How do you find a configuration that builds?

Wed Aug 15 15:46:00 GMT 2012

Grant, All,

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On Wednesday 15 August 2012 04:47:12 Grant Edwards wrote:
> How does one find a combination of versions that builds?

Well, at least all the bundled samples do build:

  ct-ng list-samples
  ct-ng [sample-name]
  ct-ng build

  ct-ng arm-cortex_a15-linux-gnueabi

> Is it just
> days of trail and error until you stumble across a usable combination
> of recent versions?

Well, that's part of the game, yes. First, start with sdome known combo
from the samples, and switch one component at a time.

> My builos always seem to fail building uClibc (invalid .size directive
> for _init _fini), or building the final compiler's libgcc (missing
> pthread.h file).
> The .size directive thing seems to be solved by dropping back from
> binutils 0.21 to to binutils 0.20, even though 0.21 worked using ct-ng
> 1.12.

You mean, binutils _2_.XX, not _0_.XX ?

> I haven't figured out what's causing the "missing pthread.h" error:
> all uClibc versions/configurations I've tried newer than 0.9.30 seem
> to have that problem.
> Is anybody else able to build recent uClibc versions?  With what versions
> of gcc and/or binutils?

I'm sucessfully using uClibc- with NPTL and gcc-4.7.1 targeting
a i686.

I'll test for an ARM target shortly and report.

Yann E. MORIN.

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