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Re: need help with Passivetex errors

>>>>> "GG" == Giuseppe Greco <> writes:

GG> Alex, Thanks for your suggestion.

GG> I've installed PassiveTex 1.18, and I'm now able to generate PDF
GG> files, but... the generated PDF files have problems with
GG> tables. That is, table are redered as following:

GG> |text 
GG> |text 
GG> |text
GG> |text

GG> ...instead of

| text | text |
| text | text |

GG> Note that I have also downloaded the latest version of Bob's
GG> fotex.sty and fotex.xmt.

This may not be the problem, but PassiveTeX doesn't yet understand
relative column widths, so you will probably need to specify
absolution column widths (e.g. <colspec colwidth="2cm"/>) <tgroup> in
either <informaltable> or <table>.  

You might want to post a short test DocBook XML document (just an
article containing a table) that reproduces the problem.

GG> I'm using xsl-stylesheets 1.54.1.

  Alex Lancaster | Free Software Developer:,

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