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Mips target in gold - revision 3 - part 2

Hi Cary,

Attached is the second part of the patch that implements Mips target in gold. This part contains second part of the file.

> >             // In some cases GCC dead code elimination removes the LO16 but
> >             // keeps the corresponding HI16.  This is strictly speaking a
> >             // violation of the ABI but not immediately harmful.
> If I understand the code correctly, in this case the HI16 reloc
> will remain on the got16_addends_ list forever. Is there a point
> where you know it's safe to remove it? Can you clear the list
> at the end of each section?

If LO16 is removed by GCC, than HI16 reloc is paired with the next found LO16
reloc (this means that two or more HI16 reloc will be paired with a single LO16 reloc).
This is what GNU ld does - it always tries to find LO16 reloc for HI16 reloc, and if it
can't find it, error is reported.

When trying to find LO16 reloc, GNU ld examines next relocations in the section until
it finds it, or reports an error.  I implemented it differently in Gold - when HI16 or GOT16
reloc is found, it is recorded in the got16_addends_ list, and the normal scaning of
relocations continues.  Then when the LO16 reloc is found, the got16_addends_ list is
examined and all pending matching HI16 and GOT16 relocs are removed.  The error when
HI16 or GOT16 reloc doesn't have the LO16 part is detected by checking whether the
section of the pending HI16 or GOT16 relocation is different from the section of the current
LO16 relocation. The check whether the final section that is scanned has HI16 or GOT16
without the LO16 part is in the do_finalize_sections method - I just check whether the
got16_addends_ list is empty - if it isn't, error is reported. 

> >   //gold_assert(static_cast<section_size_type>(pov - oview) == oview_size);
> Was this commented out while debugging? If you can't leave it
> enabled, please add a TODO noting what the problem is. At the
> least, you should make sure you didn't overrun the oview, and if
> you underran it, you should fill with zeroes.

I enabled it again.

> >   typename std::list<got16_addend<size, big_endian> > got16_addends_;
> Do you realy want to use a linked list here? Wouldn't a
> vector be better?

I used std::list because erase is called on it.

> >       layout->add_output_section_data(".got", elfcpp::SHT_PROGBITS,
> >                                       (elfcpp::SHF_ALLOC | elfcpp::SHF_WRITE |
> >                                       elfcpp::SHF_MIPS_GPREL),
> >                                       this->got_, ORDER_DATA, false);
> > ...
> >       // If there is no .got section, gp should be based on .sdata.
> >       // TODO(sasa): If there are both .got and .sdata sections, they must be
> >       // together, with .got comming first.
> If you want .got and .sdata together, shouldn't you define .got
> with ORDER_SMALL_DATA? (To guarantee that it precedes .sdata, you
> may need to add ORDER_SMALL_DATA_FIRST to layout.h.)

I removed this TODO and added a new TODO to check whether .sdata is accessed
using gp-relative addressing.  This was the case for older MIPS architectures
which accessed both .got and .sdata section using gp-relative addressing (so that
items from the .sdata were read/written using just one instruction instead of
two).  But I think that modern Mips Linux ELF architectures don't access .sdata
using gp-relative addressing.  So the code that initializes gp to point on
.sdata if there is no .got will probably be removed in the future.

> >   //   big-endian file, the result is the same; in a little-endian
> >   //   file, the two 16-bit halves of the 32 bit value are swapped.>
> Do you mean that the bytes within each are swapped, but the
> 16-bit words are stored in order, or that the 16-bit words are
> swapped (i.e., the second written before the first)? I'm guessing
> that you mean that the byte-swapping takes place within each
> 16-bit word, and the order of the two words is unaffected.

Yes. On MIPS16 and microMIPS (whose instruction sets have both 16-bit and 32-bit
instructions) [31:16] part of the instruction is always stored first, and [15:0] is stored after;
bytes within each 16-bit word are swapped based on endianess.

> >   //   To put it in MIPS ABI terms, the relocation field is T-targ26-16,
> >   //   defined as
> >   //
> >   //   big-endian:
> >   //   +-------- +----------------------+
> >   //   |           |                       |
> >   //   |           |    targ26-16      |
> >   //   |31    26|25                   0|
> >   //   +-------- +----------------------+
> >   //
> >   //   little-endian:
> >   //   +----------+------+-------------+
> >   //   |            |        |                |
> >   //   |  sub1   |        |     sub2    |
> >   //   |0        9|10  15|16         31|
> >   //   +----------+--------------------+
> >   //   where targ26-16 is sub1 followed by sub2 (i.e., the addend field A is
> >   //   ((sub1 << 16) | sub2)).
> I can't figure out what this diagram is saying. In particular,
> why are the bits numbered right-to-left for big endian and
> left-to-right for little endian? Most processors I'm familiar
> with use the same bit numbering convention for both big- and
> little-endian, but I certainly wouldn't expect to see this.

That whole comment (and many others) is copied from the GNU ld (file bfd/elfxx-mips.c).
32-bit JAL and JALX instructions on MIPS16 have the format

   |     JALX   | X|   Imm 20:16  |   Imm 25:21  |
   |                Immediate  15:0                       |

First row represents the bits [31:16], second row represents the bits [15:0]. Note that two
5-bit immediates in the first word are swapped.

When producing a relocatable object file (either by gas or by giving -r option to linker),
JAL(X) MIPS16 instruction is stored like its MIPS32 equivalent:

   |     JAL(X) |           Immediate 25:0        |

So basically, 3 immediates are first reordered into full 26-bit target of the JAL instruction,
and then the instruction is stored as two 16-bit parts (like all the other 32-bit instructions on
MIPS16 and microMIPS). This means that in the little-endian picture from your question,
sub1 represents Imm[25:16] and sub2 represents Imm[15:0] (I agree that bit numbering on
the little-endian picture is confusing).

Note that this only applies for relocatable files. For final link, the JAL(X) instruction is stored
based on the instruction format (with bits [31:16] always stored first). MIPS16 JAL(X) instruction
is the only instruction whose layout differs in relocatable and executable files.

