extending crosstool to allow simultaneous executions

Robert P. J. Day rpjday@mindspring.com
Thu Dec 2 10:02:00 GMT 2004

  is it reasonable to extend crosstool slightly to allow simultaneous
invocations if you're using the same TARGET and TOOLCOMBO, but just
want to change something trivial -- say, some CONFIG flags?

  as an example (and something i'm going to post on shortly), i might
want to start two simultaneous runs building a chain for SH3, but one
for big-endian and one for little-endian.  at the moment, i can't do
that since the script "all.sh" has, hardcoded, the lines:


which won't distinguish between any build config flags and the two
runs will end up clobbering each other since they'll be using the same
build directory.  same thing with the output results directory --
they'll step on each other there as well.

  i had just this problem with a small group of developers who wanted
to generate executable images and put them all into /tftpboot, but the
build process as it was written always created the final result with
the same name.  i just added an "ID" variable to the build that the
developer could set to whatever he wanted, and that ID was used for
things like output names, temp dir names, and so on, and allowed all
of the developers to distinguish, not just amongst themselves, but
among their own simultaneous builds.

  they could set ID to whatever they wanted -- their name, a date
string, some meaningful label ("bigendian" vs "littleendian", say),
and so on.  and there would be no conflict.



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