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website 2

I'm having a problem with the directory structure in website.

layout file
   <toc page="root.xml" dir="svg" filename="index.html">
     <tocentry page="script.xml" dir="script" filename="script.html" 
       <tocentry page="animate.xml" filename="animate.html" />
     <tocentry page="authoring.xml" dir="authoring" 
filename="authoring.html" tocskip="0">
       <tocentry page="generation.xml" filename="generation.html" />
     <tocentry page="accessibility.xml" dir="accessibility" 
filename="accessibility.html" tocskip="0">


from this I'm hoping for
    ./svg/authoring/generation.html     *****

The outcome of running autolayout.xsl on this,
then website on that output has 'most' of it right,
except that the **** file, whilst being created in the right place,
in file authoring.html, the link to it (via a webtoc) is to

<a href="../../../../svg/authoring/generation.html">Generating SVG </a>

I.e. the link is to

I *suspect* (since its the only variant on a them I've used before)
that the use of the dir attribute on toc may be connected, but I'm not sure.

What's wierd is that animate.html is correctly placed, and linked to correctly
from script.html.

Any hints appreciated,
Regards DaveP


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