diff --git a/gold/ b/gold/
index 1a8e0db..c344096 100644
--- a/gold/
+++ b/gold/
@@ -5227,3 +5227,5231 @@ Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>::count_got_symbols(Symbol_table* symtab)
+// Return the offset of GOT page entry for VALUE.  Initialize the entry with
+// VALUE if it is not initialized.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+unsigned int
+Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>::get_got_page_offset(Mips_address value,
+    Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>* got)
+  typename Got_page_offsets::iterator it = this->got_page_offsets_.find(value);
+  if (it != this->got_page_offsets_.end())
+    return it->second;
+  gold_assert(this->got_page_offset_next_ < this->got_page_offset_start_
+              + (size/8) * this->page_gotno_);
+  unsigned int got_offset = this->got_page_offset_next_;
+  this->got_page_offsets_[value] = got_offset;
+  this->got_page_offset_next_ += size/8;
+  got->update_got_entry(got_offset, value);
+  return got_offset;
+// Remove lazy-binding stubs for global symbols in this GOT.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>::remove_lazy_stubs(
+    Target_mips<size, big_endian>* target)
+  for (typename Got_entry_set::iterator
+       p = this->got_entries_.begin();
+       p != this->got_entries_.end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Mips_got_entry<size, big_endian>* entry = *p;
+      if (entry->is_for_global_symbol())
+        target->remove_lazy_stub_entry(entry->sym());
+    }
+// Count the number of GOT entries required.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>::count_got_entries()
+  for (typename Got_entry_set::iterator
+       p = this->got_entries_.begin();
+       p != this->got_entries_.end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      this->count_got_entry(*p);
+    }
+// Count the number of GOT entries required by ENTRY.  Accumulate the result.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>::count_got_entry(
+    Mips_got_entry<size, big_endian>* entry)
+  if (entry->is_tls_entry())
+    this->tls_gotno_ += mips_tls_got_entries(entry->tls_type());
+  else if (entry->is_for_local_symbol()
+           || entry->sym()->global_got_area() == GGA_NONE)
+    ++this->local_gotno_;
+  else
+    ++this->global_gotno_;
+// Add FROM's GOT entries.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>::add_got_entries(
+    Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>* from)
+  for (typename Got_entry_set::iterator
+       p = from->got_entries_.begin();
+       p != from->got_entries_.end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Mips_got_entry<size, big_endian>* entry = *p;
+      if (this->got_entries_.find(entry) == this->got_entries_.end())
+        {
+          Mips_got_entry<size, big_endian>* entry2 =
+            new Mips_got_entry<size, big_endian>(*entry);
+          this->got_entries_.insert(entry2);
+          this->count_got_entry(entry);
+        }
+    }
+// Add FROM's GOT page entries.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>::add_got_page_entries(
+    Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>* from)
+  for (typename Got_page_entry_set::iterator
+       p = from->got_page_entries_.begin();
+       p != from->got_page_entries_.end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Got_page_entry* entry = *p;
+      if (this->got_page_entries_.find(entry) == this->got_page_entries_.end())
+        {
+          Got_page_entry* entry2 = new Got_page_entry(*entry);
+          this->got_page_entries_.insert(entry2);
+          this->page_gotno_ += entry->num_pages;
+        }
+    }
+// Mips_output_data_got methods.
+// Lay out the GOT.  Add local, global and TLS entries.  If GOT is
+// larger than 64K, create multi-GOT.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>::lay_out_got(Layout* layout,
+    Symbol_table* symtab, const Input_objects* input_objects)
+  // Decide which symbols need to go in the global part of the GOT and
+  // count the number of reloc-only GOT symbols.
+  this->master_got_info_->count_got_symbols(symtab);
+  // Count the number of GOT entries.
+  this->master_got_info_->count_got_entries();
+  unsigned int got_size = this->master_got_info_->got_size();
+  if (got_size > Target_mips<size, big_endian>::MIPS_GOT_MAX_SIZE)
+    this->lay_out_multi_got(layout, input_objects);
+  else
+    {
+      // Record that all objects use single GOT.
+      for (Input_objects::Relobj_iterator p = input_objects->relobj_begin();
+           p != input_objects->relobj_end();
+           ++p)
+        {
+          Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>* object =
+            Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::as_mips_relobj(*p);
+          if (object->get_got_info() != NULL)
+            object->set_got_info(this->master_got_info_);
+        }
+      this->master_got_info_->add_local_entries(this->target_, layout);
+      this->master_got_info_->add_global_entries(this->target_, layout,
+                                                 /*not used*/-1U);
+      this->master_got_info_->add_tls_entries(this->target_, layout);
+    }
+// Create multi-GOT.  For every GOT, add local, global and TLS entries.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>::lay_out_multi_got(Layout* layout,
+    const Input_objects* input_objects)
+  // Try to merge the GOTs of input objects together, as long as they
+  // don't seem to exceed the maximum GOT size, choosing one of them
+  // to be the primary GOT.
+  this->merge_gots(input_objects);
+  // Every symbol that is referenced in a dynamic relocation must be
+  // present in the primary GOT.
+  this->primary_got_->set_global_gotno(this->master_got_info_->global_gotno());
+  // Add GOT entries.
+  unsigned int i = 0;
+  unsigned int offset = 0;
+  Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>* g = this->primary_got_;
+  do
+    {
+      g->set_index(i);
+      g->set_offset(offset);
+      g->add_local_entries(this->target_, layout);
+      if (i == 0)
+        g->add_global_entries(this->target_, layout,
+                              (this->master_got_info_->global_gotno()
+                               - this->master_got_info_->reloc_only_gotno()));
+      else
+        g->add_global_entries(this->target_, layout, /*not used*/-1U);
+      g->add_tls_entries(this->target_, layout);
+      // Forbid global symbols in every non-primary GOT from having
+      // lazy-binding stubs.
+      if (i > 0)
+        g->remove_lazy_stubs(this->target_);
+      ++i;
+      offset += g->got_size();
+      g = g->next();
+    }
+  while (g);
+// Attempt to merge GOTs of different input objects.  Try to use as much as
+// possible of the primary GOT, since it doesn't require explicit dynamic
+// relocations, but don't use objects that would reference global symbols
+// out of the addressable range.  Failing the primary GOT, attempt to merge
+// with the current GOT, or finish the current GOT and then make make the new
+// GOT current.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>::merge_gots(
+    const Input_objects* input_objects)
+  gold_assert(this->primary_got_ == NULL);
+  Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>* current = NULL;
+  for (Input_objects::Relobj_iterator p = input_objects->relobj_begin();
+       p != input_objects->relobj_end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>* object =
+        Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::as_mips_relobj(*p);
+      Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>* g = object->get_got_info();
+      if (g == NULL)
+        continue;
+      g->count_got_entries();
+      // Work out the number of page, local and TLS entries.
+      unsigned int estimate = this->master_got_info_->page_gotno();
+      if (estimate > g->page_gotno())
+        estimate = g->page_gotno();
+      estimate += g->local_gotno() + g->tls_gotno();
+      // We place TLS GOT entries after both locals and globals.  The globals
+      // for the primary GOT may overflow the normal GOT size limit, so be
+      // sure not to merge a GOT which requires TLS with the primary GOT in that
+      // case.  This doesn't affect non-primary GOTs.
+      estimate += (g->tls_gotno() > 0 ? this->master_got_info_->global_gotno()
+                                      : g->global_gotno());
+      unsigned int max_count =
+        Target_mips<size, big_endian>::MIPS_GOT_MAX_SIZE / (size/8) - 2;
+      if (estimate <= max_count)
+        {
+          // If we don't have a primary GOT, use it as
+          // a starting point for the primary GOT.
+          if (!this->primary_got_)
+            {
+              this->primary_got_ = g;
+              continue;
+            }
+          // Try merging with the primary GOT.
+          if (this->merge_got_with(g, object, this->primary_got_))
+            continue;
+        }
+      // If we can merge with the last-created GOT, do it.
+      if (current && this->merge_got_with(g, object, current))
+        continue;
+      // Well, we couldn't merge, so create a new GOT.  Don't check if it
+      // fits; if it turns out that it doesn't, we'll get relocation
+      // overflows anyway.
+      g->set_next(current);
+      current = g;
+    }
+  // If we do not find any suitable primary GOT, create an empty one.
+  if (this->primary_got_ == NULL)
+    this->primary_got_ = new Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>();
+  // Link primary GOT with secondary GOTs.
+  this->primary_got_->set_next(current);
+// Consider merging FROM, which is OBJECT's GOT, into TO.  Return false if
+// this would lead to overflow, true if they were merged successfully.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>::merge_got_with(
+    Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>* from,
+    Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>* object,
+    Mips_got_info<size, big_endian>* to)
+  // Work out how many page entries we would need for the combined GOT.
+  unsigned int estimate = this->master_got_info_->page_gotno();
+  if (estimate >= from->page_gotno() + to->page_gotno())
+    estimate = from->page_gotno() + to->page_gotno();
+  // Conservatively estimate how many local and TLS entries would be needed.
+  estimate += from->local_gotno() + to->local_gotno();
+  estimate += from->tls_gotno() + to->tls_gotno();
+  // If we're merging with the primary got, any TLS relocations will
+  // come after the full set of global entries.  Otherwise estimate those
+  // conservatively as well.
+  if (to == this->primary_got_ && (from->tls_gotno() + to->tls_gotno()) > 0)
+    estimate += this->master_got_info_->global_gotno();
+  else
