GCC 4.3.4/290-index_macro.patch also needed for 4.4.x in crosstool-NG

Yann E. MORIN yann.morin.1998@anciens.enib.fr
Fri Jan 1 15:20:00 GMT 2010

Joachim, All,

On Friday 01 January 2010 16:14:21 Joachim Nilsson wrote:
> It seems I need to add the 4.3.4/290-index_macro.patch to the GCC 4.4.x 
> series as well.  I immediately trigger the following libstdc++ bug for 
> 4.4.2 with a uClibc .config which has UCLIBC_SUSV3_LEGACY_MACROS set[1].
>      http://lists.busybox.net/pipermail/uclibc/2006-April/035991.html

OK, will do. Thanks.
Do you mean that you managed to overcome the previous issues as well?

> Btw. the armeb-unknown-linux-uclibc* samples have CONFIG_ARM_OABI=y and 
> CONFIG_ARM_EABI is not set in their uClibc- I don't know 
> if it matters, but I found it a bit peculiar.

It should not matter, as the uClibc build script in crosstool-NG mangles
the .config file with appropriate values depending on the configuration,
and EABI/OABI is such a config knob that gets mangled, look at:

BTW, this code is plain wrong when ARCH != arm. Will fix.

Yann E. MORIN.

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