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Undefined control sequence.[\FOT{2}\Seq%]

I'm a Linux user interested to learn more about SGML to produce
documentation "in the right way". So I started from DocBook and the
introduction "Get Going With DocBook" of Mark Galassi (BTW -- any other
suggestion will be very appreciated). 

I installed everyting and I'm already able to produce very nice HTML
documets from SGML source. The problem is when I try to produce TEX
files. At the beginning of each tex file created with DocBook I find
this command:


I'm not skilled on TEX language but it seem that also DocBook is not
very well informed about TEX language or 'viceversa'. This is the bad

        ! Undefined control sequence.
        l.1 \FOT

Using Jadetex instead of Latex dont solve the problem,
just it change the look:

        [cisba] ~/lab/sgml $ jadetex myfile.tex
        This is TeX, Version 3.14159 (Web2C 7.2)
        JadeTeX 1998/10/12: 2.3
        ! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [pool size=14318].
        l.1513 \def\
                    Entsmallfrown{\ensuremath{\smallfrown}}% E426
        No pages of output.
        Transcript written on myfile.log.

I already checked Tex configuration and it work very fine also with big
documents, so i think the problem is still on DocBook-Jade-TeXFOTBuilder

Anyone can help me to solve this puzzle?
Thanks in advance for any suggestion
and sorry if the question is not very cool...


 Emanuele Cisbani
 ICQ: 9145941                 +39.0348.5115925

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