do for you), the following output

$ xmllint --xinclude book.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<book xmlns:xi="";>
  <bookinfo><!-- ... --></bookinfo>
  <section xmlns:xi="";>
  <title>Section 1</title>
    #include &lt;stdio.h&gt;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    printf(&quot;Hello, World!\n&quot;);
    return 0;


xmllint is included with the libxml library, see

There is a tutorial on XInclude at

The W3C spec is at <>


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