+    estimate += from->global_gotno() + to->global_gotno();
+  // Bail out if the combined GOT might be too big.
+  unsigned int max_count =
+    Target_mips<size, big_endian>::MIPS_GOT_MAX_SIZE / (size/8) - 2;
+  if (estimate > max_count)
+    return false;
+  // Transfer the object's GOT information from FROM to TO.
+  to->add_got_entries(from);
+  to->add_got_page_entries(from);
+  // Record that OBJECT should use output GOT TO.
+  object->set_got_info(to);
+  return true;
+// Write out the GOT.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>::do_write(Output_file* of)
+  // Call parent to write out GOT.
+  Output_data_got<size, big_endian>::do_write(of);
+  const off_t offset = this->offset();
+  const section_size_type oview_size =
+    convert_to_section_size_type(this->data_size());
+  unsigned char* const oview = of->get_output_view(offset, oview_size);
+  // Needed for fixing values of .got section.
+  this->got_view_ = oview;
+  // Write lazy stub addresses.
+  for (typename Unordered_set<Mips_symbol<size>*>::iterator
+       p = this->master_got_info_->global_got_symbols().begin();
+       p != this->master_got_info_->global_got_symbols().end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Mips_symbol<size>* mips_sym = *p;
+      if (mips_sym->has_lazy_stub())
+        {
+          Valtype* wv = reinterpret_cast<Valtype*>(
+            oview + this->get_primary_got_offset(mips_sym));
+          Valtype value =
+            this->target_->mips_stubs_section()->stub_address(mips_sym);
+          elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(wv, value);
+        }
+    }
+  // Add +1 to GGA_NONE nonzero MIPS16 and microMIPS entries.
+  for (typename Unordered_set<Mips_symbol<size>*>::iterator
+       p = this->master_got_info_->global_got_symbols().begin();
+       p != this->master_got_info_->global_got_symbols().end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Mips_symbol<size>* mips_sym = *p;
+      if (!this->multi_got()
+          && (mips_sym->is_mips16() || mips_sym->is_micromips())
+          && mips_sym->global_got_area() == GGA_NONE
+          && mips_sym->has_got_offset(GOT_TYPE_STANDARD))
+        {
+          Valtype* wv = reinterpret_cast<Valtype*>(
+            oview + mips_sym->got_offset(GOT_TYPE_STANDARD));
+          Valtype value = elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::readval(wv);
+          if (value != 0)
+            {
+              value |= 1;
+              elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(wv, value);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  if (!this->secondary_got_relocs_.empty())
+    {
+      // Fixup for the secondary GOT R_MIPS_REL32 relocs.  For global
+      // secondary GOT entries with non-zero initial value copy the value
+      // to the corresponding primary GOT entry, and set the secondary GOT
+      // entry to zero.
+      // TODO(sasa): This is workaround.  It needs to be investigated further.
+      for (size_t i = 0; i < this->secondary_got_relocs_.size(); ++i)
+        {
+          Static_reloc& reloc(this->secondary_got_relocs_[i]);
+          if (reloc.symbol_is_global())
+            {
+              Mips_symbol<size>* gsym = reloc.symbol();
+              gold_assert(gsym != NULL);
+              unsigned got_offset = reloc.got_offset();
+              gold_assert(got_offset < oview_size);
+              // Find primary GOT entry.
+              Valtype* wv_prim = reinterpret_cast<Valtype*>(
+                oview + this->get_primary_got_offset(gsym));
+              // Find secondary GOT entry.
+              Valtype* wv_sec = reinterpret_cast<Valtype*>(oview + got_offset);
+              Valtype value = elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::readval(wv_sec);
+              if (value != 0)
+                {
+                  elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(wv_prim, value);
+                  elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(wv_sec, 0);
+                  gsym->set_applied_secondary_got_fixup();
+                }
+            }
+        }
+      of->write_output_view(offset, oview_size, oview);
+    }
+  // We are done if there is no fix up.
+  if (this->static_relocs_.empty())
+    return;
+  Output_segment* tls_segment = this->layout_->tls_segment();
+  gold_assert(tls_segment != NULL);
+  for (size_t i = 0; i < this->static_relocs_.size(); ++i)
+    {
+      Static_reloc& reloc(this->static_relocs_[i]);
+      Mips_address value;
+      if (!reloc.symbol_is_global())
+        {
+          Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object = reloc.relobj();
+          const Symbol_value<size>* psymval =
+            object->local_symbol(reloc.index());
+          // We are doing static linking.  Issue an error and skip this
+          // relocation if the symbol is undefined or in a discarded_section.
+          bool is_ordinary;
+          unsigned int shndx = psymval->input_shndx(&is_ordinary);
+          if ((shndx == elfcpp::SHN_UNDEF)
+              || (is_ordinary
+                  && shndx != elfcpp::SHN_UNDEF
+                  && !object->is_section_included(shndx)
+                  && !this->symbol_table_->is_section_folded(object, shndx)))
+            {
+              gold_error(_("undefined or discarded local symbol %u from "
+                           " object %s in GOT"),
+                         reloc.index(), reloc.relobj()->name().c_str());
+              continue;
+            }
+          value = psymval->value(object, 0);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          const Mips_symbol<size>* gsym = reloc.symbol();
+          gold_assert(gsym != NULL);
+          // We are doing static linking.  Issue an error and skip this
+          // relocation if the symbol is undefined or in a discarded_section
+          // unless it is a weakly_undefined symbol.
+          if ((gsym->is_defined_in_discarded_section() || gsym->is_undefined())
+              && !gsym->is_weak_undefined())
+            {
+              gold_error(_("undefined or discarded symbol %s in GOT"),
+                         gsym->name());
+              continue;
+            }
+          if (!gsym->is_weak_undefined())
+            value = gsym->value();
+          else
+            value = 0;
+        }
+      unsigned got_offset = reloc.got_offset();
+      gold_assert(got_offset < oview_size);
+      Valtype* wv = reinterpret_cast<Valtype*>(oview + got_offset);
+      Valtype x;
+      switch (reloc.r_type())
+        {
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD32:
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD64:
+          x = value;
+          break;
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32:
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64:
+          x = value - elfcpp::DTP_OFFSET;
+          break;
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32:
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64:
+          x = value - elfcpp::TP_OFFSET;
+          break;
+        default:
+          gold_unreachable();
+          break;
+        }
+      elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(wv, x);
+    }
+  of->write_output_view(offset, oview_size, oview);
+// Mips_relobj methods.
+// Count the local symbols.  The Mips backend needs to know if a symbol
+// is a MIPS16 or microMIPS function or not.  For global symbols, it is easy
+// because the Symbol object keeps the ELF symbol type and st_other field.
+// For local symbol it is harder because we cannot access this information.
+// So we override the do_count_local_symbol in parent and scan local symbols to
+// mark MIPS16 and microMIPS functions.  This is not the most efficient way but
+// I do not want to slow down other ports by calling a per symbol target hook
+// inside Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>::do_count_local_symbols.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::do_count_local_symbols(
+    Stringpool_template<char>* pool,
+    Stringpool_template<char>* dynpool)
+  // Ask parent to count the local symbols.
+  Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>::do_count_local_symbols(pool, dynpool);
+  const unsigned int loccount = this->local_symbol_count();
+  if (loccount == 0)
+    return;
+  // Initialize the mips16 and micromips function bit-vector.
+  this->local_symbol_is_mips16_.resize(loccount, false);
+  this->local_symbol_is_micromips_.resize(loccount, false);
+  // Read the symbol table section header.
+  const unsigned int symtab_shndx = this->symtab_shndx();
+  elfcpp::Shdr<size, big_endian>
+    symtabshdr(this, this->elf_file()->section_header(symtab_shndx));
+  gold_assert(symtabshdr.get_sh_type() == elfcpp::SHT_SYMTAB);
+  // Read the local symbols.
+  const int sym_size = elfcpp::Elf_sizes<size>::sym_size;
+  gold_assert(loccount == symtabshdr.get_sh_info());
+  off_t locsize = loccount * sym_size;
+  const unsigned char* psyms = this->get_view(symtabshdr.get_sh_offset(),
+                                              locsize, true, true);
+  // Loop over the local symbols and mark any MIPS16 or microMIPS local symbols.
+  // Skip the first dummy symbol.
+  psyms += sym_size;
+  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < loccount; ++i, psyms += sym_size)
+    {
+      elfcpp::Sym<size, big_endian> sym(psyms);
+      unsigned char st_other = sym.get_st_other();
+      this->local_symbol_is_mips16_[i] = elfcpp::elf_st_is_mips16(st_other);
+      this->local_symbol_is_micromips_[i] =
+        elfcpp::elf_st_is_micromips(st_other);
+    }
+// Read the symbol information.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::do_read_symbols(Read_symbols_data* sd)
+  // Call parent class to read symbol information.
+  Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>::do_read_symbols(sd);
+  // Read processor-specific flags in ELF file header.
+  const unsigned char* pehdr = this->get_view(elfcpp::file_header_offset,
+                                            elfcpp::Elf_sizes<size>::ehdr_size,
+                                            true, false);
+  elfcpp::Ehdr<size, big_endian> ehdr(pehdr);
+  this->processor_specific_flags_ = ehdr.get_e_flags();
+  // Get the section names.
+  const unsigned char* pnamesu = sd->section_names->data();
+  const char* pnames = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(pnamesu);
+  // Initialize the mips16 stub section bit-vectors.
+  this->section_is_mips16_fn_stub_.resize(this->shnum(), false);
+  this->section_is_mips16_call_stub_.resize(this->shnum(), false);
+  this->section_is_mips16_call_fp_stub_.resize(this->shnum(), false);
+  const size_t shdr_size = elfcpp::Elf_sizes<size>::shdr_size;
+  const unsigned char* pshdrs = sd->section_headers->data();
