1.5.24-2 continues "Re: 1.5.20: Occasional crash at address 0x6100365f (cygthread::stub() in cygthread.cc)"

Phil Edwards phil.m.edwards@gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 21:29:00 GMT 2007

Super short version:  the problem explored in
http://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2006-07/subjects.html#00239 (fractured replies)
continues in 1.5.24.

Details:  cygcheck output is below.  I could reliably get 1 to 4
popups occurring during a long sequence of several short sh
invocations such as "make install" at the end of a gcc build.  My
sh.exe is a copy of bash.

I have set CYGWIN to include "error_start:c:/cygwin/bin/gdb.exe" as
mentioned in the above thread, but the popups have not appeared since.

The calling process (e.g., the "make install") doesn't seem to notice
or care about the "crash", and the work of the shell is completed by
the time it crashes.  So it's not really affecting workflow much,
other than tedious clicking on the okay button.
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