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DAVENPORT: Changing title page contents

According to the Norman Walsh's doc-book stylesheet docs, I should be able
to change what elements are on the title page by setting the variables
book-titlepage-recto-elements and book-titlepage-verso-elements, but if
I set either, my title page disappears completely. Here's what I have:

(define (book-titlepage-recto-elements) 
  (list (normalize "title")(normalize "author")))

(define (book-titlepage-verso-elements) 
  (list (normalize "releaseinfo") 
	(normalize "copyright") 
        (normalize "pubdate") 
        (normalize "revhistory"))) 

I've tried different combinations, variations in syntax, putting the
names in all caps, etc. I don't get any error messages, just no
title page :-(. I've tried setting one (verso vs. recto) and not the
other -- no joy.

If anyone can shed some light, I'd appreciate it.


Steve Greenland | Ellipsys, Inc. |

Imagine if every Thursday your shoes exploded if you tied them the
usual way. This happens to us all the time with computers, and nobody
thinks of complaining.--Jeff Raskin 

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