+  const unsigned char* ps = pshdrs + shdr_size;
+  for (unsigned int i = 1; i < this->shnum(); ++i, ps += shdr_size)
+    {
+      elfcpp::Shdr<size, big_endian> shdr(ps);
+      if (shdr.get_sh_type() == elfcpp::SHT_MIPS_REGINFO)
+        {
+          // Read the gp value that was used to create this object.  We need the
+          // gp value while processing relocs.  The .reginfo section is not used
+          // in the 64-bit MIPS ELF ABI.
+          section_offset_type section_offset = shdr.get_sh_offset();
+          section_size_type section_size =
+            convert_to_section_size_type(shdr.get_sh_size());
+          const unsigned char* view =
+             this->get_view(section_offset, section_size, true, false);
+          this->gp_ = elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::readval(view + 20);
+        }
+      const char* name = pnames + shdr.get_sh_name();
+      this->section_is_mips16_fn_stub_[i] = is_prefix_of(".mips16.fn", name);
+      this->section_is_mips16_call_stub_[i] =
+        is_prefix_of("", name);
+      this->section_is_mips16_call_fp_stub_[i] =
+        is_prefix_of("", name);
+      if (strcmp(name, ".pdr") == 0)
+        {
+          gold_assert(this->pdr_shndx_ == -1U);
+          this->pdr_shndx_ = i;
+        }
+    }
+// Discard MIPS16 stub secions that are not needed.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::discard_mips16_stub_sections(Symbol_table* symtab)
+  for (typename Mips16_stubs_int_map::const_iterator
+       it = this->mips16_stub_sections_.begin();
+       it != this->mips16_stub_sections_.end(); ++it)
+    {
+      Mips16_stub_section<size, big_endian>* stub_section = it->second;
+      if (!stub_section->is_target_found())
+        {
+          gold_error(_("no relocation found in mips16 stub section '%s'"),
+                     stub_section->object()
+                       ->section_name(stub_section->shndx()).c_str());
+        }
+      bool discard = false;
+      if (stub_section->is_for_local_function())
+        {
+          if (stub_section->is_fn_stub())
+            {
+              // This stub is for a local symbol.  This stub will only
+              // be needed if there is some relocation in this object,
+              // other than a 16 bit function call, which refers to this
+              // symbol.
+              if (!this->has_local_non_16bit_call_relocs(stub_section->r_sym()))
+                discard = true;
+              else
+                this->add_local_mips16_fn_stub(stub_section);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              // This stub is for a local symbol.  This stub will only
+              // be needed if there is some relocation (R_MIPS16_26) in
+              // this object that refers to this symbol.
+              gold_assert(stub_section->is_call_stub()
+                          || stub_section->is_call_fp_stub());
+              if (!this->has_local_16bit_call_relocs(stub_section->r_sym()))
+                discard = true;
+              else
+                this->add_local_mips16_call_stub(stub_section);
+            }
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          Mips_symbol<size>* gsym = stub_section->gsym();
+          if (stub_section->is_fn_stub())
+            {
+              if (gsym->has_mips16_fn_stub())
+                // We already have a stub for this function.
+                discard = true;
+              else
+                {
+                  gsym->set_mips16_fn_stub(stub_section);
+                  if (gsym->should_add_dynsym_entry(symtab))
+                    {
+                      // If we have a MIPS16 function with a stub, the
+                      // dynamic symbol must refer to the stub, since only
+                      // the stub uses the standard calling conventions.
+                      gsym->set_need_fn_stub();
+                      if (gsym->is_from_dynobj())
+                        gsym->set_needs_dynsym_value();
+                    }
+                }
+              if (!gsym->need_fn_stub())
+                discard = true;
+            }
+          else if (stub_section->is_call_stub())
+            {
+              if (gsym->is_mips16())
+                // We don't need the call_stub; this is a 16 bit
+                // function, so calls from other 16 bit functions are
+                // OK.
+                discard = true;
+              else if (gsym->has_mips16_call_stub())
+                // We already have a stub for this function.
+                discard = true;
+              else
+                gsym->set_mips16_call_stub(stub_section);
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              gold_assert(stub_section->is_call_fp_stub());
+              if (gsym->is_mips16())
+                // We don't need the call_stub; this is a 16 bit
+                // function, so calls from other 16 bit functions are
+                // OK.
+                discard = true;
+              else if (gsym->has_mips16_call_fp_stub())
+                // We already have a stub for this function.
+                discard = true;
+              else
+                gsym->set_mips16_call_fp_stub(stub_section);
+            }
+        }
+      if (discard)
+        this->set_output_section(stub_section->shndx(), NULL);
+   }
+// Mips_output_data_la25_stub methods.
+// Template for standard LA25 stub.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_la25_stub<size, big_endian>::la25_stub_entry[] =
+  0x3c190000,           // lui $25,%hi(func)
+  0x08000000,           // j func
+  0x27390000,           // add $25,$25,%lo(func)
+  0x00000000            // nop
+// Template for microMIPS LA25 stub.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_la25_stub<size, big_endian>::la25_stub_micromips_entry[] =
+  0x41b9, 0x0000,       // lui t9,%hi(func)
+  0xd400, 0x0000,       // j func
+  0x3339, 0x0000,       // addiu t9,t9,%lo(func)
+  0x0000, 0x0000        // nop
+// Create la25 stub for a symbol.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_la25_stub<size, big_endian>::create_la25_stub(
+    Symbol_table* symtab, Target_mips<size, big_endian>* target,
+    Mips_symbol<size>* gsym)
+  if (!gsym->has_la25_stub())
+    {
+      gsym->set_la25_stub_offset(this->symbols_.size() * 16);
+      this->symbols_.insert(gsym);
+      this->create_stub_symbol(gsym, symtab, target, 16);
+    }
+// Create a symbol for SYM stub's value and size, to help make the disassembly
+// easier to read.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_la25_stub<size, big_endian>::create_stub_symbol(
+    Mips_symbol<size>* sym, Symbol_table* symtab,
+    Target_mips<size, big_endian>* target, uint64_t symsize)
+  std::string name(".pic.");
+  name += sym->name();
+  unsigned int offset = sym->la25_stub_offset();
+  if (sym->is_micromips())
+    offset |= 1;
+  // Make it a local function.
+  Symbol* new_sym = symtab->define_in_output_data(name.c_str(), NULL,
+                                      Symbol_table::PREDEFINED,
+                                      target->la25_stub_section(),
+                                      offset, symsize, elfcpp::STT_FUNC,
+                                      elfcpp::STB_LOCAL,
+                                      elfcpp::STV_DEFAULT, 0,
+                                      false, false);
+  new_sym->set_is_forced_local();
+// Write out la25 stubs.  This uses the hand-coded instructions above,
+// and adjusts them as needed.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_la25_stub<size, big_endian>::do_write(Output_file* of)
+  const off_t offset = this->offset();
+  const section_size_type oview_size =
+    convert_to_section_size_type(this->data_size());
+  unsigned char* const oview = of->get_output_view(offset, oview_size);
+  for (typename Unordered_set<Mips_symbol<size>*>::iterator
+       p = this->symbols_.begin();
+       p != this->symbols_.end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Mips_symbol<size>* sym = *p;
+      unsigned char* pov = oview + sym->la25_stub_offset();
+      Mips_address target = sym->value();
+      if (!sym->is_micromips())
+        {
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov,
+              la25_stub_entry[0] | (((target + 0x8000) >> 16) & 0xffff));
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 4,
+              la25_stub_entry[1] | ((target >> 2) & 0x3ffffff));
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 8,
+              la25_stub_entry[2] | (target & 0xffff));
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 12, la25_stub_entry[3]);
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          target |= 1;
+          // First stub instruction.  Paste high 16-bits of the target.
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov,
+                                                 la25_stub_micromips_entry[0]);
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 2,
+              ((target + 0x8000) >> 16) & 0xffff);
+          // Second stub instruction.  Paste low 26-bits of the target, shifted
+          // right by 1.
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 4,
+              la25_stub_micromips_entry[2] | ((target >> 17) & 0x3ff));
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 6,
+              la25_stub_micromips_entry[3] | ((target >> 1) & 0xffff));
+          // Third stub instruction.  Paste low 16-bits of the target.
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 8,
+                                                 la25_stub_micromips_entry[4]);
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 10, target & 0xffff);
+          // Fourth stub instruction.
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 12,
+                                                 la25_stub_micromips_entry[6]);
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 14,
+                                                 la25_stub_micromips_entry[7]);
+        }
+    }
+  of->write_output_view(offset, oview_size, oview);
+// Mips_output_data_plt methods.
+// The format of the first PLT entry in an O32 executable.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::plt0_entry_o32[] =
+  0x3c1c0000,         // lui $28, %hi(&GOTPLT[0])
+  0x8f990000,         // lw $25, %lo(&GOTPLT[0])($28)
+  0x279c0000,         // addiu $28, $28, %lo(&GOTPLT[0])
+  0x031cc023,         // subu $24, $24, $28
+  0x03e07821,         // move $15, $31        # 32-bit move (addu)
+  0x0018c082,         // srl $24, $24, 2
+  0x0320f809,         // jalr $25
+  0x2718fffe          // subu $24, $24, 2
+// The format of the first PLT entry in an N32 executable.  Different
