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Problems building cross compiler for MIPS on a Sun Sparc.

I am trying to build a cross gcc for an Algorithmics P-4032 single board
computer with a MIPS R4000 CPU. I'm attempting this on a Sun-Sparc-Solaris2

The version of binutil is 2.8.1 and the version of gcc is also 2.8.1. I follow
the texinfo file on Using and Porting GNU CC and have done the following

1. Configured and built binutils (see history list items 11-17 below)

   - Binutils builds ok (so far as I know) and installs ok (also as far as I

2. Configured gcc (see history list items 20-24 below)

   - However, with the configuration for GCC (item 21) the compilation
     of GCC ends with an error while building libgcc2.a. It seems that
     inappropriate flags have been passed to as. 

Have anybody encountered the same problem? What did you do to get around it?


Kristina Lundqvist              | Email:     
Uppsala University              | URL:  
Department of Computer Systems  | Telephone work:         +46-18-4713175
Box 325, S-751 05 UPPSALA       | Telephone home:         +46-18- 551871
Sweden                          | Fax:                    +46-18- 550225

History List

25% history
11	cd mana/gcc-mips/binutils-2.8.1
12	ls
13	./configure --prefix=${HOME}/mana/gcc-mips/attempt1 --enable-targets=sun4,mips-unknown-elf --build=sparc-sun-solaris2 --host=sparc-sun-solaris2
14	make
15	echo $PATH
16	setenv PATH ${PATH}:/home/fenix2/docs/stinal/mana/texinfo-3.8/makeinfo
17	make install
18	cd ..
19	ls
20	cd gcc-2.8.1
21	./configure --prefix=${HOME}/mana/gcc-mips/attempt1 --target=mips-unknown-elf --with-elf --build=sparc-sun-solaris2 --host=sparc-sun-solaris2 --with-gnu-as --with-gnu-ld
22	cp ../attempt1/bin/as .
23	cp ../attempt1/bin/ld .
24	make LANGUAGES=c CFLAGS="-O2"
25	history

The compilation crashes during the build of libgcc2.a with the following
message ...

<listing truncated>
rm -f tmplibgcc2.a
for name in _muldi3 _divdi3 _moddi3 _udivdi3 _umoddi3 _negdi2 _lshrdi3 _ashldi3 _ashrdi3 _ffsdi2 _udiv_w_sdiv _udivmoddi4 _cmpdi2 _ucmpdi2 _floatdidf _floatdisf _fixunsdfsi _fixunssfsi _fixunsdfdi _fixdfdi _fixunssfdi _fixsfdi _fixxfdi _fixunsxfdi _floatdixf _fixunsxfsi _fixtfdi _fixunstfdi _floatditf __gcc_bcmp _varargs __dummy _eprintf _op_new _op_vnew _new_handler _op_delete _op_vdel _bb _shtab _clear_cache _trampoline __main _exit _ctors _eh _eh_compat _pure; \
do \
  echo ${name}; \
  ./xgcc -B./ -O2  -DCROSS_COMPILE -DIN_GCC  -DSVR4  -O2 -I./include  -G 0 -g1 -DIN_LIBGCC2 -D__GCC_FLOAT_NOT_NEEDED -fexceptions  -I. -I. -I./config -c -DL${name} \
      ./libgcc2.c -o ${name}.o; \
  if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then true; else exit 1; fi; \
  /home/fenix2/docs/stinal/mana/gcc-mips/attempt1/mips-unknown-elf/bin/ar rc tmplibgcc2.a ${name}.o; \
  rm -f ${name}.o; \
./as: unrecognized option `-G'
make[2]: *** [libgcc2.a] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/home/fenix2/docs/stinal/mana/gcc-mips/gcc-2.8.1'
make[1]: *** [stmp-multilib-sub] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/fenix2/docs/stinal/mana/gcc-mips/gcc-2.8.1'
make: *** [stmp-multilib] Error 1