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Re: Technical DTDs vs. non-technical

David Mason wrote:
>I would have to agree here. I think in some ways, it breaks the spirit
of SGML/XML to use DocBook outside the scope of computer related

There isn't a spirit of SGML.  Really, there isn't.  And the spirit
of XML has multiple personality disorder.  However, here's another
approach to the same issue:  we did not find that the structures
needed for scholarly books (such as good bibliography support)
were not needed for software books.  In fact, lots of software
books are much like scholarly books in the humanities in their
structure, and we considered articles about software topics that
were structurally just like articles you'd find in scientific
journals.  So it was okay and even a good thing to make Docbook
useable for scholarly books and articles.

Conversely, it would be inappropriate to stretch Docbook to cover
genres that don't occur within the domain of software documentation.
So plays are out (you can probably mark them up in Docbook and
get a style sheet to do the right thing, but not using the semantics
TEI provides).

regards, Terry

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