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Re: Catalogs, URIResolver, and Java 1.4.x

Norman Walsh wrote:

> I banged my head *way* to long before a colleague pointed me to:

I'm not sure if my English is good enough to understand this sentence,
but if you wasn't able to get Xalan and XML resolver working under Java
1.4.1 I know that feeling *VERY EXACTLY*. I spent several hours trying
even impossible combinations of classpath and -Djava.endorsed.dirs. One
time I even forced Xalan to emit message that he is missing some class
from Saxon (but there wasn't any Saxon JAR in classpath at that time).

I don't understand why Sun is shipping Java with Xalan and not with
Saxon. From my experience Saxon is faster, had fewer bugs in recent
history and has more features. Yes there is XSLTC compiler in Xalan,
which may be usefull for speeding-up some simple transformations. But
everytime someone reports bug related to HTML Help stylesheet and Xalan
I feal big fear because I must get latest Xalan working. But now I'm
hero because I had latest Xalan working with XML catalog support. WoW!

Sorry for OT.


  Jirka Kosek  	                     

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