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more index troubles with tex/ps output

---------- cut the below into samples.sgml ---------------
<!doctype book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V3.1//EN" [
<!entity index SYSTEM "index.sgml">


I'm having a terrible time getting index numbers in dvi/ps/pdf output.
When I set the system up last summer it worked, but with the latest
rpms from, it doesn't. This is my test file,
and I build the dvi using these commands:

----- mk --------------

set -x

jade -t sgml -i html $xarg -d ../dsl/cogent-both.dsl\#html samples.sgml

collateindex -g -o index.sgml HTML.index

jade -t tex -d ../dsl/cogent-both.dsl\#print -o samples.tex samples.sgml

jadetex samples.tex
jadetex samples.tex
jadetex samples.tex

Note that I'm running jadetex the magic number of times, the .aux file
has the right page number in it, but always I get a '?' as the page
number in the dvi file.



p.s. I'm using nwalsh-modular 1.44 (since it came with the latest
cygnus rpms) but the same happened with 1.52 (or whatever I downloaded



<chapter id="ref">
<title> Appearance of markup elements. </title>

an index
<indexterm id="ix"><primary>PT_FindCPoint</primary></indexterm>




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