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Re: New with docbook: question

At 10:58 11/10/2000 +0200, Decap Stefan wrote:
>I have dowloaded the docbook xml version 4.1.2. When I try to open the file
>docbookx.dtd in my editor (xmlspy, an editor for windows). I get an
>errormessage in the file dbpoolx.mod: "entity 'notation.class'" is

I wrote to the authors for problem of DocBook dtd said invalid:
Reply: XML Spy 3.0.7 has a bug in working with DocBook - it will be solved 
in XML Spy 3.5

And, for information, a question about the support of SGML_CATALOG_FILES 
catalogs in XML Spy:
Reply: We want to use them, but did not yet have time to implement support 
for them



Laurent POINTAL - CNRS/LURE - Service Informatique Experiences
Tel/fax: 01 64 46 82 80 / 01 64 46 41 48
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