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DAVENPORT: revision history details

	I want to have fairly detailed information in the revision
	history of a document. Unfortunately, I seem unexpectedly
	constrained by DocBook.

	Ideally what I'd like to do is have a list of some sort
	enumerating the changes.  Unfortunately, the 3.1 DocBook DTD
	does not allow any lists, paragraphs, or any thing like that as
	part of a Revision block. The only thing close is a single
	RevRemark; and that's not enough.

	I really don't want to come up with a DOCTYPE variation.  Is
	there another mechanism for tracking changes I should use or
	must I really delve more deeply into DTDs to create a variant?



	P.S. I don't recall seeing a reference to an archive for this
	     mailing list. Does one exist?

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