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optimal encoding of SIMD insns


one more sub-optimal thing I've come across, int the context of my
analysis of whether Vec_Disp8 really is fully redundant with
DispMemShift: Certain instructions, for example

	vaddps	xmm0, xmm0, [eax+0x80]

are encodable with both VEX and EVEX. Generally the assembler
tries to pick the shortest encoding. Obviously the VEX encoding,
due to requiring the Disp32 ModR/M form, is longer than the
EVEX one in the specific example above. Clearly such a
conversion can't be done unilaterally, as that could break code
assuming to be run on AVX-512-incapable hardware. However,
does anything speak against doing so after having seen a
command line option or directive explicitly enabling AVX-512
insns? Or should this instead be made even more explicit, by
introducing something paralleling the automatic SSE->AVX


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