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DAVENPORT: "Using a Split Document" with Emacs/PSGML


I'm a beginner when it comes to emacs. I've always used vim before.
I have started to use emacs/psgml to write sgml documents.

I need help on "Using a Split Document".
"Using a Split Document" is a very important topic to easily browse 
through big sgml sources.
The problem is that I am not skilled enough to get the 
sgml-parent-document feature of PSGML work, as described at:

So concretely, I have a separate *.sgml file for each chapter 
of a book.
How should I specify psgml which DTD to use, when editing one
of those separate files ?

Here is the main file: memoire.sgml
<!DOCTYPE BOOK PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN" [

<!ENTITY Introduction SYSTEM "introduction.sgml">



Here is a file for a chapter: introduction.sgml

And here is my .emacs file:
; -*- Emacs-Lisp -*-

 '(case-replace nil)
 '(case-fold-search nil)
 '(font-lock-use-default-fonts nil t)
 '(font-lock-use-default-colors t t)
 '(sgml-set-face (quote highlight) t)
 '(sgml-doctype (quote memoire\.sgml) t)
 '(sgml-parent-document (quote memoire\.sgml book chapter chapter) t)
 '(auto-save-default nil)
 '(make-backup-files nil))

I would be grateful if anyone could help me with this.

Best regards,

 Marc-Aurčle DARCHE --, membre fondateur AFUL
 Association Francophone des Utilisateurs de Linux / Logiciels Libres

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 Marc-Aurčle DARCHE --, AFUL founder member
 French-speaking Linux and Free Software Users' Association

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