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Re: Re: A couple issues to discuss....

| / Eric Bischoff wrote:
| | Explanation of the problem :
| | 
| | The KDE project has recently switched to docbook (currently
| | 3.1).
| | 
| | In the metainformation about the authors we need to mention
| | the email and the type of contribution of various authors.
| | 
| | The email is usually their personal email, not the email of
| | KDE nor an email at KDE. So far, we have been unable to
| | specify this email address outside of <affiliation>. This is
| | wrong, it would mean it's the email of (or at) the KDE
| | project.

I believe that goes in a bag with the name+address issue,
which I've lost track of.  I note that in 4.0 as distributed
there is

<!--FUTURE USE (V4.0):
AuthorBlurb and Affiliation will be removed from %person.ident.mix; and a new
wrapper element created to allow association of those two elements with
OtherCredit name information.

why?  (there are other V4.0 FUs, too)


| | The type of contribution may be one of "redaction" "upgrade"
| | "proofreading" "translation", etc.... Some of these look
| | like real <author>s, other ones could be classified as
| | <othercredit>s. 

redaction = editor
upgrade means what? revisor?
proofreading and translation are othercredits.

| | Right now, we are hesitating between putting
| | this type of contribution to the document in
| | <affiliation><jobtitle> or in a "role" attribute. None of
| | them is really satisfactory. For example, a <jobtitle> in
| | <affiliation> would rather mean "the usual work this person
| | is doing in this organization" and would be more convenient
| | for things like "programmer" or "editor".


| | A solution would be to enable <email> and <jobtitle>
| | directly at <author> or <othercredit> level.

It would be parallel to the usage of Author and Editor to
add Revisor, Proofreader, and Translator (and certainly
the latter merits an element); else we could add a 
list of values for a new attribute on OtherCredit, which
would be perhaps more flexible.  I don't think that
JobTitle is what you want (unless you want to say that
for purposes of your project the affiliations of the 
contributors are to your project, which is a possible
solution too:  an Author may have multiple Affiliations.

regards, Terry

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