+// because gp ($28) is not available; we use t2 ($14) instead.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::plt0_entry_n32[] =
+  0x3c0e0000,         // lui $14, %hi(&GOTPLT[0])
+  0x8dd90000,         // lw $25, %lo(&GOTPLT[0])($14)
+  0x25ce0000,         // addiu $14, $14, %lo(&GOTPLT[0])
+  0x030ec023,         // subu $24, $24, $14
+  0x03e07821,         // move $15, $31        # 32-bit move (addu)
+  0x0018c082,         // srl $24, $24, 2
+  0x0320f809,         // jalr $25
+  0x2718fffe          // subu $24, $24, 2
+// The format of the first PLT entry in an N64 executable.  Different
+// from N32 because of the increased size of GOT entries.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::plt0_entry_n64[] =
+  0x3c0e0000,         // lui $14, %hi(&GOTPLT[0])
+  0xddd90000,         // ld $25, %lo(&GOTPLT[0])($14)
+  0x25ce0000,         // addiu $14, $14, %lo(&GOTPLT[0])
+  0x030ec023,         // subu $24, $24, $14
+  0x03e07821,         // move $15, $31        # 64-bit move (daddu)
+  0x0018c0c2,         // srl $24, $24, 3
+  0x0320f809,         // jalr $25
+  0x2718fffe          // subu $24, $24, 2
+// The format of the microMIPS first PLT entry in an O32 executable.
+// We rely on v0 ($2) rather than t8 ($24) to contain the address
+// of the GOTPLT entry handled, so this stub may only be used when
+// all the subsequent PLT entries are microMIPS code too.
+// The trailing NOP is for alignment and correct disassembly only.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::
+plt0_entry_micromips_o32[] =
+  0x7980, 0x0000,      // addiupc $3, (&GOTPLT[0]) - .
+  0xff23, 0x0000,      // lw $25, 0($3)
+  0x0535,              // subu $2, $2, $3
+  0x2525,              // srl $2, $2, 2
+  0x3302, 0xfffe,      // subu $24, $2, 2
+  0x0dff,              // move $15, $31
+  0x45f9,              // jalrs $25
+  0x0f83,              // move $28, $3
+  0x0c00               // nop
+// The format of the microMIPS first PLT entry in an O32 executable
+// in the insn32 mode.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::
+plt0_entry_micromips32_o32[] =
+  0x41bc, 0x0000,      // lui $28, %hi(&GOTPLT[0])
+  0xff3c, 0x0000,      // lw $25, %lo(&GOTPLT[0])($28)
+  0x339c, 0x0000,      // addiu $28, $28, %lo(&GOTPLT[0])
+  0x0398, 0xc1d0,      // subu $24, $24, $28
+  0x001f, 0x7950,      // move $15, $31
+  0x0318, 0x1040,      // srl $24, $24, 2
+  0x03f9, 0x0f3c,      // jalr $25
+  0x3318, 0xfffe       // subu $24, $24, 2
+// The format of subsequent standard entries in the PLT.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::plt_entry[] =
+  0x3c0f0000,           // lui $15, %hi(.got.plt entry)
+  0x8df90000,           // l[wd] $25, %lo(.got.plt entry)($15)
+  0x03200008,           // jr $25
+  0x25f80000            // addiu $24, $15, %lo(.got.plt entry)
+// The format of subsequent MIPS16 o32 PLT entries.  We use v1 ($3) as a
+// temporary because t8 ($24) and t9 ($25) are not directly addressable.
+// Note that this differs from the GNU ld which uses both v0 ($2) and v1 ($3).
+// We cannot use v0 because MIPS16 call stubs from the CS toolchain expect
+// target function address in register v0.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::plt_entry_mips16_o32[] =
+  0xb303,              // lw $3, 12($pc)
+  0x651b,              // move $24, $3
+  0x9b60,              // lw $3, 0($3)
+  0xeb00,              // jr $3
+  0x653b,              // move $25, $3
+  0x6500,              // nop
+  0x0000, 0x0000       // .word (.got.plt entry)
+// The format of subsequent microMIPS o32 PLT entries.  We use v0 ($2)
+// as a temporary because t8 ($24) is not addressable with ADDIUPC.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::
+plt_entry_micromips_o32[] =
+  0x7900, 0x0000,      // addiupc $2, (.got.plt entry) - .
+  0xff22, 0x0000,      // lw $25, 0($2)
+  0x4599,              // jr $25
+  0x0f02               // move $24, $2
+// The format of subsequent microMIPS o32 PLT entries in the insn32 mode.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::
+plt_entry_micromips32_o32[] =
+  0x41af, 0x0000,      // lui $15, %hi(.got.plt entry)
+  0xff2f, 0x0000,      // lw $25, %lo(.got.plt entry)($15)
+  0x0019, 0x0f3c,      // jr $25
+  0x330f, 0x0000       // addiu $24, $15, %lo(.got.plt entry)
+// Add an entry to the PLT for a symbol referenced by r_type relocation.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::add_entry(Mips_symbol<size>* gsym,
+                                                  unsigned int r_type)
+  gold_assert(!gsym->has_plt_offset());
+  // Final PLT offset for a symbol will be set in method set_plt_offsets().
+  gsym->set_plt_offset(this->entry_count() * sizeof(plt_entry)
+                       + sizeof(plt0_entry_o32));
+  this->symbols_.push_back(gsym);
+  // Record whether the relocation requires a standard MIPS
+  // or a compressed code entry.
+  if (jal_reloc(r_type))
+   {
+     if (r_type == elfcpp::R_MIPS_26)
+       gsym->set_needs_mips_plt(true);
+     else
+       gsym->set_needs_comp_plt(true);
+   }
+  section_offset_type got_offset = this->got_plt_->current_data_size();
+  // Every PLT entry needs a GOT entry which points back to the PLT
+  // entry (this will be changed by the dynamic linker, normally
+  // lazily when the function is called).
+  this->got_plt_->set_current_data_size(got_offset + size/8);
+  gsym->set_needs_dynsym_entry();
+  this->rel_->add_global(gsym, elfcpp::R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT, this->got_plt_,
+                         got_offset);
+// Set final PLT offsets.  For each symbol, determine whether standard or
+// compressed (MIPS16 or microMIPS) PLT entry is used.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::set_plt_offsets()
+  // The sizes of individual PLT entries.
+  unsigned int plt_mips_entry_size = this->standard_plt_entry_size();
+  unsigned int plt_comp_entry_size = (!this->target_->is_output_newabi()
+                                      ? this->compressed_plt_entry_size() : 0);
+  for (typename std::vector<Mips_symbol<size>*>::const_iterator
+       p = this->symbols_.begin(); p != this->symbols_.end(); ++p)
+    {
+      Mips_symbol<size>* mips_sym = *p;
+      // There are no defined MIPS16 or microMIPS PLT entries for n32 or n64,
+      // so always use a standard entry there.
+      //
+      // If the symbol has a MIPS16 call stub and gets a PLT entry, then
+      // all MIPS16 calls will go via that stub, and there is no benefit
+      // to having a MIPS16 entry.  And in the case of call_stub a
+      // standard entry actually has to be used as the stub ends with a J
+      // instruction.
+      if (this->target_->is_output_newabi()
+          || mips_sym->has_mips16_call_stub()
+          || mips_sym->has_mips16_call_fp_stub())
+        {
+          mips_sym->set_needs_mips_plt(true);
+          mips_sym->set_needs_comp_plt(false);
+        }
+      // Otherwise, if there are no direct calls to the function, we
+      // have a free choice of whether to use standard or compressed
+      // entries.  Prefer microMIPS entries if the object is known to
+      // contain microMIPS code, so that it becomes possible to create
+      // pure microMIPS binaries.  Prefer standard entries otherwise,
+      // because MIPS16 ones are no smaller and are usually slower.
+      if (!mips_sym->needs_mips_plt() && !mips_sym->needs_comp_plt())
+        {
+          if (this->target_->is_output_micromips())
+            mips_sym->set_needs_comp_plt(true);
+          else
+            mips_sym->set_needs_mips_plt(true);
+        }
+      if (mips_sym->needs_mips_plt())
+        {
+          mips_sym->set_mips_plt_offset(this->plt_mips_offset_);
+          this->plt_mips_offset_ += plt_mips_entry_size;
+        }
+      if (mips_sym->needs_comp_plt())
+        {
+          mips_sym->set_comp_plt_offset(this->plt_comp_offset_);
+          this->plt_comp_offset_ += plt_comp_entry_size;
+        }
+    }
+    // Figure out the size of the PLT header if we know that we are using it.
+    if (this->plt_mips_offset_ + this->plt_comp_offset_ != 0)
+      this->plt_header_size_ = this->get_plt_header_size();
+// Write out the PLT.  This uses the hand-coded instructions above,
+// and adjusts them as needed.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>::do_write(Output_file* of)
+  const off_t offset = this->offset();
+  const section_size_type oview_size =
+    convert_to_section_size_type(this->data_size());
+  unsigned char* const oview = of->get_output_view(offset, oview_size);
+  const off_t gotplt_file_offset = this->got_plt_->offset();
+  const section_size_type gotplt_size =
+    convert_to_section_size_type(this->got_plt_->data_size());
+  unsigned char* const gotplt_view = of->get_output_view(gotplt_file_offset,
+                                                         gotplt_size);
+  unsigned char* pov = oview;
+  Mips_address plt_address = this->address();
+  // Calculate the address of .got.plt.
+  Mips_address gotplt_addr = this->got_plt_->address();
+  Mips_address gotplt_addr_high = ((gotplt_addr + 0x8000) >> 16) & 0xffff;
+  Mips_address gotplt_addr_low = gotplt_addr & 0xffff;
+  // The PLT sequence is not safe for N64 if .got.plt's address can
+  // not be loaded in two instructions.
+  gold_assert((gotplt_addr & ~(Mips_address) 0x7fffffff) == 0
+              || ~(gotplt_addr | 0x7fffffff) == 0);
+  // Write the PLT header.
+  const uint32_t* plt0_entry = this->get_plt_header_entry();
+  if (plt0_entry == plt0_entry_micromips_o32)
+    {
+      // Write microMIPS PLT header.
+      gold_assert(gotplt_addr % 4 == 0);
+      Mips_address gotpc_offset = gotplt_addr - ((plt_address | 3) ^ 3);
+      // ADDIUPC has a span of +/-16MB, check we're in range.
+      if (gotpc_offset + 0x1000000 >= 0x2000000)
+       {
+         gold_error(_(".got.plt offset of %ld from .plt beyond the range of "
+                    "ADDIUPC"), (long)gotpc_offset);
+         return;
+       }
+      elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov,
+                 plt0_entry[0] | ((gotpc_offset >> 18) & 0x7f));
+      elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 2,
+                                             (gotpc_offset >> 2) & 0xffff);
+      pov += 4;
+      for (unsigned int i = 2;
+           i < (sizeof(plt0_entry_micromips_o32)
+                / sizeof(plt0_entry_micromips_o32[0]));
+           i++)
+        {
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov, plt0_entry[i]);
+          pov += 2;
+        }
+    }
+  else if (plt0_entry == plt0_entry_micromips32_o32)
+    {
+      // Write microMIPS PLT header in insn32 mode.
+      elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov, plt0_entry[0]);
