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Re: [docbook-apps] xmlto, further down the road

On Tue, Jan 06, 2004 at 09:11:12PM -0700, Steve Whitlatch wrote:

> I don't have xmlto working properly yet. The same error 
> occurs with "xmlto pdf xmlto.xml", 
> "xmlto ps xmlto.xml", and "xmlto dvi xmlto.xml" 

All of these error messages seem to be inside TeX, so I would suggest
eliminating xmlto as a culprit as follows:

xmlto fo xmlto.xml # to get the XSLT processing step done
xmltex    # to convert to DVI

The second step will be the one that fails, from the look of things,
and it suggests to me that there is something not set up right with
your TeX installation.  Need some texmf.cnf changes perhaps?


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