[ITP] aview 1.3.0rc1 -- A high quality ASCII art image viewer and video player

Jari Aalto (Cygwin-bug#20080306T2252) jari.aalto@cante.net
Thu Mar 6 22:55:00 GMT 2008

Included in Debian stable:



sdesc: "A high quality ASCII art image viewer and video player"
ldesc: "Program is especially useful with a text-based browser such as lynx,
links or w3m.It supports the pnm, pgm, pbm and ppm image formats, as
well as the FLI and FLC video formats. It also supports output via
stdio, (n)curses and slang and even has support for gpm."
category: Graphics X11
requires: cygwin bash libaa1 libncurses8 xorg-x11-bin-dlls

a) manual

  mkdir aview
  cd aview
  wget        \
    http://cygwin.cante.net/aview/aview-1.3.0rc1-1-src.tar.bz2 \
    http://cygwin.cante.net/aview/aview-1.3.0rc1-1.tar.bz2 \
    http://cygwin.cante.net/aview/setup.hint \
  tar -xf aview-1.3.0rc1-1-src.tar.bz2
  ./aview*.sh --color all

b) automated

  gpg --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-keys 955A92D8

  mkdir aview ; cd aview
  rm -f get.sh get.sh.sig
  wget    http://cygwin.cante.net/aview/get.sh \
          http://cygwin.cante.net/aview/get.sh.sig &&
  gpg --verify get.sh.sig get.sh &&
  sh get.sh

  cd /usr/src/cygwin-packages/aview
  less /usr/src/cygwin-packages/aview/get.sh
  tar -jtvf /usr/src/cygwin-packages/aview/aview-1.3.0rc1-1.tar.bz2

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