I'm trying to get crosstool-ng ported to gentoo

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998@anciens.enib.fr
Fri Jan 15 21:16:00 GMT 2010


(next time, please CC; the crossgcc ML.)

On Friday 15 January 2010 13:56:04 basile wrote:
> I find your crosstool-ng useful

Thank you!

> and would like to get it ported to gentoo.

That would be nice! I'm glad someone takes the burden to package it! :-)

> Here's the reference for the gentoo port ->
> 	http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=258396

OK, I've had a look...

> Notice that I had to create a patch because of the way your configure
> script works.  I'm not sure how you generated it, but it doesn't look
> like it came from a configure.ac via autoconf.

configure was written by hand, I can't stand the auto-stuff any more.

> As a result, it doesn't 
> accept some standard configure options that are used by the packaging
> system in gentoo and perhaps other distros.  Would you consider
> modifications of your build to bring it better in line?  I'd be willing
> to write that code.

>From what I read in the above bug report, you are only missing --build and
--host. That would be quite acceptable to recognise those two (as you said,
they are quite standard). We should just silently accept them. I am not
really happy with the fix you proposed, because I do want to catch unknown
options, rather than skip over them, in case the user made a mistake.

Something like:
  --build)      shift;; # Skip, auto-stuff compatibility
  --host)       shift;; # Ditto.
  --whatever)   shift;; # Ditto.

I'd be happy to apply a patch in this direction, if you want to submit it!
Please, be sure to read docs/overview.txt, there's an explanation on how to
properly submit patches.

Yann E. MORIN.

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