i386-coff linker problems

David Korn dkorn@pixelpower.com
Tue Aug 14 03:58:00 GMT 2001

>>   Did you also remember to use the same --prefix=/bar when 
>you configured
>> newlib ?
>>              DaveK
>ok i tried once again:
>rm -r newlib-1.9.0
>tar xfz newlib-1.9.0.tar.gz
>cd build_newlib
>rm -r *
>../newlib-1.9.0/configure --target=i386-coff --prefix=/bar
>make all install
>cd ../build_gcc
>make all install
>all ok
>newlib built the libc.a and libg.a just fine
>perhaps i forgot some ENVIRONMENT for compiling with the new 
>in which library is the crt0.o built in?

  crt0.o should be a separate file that is built in newlib and gets
installed into /bar/lib/gcc-lib/i386-coff/2.95.3.  Check if it is there
or not.

>is make all install sufficient with newlib?

  It should be, but maybe something went wrong in the install.  Please
check to see if there is crt0.o anywhere in the build_newlib dir, and
take a look at the output during the install stage of "make all install"
to see if it got copied anywhere at all and where it went if it did.

>how can i ensure i386-coff-gcc uses the libc.a in the /bar/i386-coff 

  That should be already happening automatically, because you used the
same --prefix setting for both of them.

> # ./i386-coff-gcc bla.c

Try this command from your first message again, add the '-v' flag so that
we can see all the commands it executes and the directories it checks.

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