+      elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 2, gotplt_addr_high);
+      elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 4, plt0_entry[2]);
+      elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 6, gotplt_addr_low);
+      elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 8, plt0_entry[4]);
+      elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 10, gotplt_addr_low);
+      pov += 12;
+      for (unsigned int i = 6;
+           i < (sizeof(plt0_entry_micromips32_o32)
+                / sizeof(plt0_entry_micromips32_o32[0]));
+           i++)
+        {
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov, plt0_entry[i]);
+          pov += 2;
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      // Write standard PLT header.
+      elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov,
+                                             plt0_entry[0] | gotplt_addr_high);
+      elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 4,
+                                             plt0_entry[1] | gotplt_addr_low);
+      elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 8,
+                                             plt0_entry[2] | gotplt_addr_low);
+      pov += 12;
+      for (int i = 3; i < 8; i++)
+        {
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov, plt0_entry[i]);
+          pov += 4;
+        }
+    }
+  unsigned char* gotplt_pov = gotplt_view;
+  unsigned int got_entry_size = size/8; // TODO(sasa): MIPS_ELF_GOT_SIZE
+  // The first two entries in .got.plt are reserved.
+  elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(gotplt_pov, 0);
+  elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(gotplt_pov + got_entry_size, 0);
+  unsigned int gotplt_offset = 2 * got_entry_size;
+  gotplt_pov += 2 * got_entry_size;
+  // Calculate the address of the PLT header.
+  Mips_address header_address = (plt_address
+                                 + (this->is_plt_header_compressed() ? 1 : 0));
+  // Initialize compressed PLT area view.
+  unsigned char* pov2 = pov + this->plt_mips_offset_;
+  // Write the PLT entries.
+  for (typename std::vector<Mips_symbol<size>*>::const_iterator
+       p = this->symbols_.begin();
+       p != this->symbols_.end();
+       ++p, gotplt_pov += got_entry_size, gotplt_offset += got_entry_size)
+    {
+      Mips_symbol<size>* mips_sym = *p;
+      // Calculate the address of the .got.plt entry.
+      uint32_t gotplt_entry_addr = (gotplt_addr + gotplt_offset);
+      uint32_t gotplt_entry_addr_hi = (((gotplt_entry_addr + 0x8000) >> 16)
+                                       & 0xffff);
+      uint32_t gotplt_entry_addr_lo = gotplt_entry_addr & 0xffff;
+      // Initially point the .got.plt entry at the PLT header.
+      if (this->target_->is_output_n64())
+        elfcpp::Swap<64, big_endian>::writeval(gotplt_pov, header_address);
+      else
+        elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(gotplt_pov, header_address);
+      // Now handle the PLT itself.  First the standard entry.
+      if (mips_sym->has_mips_plt_offset())
+        {
+          // Pick the load opcode (LW or LD).
+          uint64_t load = this->target_->is_output_n64() ? 0xdc000000
+                                                         : 0x8c000000;
+          // Fill in the PLT entry itself.
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov,
+              plt_entry[0] | gotplt_entry_addr_hi);
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 4,
+              plt_entry[1] | gotplt_entry_addr_lo | load);
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 8, plt_entry[2]);
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 12,
+              plt_entry[3] | gotplt_entry_addr_lo);
+          pov += 16;
+        }
+      // Now the compressed entry.  They come after any standard ones.
+      if (mips_sym->has_comp_plt_offset())
+        {
+          if (!this->target_->is_output_micromips())
+            {
+              // Write MIPS16 PLT entry.
+              const uint32_t* plt_entry = plt_entry_mips16_o32;
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2, plt_entry[0]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 2, plt_entry[1]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 4, plt_entry[2]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 6, plt_entry[3]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 8, plt_entry[4]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 10, plt_entry[5]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 12,
+                                                     gotplt_entry_addr);
+              pov2 += 16;
+            }
+          else if (this->target_->use_32bit_micromips_instructions())
+            {
+              // Write microMIPS PLT entry in insn32 mode.
+              const uint32_t* plt_entry = plt_entry_micromips32_o32;
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2, plt_entry[0]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 2,
+                                                     gotplt_entry_addr_hi);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 4, plt_entry[2]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 6,
+                                                     gotplt_entry_addr_lo);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 8, plt_entry[4]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 10, plt_entry[5]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 12, plt_entry[6]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 14,
+                                                     gotplt_entry_addr_lo);
+              pov2 += 16;
+            }
+          else
+            {
+              // Write microMIPS PLT entry.
+              const uint32_t* plt_entry = plt_entry_micromips_o32;
+              gold_assert(gotplt_entry_addr % 4 == 0);
+              Mips_address loc_address = plt_address + pov2 - oview;
+              int gotpc_offset = gotplt_entry_addr - ((loc_address | 3) ^ 3);
+              // ADDIUPC has a span of +/-16MB, check we're in range.
+              if (gotpc_offset + 0x1000000 >= 0x2000000)
+                {
+                  gold_error(_(".got.plt offset of %ld from .plt beyond the "
+                             "range of ADDIUPC"), (long)gotpc_offset);
+                  return;
+                }
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2,
+                          plt_entry[0] | ((gotpc_offset >> 18) & 0x7f));
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(
+                  pov2 + 2, (gotpc_offset >> 2) & 0xffff);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 4, plt_entry[2]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 6, plt_entry[3]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 8, plt_entry[4]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov2 + 10, plt_entry[5]);
+              pov2 += 12;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  // Check the number of bytes written for standard entries.
+  gold_assert(static_cast<section_size_type>(
+      pov - oview - this->plt_header_size_) == this->plt_mips_offset_);
+  // Check the number of bytes written for compressed entries.
+  gold_assert((static_cast<section_size_type>(pov2 - pov)
+               == this->plt_comp_offset_));
+  // Check the total number of bytes written.
+  gold_assert(static_cast<section_size_type>(pov2 - oview) == oview_size);
+  gold_assert(static_cast<section_size_type>(gotplt_pov - gotplt_view)
+              == gotplt_size);
+  of->write_output_view(offset, oview_size, oview);
+  of->write_output_view(gotplt_file_offset, gotplt_size, gotplt_view);
+// Mips_output_data_mips_stubs methods.
+// The format of the lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is less than
+// 64K, dynamic symbol index is less than 32K, and ABI is not N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_normal_1[4] =
+  0x8f998010,         // lw t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x03e07821,         // addu t7,ra,zero
+  0x0320f809,         // jalr t9,ra
+  0x24180000          // addiu t8,zero,DYN_INDEX sign extended
+// The format of the lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is less than
+// 64K, dynamic symbol index is less than 32K, and ABI is N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_normal_1_n64[4] =
+  0xdf998010,         // ld t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x03e0782d,         // daddu t7,ra,zero
+  0x0320f809,         // jalr t9,ra
+  0x64180000          // daddiu t8,zero,DYN_INDEX sign extended
+// The format of the lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is less than
+// 64K, dynamic symbol index is between 32K and 64K, and ABI is not N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_normal_2[4] =
+  0x8f998010,         // lw t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x03e07821,         // addu t7,ra,zero
+  0x0320f809,         // jalr t9,ra
+  0x34180000          // ori t8,zero,DYN_INDEX unsigned
+// The format of the lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is less than
+// 64K, dynamic symbol index is between 32K and 64K, and ABI is N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_normal_2_n64[4] =
+  0xdf998010,         // ld t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x03e0782d,         // daddu t7,ra,zero
+  0x0320f809,         // jalr t9,ra
+  0x34180000          // ori t8,zero,DYN_INDEX unsigned
+// The format of the lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is greater than
+// 64K, and ABI is not N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_big[5] =
+  0x8f998010,         // lw t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x03e07821,         // addu t7,ra,zero
+  0x3c180000,         // lui t8,DYN_INDEX
+  0x0320f809,         // jalr t9,ra
+  0x37180000          // ori t8,t8,DYN_INDEX
+// The format of the lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is greater than
+// 64K, and ABI is N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_big_n64[5] =
+  0xdf998010,         // ld t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x03e0782d,         // daddu t7,ra,zero
+  0x3c180000,         // lui t8,DYN_INDEX
+  0x0320f809,         // jalr t9,ra
+  0x37180000          // ori t8,t8,DYN_INDEX
+// microMIPS stubs.
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is
+// less than 64K, dynamic symbol index is less than 32K, and ABI is not N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_micromips_normal_1[] =
+  0xff3c, 0x8010,     // lw t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x0dff,             // move t7,ra
+  0x45d9,             // jalr t9
+  0x3300, 0x0000      // addiu t8,zero,DYN_INDEX sign extended
