problem building tcl/tk 8.0.3 using egcs-1.1.2/msvcrt40

Paul Thiessen
Tue May 4 07:10:00 GMT 1999

Hi. I'm using Mumit Khan's mingw32/egcs-1.1.2 with his msvcrt40-runtime
stuff installed. I'm trying to build tcl 8.0.3, with source patches again
provided by Mr. Khan, which compiles fine w/o the msvcrt40 update. I have
a couple of questions:

1) What's the advantage of using msvcrt? Should I bother with Q #2, or
is it not worth it?

2) When I do the compile (using the provided Makefile.gnu), dllwrap gives
me errors of the sort:

./tclEnv.o(.text+0x365):tclEnv.c: undefined reference to
./tclWinTime.o(.text+0x21):tclWinTime.c: undefined reference to
./tclWinTime.o(.text+0x4ad):tclWinTime.c: undefined reference to

Again, I have changed nothing from the working compile - haven't touched
the tcl tree at all, but only unpacked the
file into my egcs tree, removed the old tcl*.dll, and re-ran make.
  Is there some way to fix this? I'm not nearly expert enough to track
down just where these symbols are coming from, but if someone could give
me some brief advice, perhaps I'll attempt it in order to better learn
how all this works - I'm new to mingw32 and the whole process of building
DLL's, so this might be educational... :) I'd just like to know where to
start looking.


 - Paul

  Paul A.   |      |  Johns Hopkins
 Thiessen   |  |   University

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