[PATCH] Setup.exe: Nicer local package dir browser.

Dave Korn dave.korn.cygwin@googlemail.com
Wed Nov 4 17:32:00 GMT 2009

    Are we having fun yet?

  This patch makes the local package dir browsing experience nicer.  (It also
rolls up the previous patch about fixing the localdir option, sorry for being
lazy; just ignore that very first hunk for the moment.  I could have manually
chopped it out but then the line numbers would have been off-by-two and I
could have manually fixed the line numbers but basically I don't like
falsifying patches because nasty surprises can result!  Chopping off the top
hunk - or several - of a patch on its own, as I did to generate the other
patch, is as far as I'm comfortable with post-editing diffs.)

  To do this, it adds a couple of style flags that cause the common controls
directory browser dialog to adopt the newer styles available on all 2k and
later OSs, and a browser callback hook in support.  I believe on NT it will
just harmlessly fall back to the old-style dialog, but hope someone can check
for me.

  It also resolves the what-to-do-when-the-directory-doesn't-exist problem
slightly differently.  I didn't want to just automatically create the
directory, because I think one of the very common reasons for a directory that
someone has typed into a textbox not to exist is that they typed it wrong, so
I wanted to implement a dialog to offer them the choice of creating it or not.
 This dialog can also be conveniently reused from within the browser, where
there's also an editbox to type directory names.

	* localdir.cc (offer_to_create): New function.
	(browse_cb): Use it to optionally create a directory if the name
	entered in the textbox fails validation.
	(browse): Add new dialog style flags and validated editbox.
	(LocalDirPage::OnNext): Don't automatically create local package
	dir if it doesn't already exist; offer to instead.
	* resource.h (IDS_MAYBE_MKDIR): Define new string resource ID.
	* res.rc (IDS_MAYBE_MKDIR): Define new string resource text.

  Overall I think this is a much more friendly user experience.  OK for head?

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