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is
+// less than 64K, dynamic symbol index is less than 32K, and ABI is N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::
+lazy_stub_micromips_normal_1_n64[] =
+  0xdf3c, 0x8010,     // ld t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x0dff,             // move t7,ra
+  0x45d9,             // jalr t9
+  0x5f00, 0x0000      // daddiu t8,zero,DYN_INDEX sign extended
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol
+// count is less than 64K, dynamic symbol index is between 32K and 64K,
+// and ABI is not N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_micromips_normal_2[] =
+  0xff3c, 0x8010,     // lw t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x0dff,             // move t7,ra
+  0x45d9,             // jalr t9
+  0x5300, 0x0000      // ori t8,zero,DYN_INDEX unsigned
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol
+// count is less than 64K, dynamic symbol index is between 32K and 64K,
+// and ABI is N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::
+lazy_stub_micromips_normal_2_n64[] =
+  0xdf3c, 0x8010,     // ld t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x0dff,             // move t7,ra
+  0x45d9,             // jalr t9
+  0x5300, 0x0000      // ori t8,zero,DYN_INDEX unsigned
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is
+// greater than 64K, and ABI is not N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_micromips_big[] =
+  0xff3c, 0x8010,     // lw t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x0dff,             // move t7,ra
+  0x41b8, 0x0000,     // lui t8,DYN_INDEX
+  0x45d9,             // jalr t9
+  0x5318, 0x0000      // ori t8,t8,DYN_INDEX
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is
+// greater than 64K, and ABI is N64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_micromips_big_n64[] =
+  0xdf3c, 0x8010,     // ld t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x0dff,             // move t7,ra
+  0x41b8, 0x0000,     // lui t8,DYN_INDEX
+  0x45d9,             // jalr t9
+  0x5318, 0x0000      // ori t8,t8,DYN_INDEX
+// 32-bit microMIPS stubs.
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is
+// less than 64K, dynamic symbol index is less than 32K, ABI is not N64, and we
+// can use only 32-bit instructions.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::
+lazy_stub_micromips32_normal_1[] =
+  0xff3c, 0x8010,     // lw t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x001f, 0x7950,     // addu t7,ra,zero
+  0x03f9, 0x0f3c,     // jalr ra,t9
+  0x3300, 0x0000      // addiu t8,zero,DYN_INDEX sign extended
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is
+// less than 64K, dynamic symbol index is less than 32K, ABI is N64, and we can
+// use only 32-bit instructions.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::
+lazy_stub_micromips32_normal_1_n64[] =
+  0xdf3c, 0x8010,     // ld t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x581f, 0x7950,     // daddu t7,ra,zero
+  0x03f9, 0x0f3c,     // jalr ra,t9
+  0x5f00, 0x0000      // daddiu t8,zero,DYN_INDEX sign extended
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol
+// count is less than 64K, dynamic symbol index is between 32K and 64K,
+// ABI is not N64, and we can use only 32-bit instructions.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::
+lazy_stub_micromips32_normal_2[] =
+  0xff3c, 0x8010,     // lw t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x001f, 0x7950,     // addu t7,ra,zero
+  0x03f9, 0x0f3c,     // jalr ra,t9
+  0x5300, 0x0000      // ori t8,zero,DYN_INDEX unsigned
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol
+// count is less than 64K, dynamic symbol index is between 32K and 64K,
+// ABI is N64, and we can use only 32-bit instructions.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::
+lazy_stub_micromips32_normal_2_n64[] =
+  0xdf3c, 0x8010,     // ld t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x581f, 0x7950,     // daddu t7,ra,zero
+  0x03f9, 0x0f3c,     // jalr ra,t9
+  0x5300, 0x0000      // ori t8,zero,DYN_INDEX unsigned
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is
+// greater than 64K, ABI is not N64, and we can use only 32-bit instructions.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_micromips32_big[] =
+  0xff3c, 0x8010,     // lw t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x001f, 0x7950,     // addu t7,ra,zero
+  0x41b8, 0x0000,     // lui t8,DYN_INDEX
+  0x03f9, 0x0f3c,     // jalr ra,t9
+  0x5318, 0x0000      // ori t8,t8,DYN_INDEX
+// The format of the microMIPS lazy binding stub when dynamic symbol count is
+// greater than 64K, ABI is N64, and we can use only 32-bit instructions.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const uint32_t
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::lazy_stub_micromips32_big_n64[] =
+  0xdf3c, 0x8010,     // ld t9,0x8010(gp)
+  0x581f, 0x7950,     // daddu t7,ra,zero
+  0x41b8, 0x0000,     // lui t8,DYN_INDEX
+  0x03f9, 0x0f3c,     // jalr ra,t9
+  0x5318, 0x0000      // ori t8,t8,DYN_INDEX
+// Create entry for a symbol.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::make_entry(
+    Mips_symbol<size>* gsym)
+  if (!gsym->has_lazy_stub() && !gsym->has_plt_offset())
+    {
+      this->symbols_.insert(gsym);
+      gsym->set_has_lazy_stub(true);
+    }
+// Remove entry for a symbol.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::remove_entry(
+    Mips_symbol<size>* gsym)
+  if (gsym->has_lazy_stub())
+    {
+      this->symbols_.erase(gsym);
+      gsym->set_has_lazy_stub(false);
+    }
+// Set stub offsets for symbols.  This method expects that the number of
+// entries in dynamic symbol table is set.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::set_lazy_stub_offsets()
+  gold_assert(this->dynsym_count_ != -1U);
+  if (this->stub_offsets_are_set_)
+    return;
+  unsigned int stub_size = this->stub_size();
+  unsigned int offset = 0;
+  for (typename Unordered_set<Mips_symbol<size>*>::const_iterator
+       p = this->symbols_.begin();
+       p != this->symbols_.end();
+       ++p, offset += stub_size)
+    {
+      Mips_symbol<size>* mips_sym = *p;
+      mips_sym->set_lazy_stub_offset(offset);
+    }
+  this->stub_offsets_are_set_ = true;
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::set_needs_dynsym_value()
+  for (typename Unordered_set<Mips_symbol<size>*>::const_iterator
+       p = this->symbols_.begin(); p != this->symbols_.end(); ++p)
+    {
+      Mips_symbol<size>* sym = *p;
+      if (sym->is_from_dynobj())
+        sym->set_needs_dynsym_value();
+    }
+// Write out the .MIPS.stubs.  This uses the hand-coded instructions and
+// adjusts them as needed.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>::do_write(Output_file* of)
+  const off_t offset = this->offset();
+  const section_size_type oview_size =
+    convert_to_section_size_type(this->data_size());
+  unsigned char* const oview = of->get_output_view(offset, oview_size);
+  bool big_stub = this->dynsym_count_ > 0x10000;
+  unsigned char* pov = oview;
+  for (typename Unordered_set<Mips_symbol<size>*>::const_iterator
+       p = this->symbols_.begin(); p != this->symbols_.end(); ++p)
+    {
+      Mips_symbol<size>* sym = *p;
+      const uint32_t* lazy_stub;
+      bool n64 = this->target_->is_output_n64();
+      if (!this->target_->is_output_micromips())
+        {
+          // Write standard (non-microMIPS) stub.
+          if (!big_stub)
+            {
+              if (sym->dynsym_index() & ~0x7fff)
+                // Dynsym index is between 32K and 64K.
+                lazy_stub = n64 ? lazy_stub_normal_2_n64 : lazy_stub_normal_2;
+              else
+                // Dynsym index is less than 32K.
+                lazy_stub = n64 ? lazy_stub_normal_1_n64 : lazy_stub_normal_1;
+            }
+          else
+            lazy_stub = n64 ? lazy_stub_big_n64 : lazy_stub_big;
+          unsigned int i = 0;
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov, lazy_stub[i]);
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 4, lazy_stub[i + 1]);
+          pov += 8;
+          i += 2;
+          if (big_stub)
+            {
+              // LUI instruction of the big stub.  Paste high 16 bits of the
+              // dynsym index.
+              elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov,
+                  lazy_stub[i] | ((sym->dynsym_index() >> 16) & 0x7fff));
+              pov += 4;
+              i += 1;
+            }
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov, lazy_stub[i]);
+          // Last stub instruction.  Paste low 16 bits of the dynsym index.
+          elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 4,
+              lazy_stub[i + 1] | (sym->dynsym_index() & 0xffff));
+          pov += 8;
+        }
+      else if (this->target_->use_32bit_micromips_instructions())
+        {
+          // Write microMIPS stub in insn32 mode.
+          if (!big_stub)
+            {
+              if (sym->dynsym_index() & ~0x7fff)
+                // Dynsym index is between 32K and 64K.
+                lazy_stub = n64 ? lazy_stub_micromips32_normal_2_n64
+                                : lazy_stub_micromips32_normal_2;
+              else
+                // Dynsym index is less than 32K.
+                lazy_stub = n64 ? lazy_stub_micromips32_normal_1_n64
+                                : lazy_stub_micromips32_normal_1;
+            }
+          else
+            lazy_stub = n64 ? lazy_stub_micromips32_big_n64
+                            : lazy_stub_micromips32_big;
+          unsigned int i = 0;
+          // First stub instruction.  We emit 32-bit microMIPS instructions by
+          // emitting two 16-bit parts because on microMIPS the 16-bit part of
+          // the instruction where the opcode is must always come first, for
+          // both little and big endian.
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov, lazy_stub[i]);
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 2, lazy_stub[i + 1]);
+          // Second stub instruction.
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 4, lazy_stub[i + 2]);
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 6, lazy_stub[i + 3]);
+          pov += 8;
+          i += 4;
+          if (big_stub)
+            {
+              // LUI instruction of the big stub.  Paste high 16 bits of the
+              // dynsym index.
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov, lazy_stub[i]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 2,
+                  (sym->dynsym_index() >> 16) & 0x7fff);
+              pov += 4;
+              i += 2;
+            }
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov, lazy_stub[i]);
