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Re: Wrong header file taskstats.h

Yann E. MORIN a écrit :
Hello Hichem!
Hello All!

On Tuesday 19 May 2009 10:25:54 Hichem Boussetta wrote:
getdelays.c:215: error: 'struct taskstats' has no member named
getdelays.c:216: error: 'struct taskstats' has no member named

Those two fields were added between 2.6.26 and 2.6.27.

When I compared between the taskstats.h of my cross toolchain and that
of my native toolchain, I saw that effectively in the former the two
fields "freepages_count" and "freepages_delay_total" are missing (it is
the same for all crosstool-ng's toolchains). I am wondering if this
happens only for certain versions of glibc or uclibc or if I am missing
Does someone know how to how to fix this problem ?

Paths and misc options ---> [*] Debug crosstool-NG [*] Pause between every steps

And step until the kernel heade'rs are installed. Then check the taskstats.h
file in the sysroot if it gets those fields. Then step past the glibc/uclibc
headers install step, and re-check the taskstats.h in the sysroot.

If the headers installed a bad version; then you'll know who the culprit

If the kernel installed a correct version, but the one after C library
headers is wrong, then you'll know who the culprit is :-)

Yann E. MORIN.

Thanks for replying Yann,

In fact, I doubted a little bit that the linux kernel has its own version of taskstats.h, but I didn't know how to check that.
Now that you gave the solution, I will check it out ;-)


Elève ingénieur
Ecole Polytechnique de Tunisie

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