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Update more tests for objdump change

	* testsuite/ld-i386/pr19636-1d-nacl.d: Adjust for objdump change.
	* testsuite/ld-i386/pr19636-2c-nacl.d: Likewise.
	* testsuite/ld-tic6x/shlib-1r.dd: Likewise.
	* testsuite/ld-x86-64/plt-nacl.pd: Likewise.
	* testsuite/ld-x86-64/pr19636-2d-nacl.d: Likewise.

diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-i386/pr19636-1d-nacl.d b/ld/testsuite/ld-i386/pr19636-1d-nacl.d
index 489eab6..27797d6 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-i386/pr19636-1d-nacl.d
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-i386/pr19636-1d-nacl.d
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Disassembly of section .plt:
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	90                   	nop
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	90                   	nop
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	68 00 00 00 00       	push   \$0x0
-[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	e9 00 00 00 00       	jmp    6a <_start-0x16>
+[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	e9 00 00 00 00       	jmp    6a <\.plt\+0x6a>
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	90                   	nop
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	90                   	nop
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	90                   	nop
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-i386/pr19636-2c-nacl.d b/ld/testsuite/ld-i386/pr19636-2c-nacl.d
index 7a6cce1..de52ec5 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-i386/pr19636-2c-nacl.d
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-i386/pr19636-2c-nacl.d
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ Disassembly of section .plt:
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	90                   	nop
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	90                   	nop
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	68 00 00 00 00       	push   \$0x0
-[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	e9 00 00 00 00       	jmp    6a <_start-0x16>
+[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	e9 00 00 00 00       	jmp    6a <\.plt\+0x6a>
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	90                   	nop
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	90                   	nop
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	90                   	nop
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-tic6x/shlib-1r.dd b/ld/testsuite/ld-tic6x/shlib-1r.dd
index e20eb74..b9934b5 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-tic6x/shlib-1r.dd
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-tic6x/shlib-1r.dd
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ tmpdir/libtestr\.so:     file format elf32-tic6x-le
 Disassembly of section \.plt:
-10000020 <sub0@plt-0x18>:
+10000020 <\.plt>:
 10000020:[ \t]*0100036e[ \t]*ldw \.D2T2 \*\+b14\(12\),b2
 10000024:[ \t]*0080046e[ \t]*ldw \.D2T2 \*\+b14\(16\),b1
 10000028:[ \t]*00004000[ \t]*nop 3
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/plt-nacl.pd b/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/plt-nacl.pd
index e0ff471..9f572fd 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/plt-nacl.pd
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/plt-nacl.pd
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Disassembly of section .plt:
  +[0-9a-f]+:	66 90                	xchg   %ax,%ax
 [0-9a-f]+ <fn1@plt>:
- +[0-9a-f]+:	4c 8b 1d ([0-9a-f]{2} ){4} *	mov    0x[0-9a-f]+\(%rip\),%r11 +# [0-9a-f]+ <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_\+0x18>
+ +[0-9a-f]+:	4c 8b 1d ([0-9a-f]{2} ){4} *	mov    0x[0-9a-f]+\(%rip\),%r11 +# [0-9a-f]+ <fn1>
  +[0-9a-f]+:	41 83 e3 e0          	and    \$0xffffffe0,%r11d
  +[0-9a-f]+:	4d 01 fb             	add    %r15,%r11
  +[0-9a-f]+:	41 ff e3             	jmpq   \*%r11
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ Disassembly of section .plt:
  +[0-9a-f]+:	0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 	nopl   0x0\(%rax\)
 [0-9a-f]+ <fn2@plt>:
- +[0-9a-f]+:	4c 8b 1d ([0-9a-f]{2} ){4} *	mov    0x[0-9a-f]+\(%rip\),%r11 +# [0-9a-f]+ <_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_\+0x20>
+ +[0-9a-f]+:	4c 8b 1d ([0-9a-f]{2} ){4} *	mov    0x[0-9a-f]+\(%rip\),%r11 +# [0-9a-f]+ <fn2>
  +[0-9a-f]+:	41 83 e3 e0          	and    \$0xffffffe0,%r11d
  +[0-9a-f]+:	4d 01 fb             	add    %r15,%r11
  +[0-9a-f]+:	41 ff e3             	jmpq   \*%r11
diff --git a/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/pr19636-2d-nacl.d b/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/pr19636-2d-nacl.d
index 67851a6..1bdbd8c 100644
--- a/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/pr19636-2d-nacl.d
+++ b/ld/testsuite/ld-x86-64/pr19636-2d-nacl.d
@@ -25,13 +25,13 @@ Disassembly of section .plt:
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	41 ff e3             	jmpq   \*%r11
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	66 66 66 66 66 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 	data16 data16 data16 data16 data16 nopw %cs:0x0\(%rax,%rax,1\)
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	68 00 00 00 00       	pushq  \$0x0
-[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	e9 00 00 00 00       	jmpq   6a <_start-0x16>
+[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	e9 00 00 00 00       	jmpq   6a <\.plt\+0x6a>
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	66 66 66 66 66 66 2e 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 	data16 data16 data16 data16 data16 nopw %cs:0x0\(%rax,%rax,1\)
 [ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	0f 1f 80 00 00 00 00 	nopl   0x0\(%rax\)
 Disassembly of section .text:
 0+80 <_start>:
-[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	48 3b 05 a9 01 01 10 	cmp    0x100101a9\(%rip\),%rax        # 10010230 <_DYNAMIC\+0xe0>
-[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	ff 25 ab 01 01 10    	jmpq   \*0x100101ab\(%rip\)        # 10010238 <_DYNAMIC\+0xe8>
-[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	e8 ae ff ff ff       	callq  40 <_start-0x40>
+[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	48 3b 05 a9 01 01 10 	cmp    0x100101a9\(%rip\),%rax        # 10010230 <\.got>
+[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	ff 25 ab 01 01 10    	jmpq   \*0x100101ab\(%rip\)        # 10010238 <\.got\+0x8>
+[ 	]*[a-f0-9]+:	e8 ae ff ff ff       	callq  40 <\.plt\+0x40>

Alan Modra
Australia Development Lab, IBM

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