Cygport: How can I ignore duplicated files in packages

Jon Turney
Thu Sep 15 17:45:43 GMT 2022

On 13/09/2022 11:46, Hamish McIntyre-Bhatty wrote:
> Hi there,
> Today I'm attempting to update my python-imaging package, but I'm now 
> finding that cygport has made the warning about duplicated files an error.

I don't think that cygport's handling of duplicated files has changed.

That's not to say that cygport hasn't changed in some way which has 
broken things.

> The source is at:
> Files are duplicated in these packages because there are .py files for 
> each python release in /usr/lib/python3.*.

I'm not able to reproduce this problem.

Can you give a specific filename, check that it actually was present in 
multiple packages previously, and explain why it needs to be duplicated?

> This doesn't seem to actually break package creation, but I'd like to 
> get this reproducing correctly in scallywag, which I think will flag as 
> failed because of this error.

I'm not sure if what you are saying here.  Is this an error or a warning?

scallywag doesn't do any additional checking beyond that which cygport does.

> I'm not sure whether this indicates that I'm packaging things the wrong 
> way. If so, I'd be happy to learn how to improve my packages.

In general, duplicated files are a bad idea, and we shouldn't allow them.

(although we don't currently have anything which checks for them in e.g. 
setup, so they can unfortunately occur between packages which aren't 
generated by the same cygport)

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