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 2, lazy_stub[i + 1]);
+          // Last stub instruction.  Paste low 16 bits of the dynsym index.
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 4, lazy_stub[i + 2]);
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 6,
+              sym->dynsym_index() & 0xffff);
+          pov += 8;
+        }
+      else
+        {
+          // Write microMIPS stub.
+          if (!big_stub)
+            {
+              if (sym->dynsym_index() & ~0x7fff)
+                // Dynsym index is between 32K and 64K.
+                lazy_stub = n64 ? lazy_stub_micromips_normal_2_n64
+                                : lazy_stub_micromips_normal_2;
+              else
+                // Dynsym index is less than 32K.
+                lazy_stub = n64 ? lazy_stub_micromips_normal_1_n64
+                                : lazy_stub_micromips_normal_1;
+            }
+          else
+            lazy_stub = n64 ? lazy_stub_micromips_big_n64
+                            : lazy_stub_micromips_big;
+          unsigned int i = 0;
+          // First stub instruction.  We emit 32-bit microMIPS instructions by
+          // emitting two 16-bit parts because on microMIPS the 16-bit part of
+          // the instruction where the opcode is must always come first, for
+          // both little and big endian.
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov, lazy_stub[i]);
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 2, lazy_stub[i + 1]);
+          // Second stub instruction.
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 4, lazy_stub[i + 2]);
+          pov += 6;
+          i += 3;
+          if (big_stub)
+            {
+              // LUI instruction of the big stub.  Paste high 16 bits of the
+              // dynsym index.
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov, lazy_stub[i]);
+              elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 2,
+                  (sym->dynsym_index() >> 16) & 0x7fff);
+              pov += 4;
+              i += 2;
+            }
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov, lazy_stub[i]);
+          // Last stub instruction.  Paste low 16 bits of the dynsym index.
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 2, lazy_stub[i + 1]);
+          elfcpp::Swap<16, big_endian>::writeval(pov + 4,
+              sym->dynsym_index() & 0xffff);
+          pov += 6;
+        }
+    }
+  // We always allocate 20 bytes for every stub, because final dynsym count is
+  // not known in method do_finalize_sections.  There are 4 unused bytes per
+  // stub if final dynsym count is less than 0x10000.
+  unsigned int used = pov - oview;
+  unsigned int unused = big_stub ? 0 : this->symbols_.size() * 4;
+  gold_assert(static_cast<section_size_type>(used + unused) == oview_size);
+  // Fill the unused space with zeroes.
+  // TODO(sasa): Can we strip unused bytes during the relaxation?
+  unsigned char* end = oview + oview_size;
+  while (pov < end)
+    {
+      elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::writeval(pov, 0);
+      pov += 4;
+    }
+  of->write_output_view(offset, oview_size, oview);
+// Mips_output_section_reginfo methods.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_section_reginfo<size, big_endian>::do_write(Output_file* of)
+  Valtype gprmask = 0;
+  Valtype cprmask1 = 0;
+  Valtype cprmask2 = 0;
+  Valtype cprmask3 = 0;
+  Valtype cprmask4 = 0;
+  for (Input_section_list::const_iterator p = this->input_sections().begin();
+       p != this->input_sections().end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Relobj* relobj = p->relobj();
+      unsigned int shndx = p->shndx();
+      section_size_type section_size;
+      const unsigned char* section_contents =
+        relobj->section_contents(shndx, &section_size, false);
+      gprmask |= elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::readval(section_contents);
+      cprmask1 |= elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::readval(section_contents + 4);
+      cprmask2 |= elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::readval(section_contents + 8);
+      cprmask3 |=
+        elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::readval(section_contents + 12);
+      cprmask4 |=
+        elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::readval(section_contents + 16);
+    }
+  off_t offset = this->offset();
+  off_t data_size = this->data_size();
+  unsigned char* view = of->get_output_view(offset, data_size);
+  elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(view, gprmask);
+  elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(view + 4, cprmask1);
+  elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(view + 8, cprmask2);
+  elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(view + 12, cprmask3);
+  elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(view + 16, cprmask4);
+  // Write the gp value.
+  elfcpp::Swap<size, big_endian>::writeval(view + 20,
+                                           this->target_->gp_value());
+  of->write_output_view(offset, data_size, view);
+// Mips_copy_relocs methods.
+// Emit any saved relocs.
+template<int sh_type, int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_copy_relocs<sh_type, size, big_endian>::emit_mips(
+    Output_data_reloc<sh_type, true, size, big_endian>* reloc_section,
+    Symbol_table* symtab, Layout* layout, Target_mips<size, big_endian>* target)
+  for (typename Copy_relocs<sh_type, size, big_endian>::
+       Copy_reloc_entries::iterator p = this->entries_.begin();
+       p != this->entries_.end();
+       ++p)
+    emit_entry(*p, reloc_section, symtab, layout, target);
+  // We no longer need the saved information.
+  this->entries_.clear();
+// Emit the reloc if appropriate.
+template<int sh_type, int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_copy_relocs<sh_type, size, big_endian>::emit_entry(
+    Copy_reloc_entry& entry,
+    Output_data_reloc<sh_type, true, size, big_endian>* reloc_section,
+    Symbol_table* symtab, Layout* layout, Target_mips<size, big_endian>* target)
+  // If the symbol is no longer defined in a dynamic object, then we
+  // emitted a COPY relocation, and we do not want to emit this
+  // dynamic relocation.
+  if (!entry.sym_->is_from_dynobj())
+    return;
+  bool can_make_dynamic = (entry.reloc_type_ == elfcpp::R_MIPS_32
+                           || entry.reloc_type_ == elfcpp::R_MIPS_REL32
+                           || entry.reloc_type_ == elfcpp::R_MIPS_64);
+  Mips_symbol<size>* sym = Mips_symbol<size>::as_mips_sym(entry.sym_);
+  if (can_make_dynamic && !sym->has_static_relocs())
+    {
+      Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>* object =
+        Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::as_mips_relobj(entry.relobj_);
+      target->got_section(symtab, layout)->record_global_got_symbol(
+                          sym, object, entry.reloc_type_, true, false);
+      if (!symbol_references_local(sym, sym->should_add_dynsym_entry(symtab)))
+        target->rel_dyn_section(layout)->add_global(sym, elfcpp::R_MIPS_REL32,
+            entry.output_section_, entry.relobj_, entry.shndx_, entry.address_);
+      else
+        target->rel_dyn_section(layout)->add_symbolless_global_addend(
+            sym, elfcpp::R_MIPS_REL32, entry.output_section_, entry.relobj_,
+            entry.shndx_, entry.address_);
+    }
+  else
+    this->make_copy_reloc(symtab, layout,
+                          static_cast<Sized_symbol<size>*>(entry.sym_),
+                          reloc_section);
+// Target_mips methods.
+// Return the value to use for a dynamic symbol which requires special
+// treatment.  This is how we support equality comparisons of function
+// pointers across shared library boundaries, as described in the
+// processor specific ABI supplement.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::do_dynsym_value(const Symbol* gsym) const
+  uint64_t value = 0;
+  const Mips_symbol<size>* mips_sym = Mips_symbol<size>::as_mips_sym(gsym);
+  if (!mips_sym->has_lazy_stub())
+    {
+      if (mips_sym->has_plt_offset())
+        {
+          // We distinguish between PLT entries and lazy-binding stubs by
+          // giving the former an st_other value of STO_MIPS_PLT.  Set the
+          // value to the stub address if there are any relocations in the
+          // binary where pointer equality matters.
+          if (mips_sym->pointer_equality_needed())
+            {
+              // Prefer a standard MIPS PLT entry.
+              if (mips_sym->has_mips_plt_offset())
+                value = this->plt_section()->mips_entry_address(mips_sym);
+              else
+                value = this->plt_section()->comp_entry_address(mips_sym) + 1;
+            }
+          else
+            value = 0;
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      // First, set stub offsets for symbols.  This method expects that the
+      // number of entries in dynamic symbol table is set.
+      this->mips_stubs_section()->set_lazy_stub_offsets();
+      // The run-time linker uses the st_value field of the symbol
+      // to reset the global offset table entry for this external
+      // to its stub address when unlinking a shared object.
+      value = this->mips_stubs_section()->stub_address(mips_sym);
+    }
+  if (mips_sym->has_mips16_fn_stub())
+    {
+      // If we have a MIPS16 function with a stub, the dynamic symbol must
+      // refer to the stub, since only the stub uses the standard calling
+      // conventions.
+      value = mips_sym->template
+              get_mips16_fn_stub<big_endian>()->output_address();
+    }
+  return value;
+// Get the dynamic reloc section, creating it if necessary.  It's always
+// .rel.dyn, even for MIPS64.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+typename Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Reloc_section*
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::rel_dyn_section(Layout* layout)
+  if (this->rel_dyn_ == NULL)
+    {
+      gold_assert(layout != NULL);
+      this->rel_dyn_ = new Reloc_section(parameters->options().combreloc());
+      layout->add_output_section_data(".rel.dyn", elfcpp::SHT_REL,
+                                      elfcpp::SHF_ALLOC, this->rel_dyn_,
+                                      ORDER_DYNAMIC_RELOCS, false);
+      // First entry in .rel.dyn has to be null.
+      // This is hack - we define dummy output data and set its address to 0,
+      // and define absolute R_MIPS_NONE relocation with offset 0 against it.
+      // This ensures that the entry is null.
+      Output_data* od = new Output_data_zero_fill(0, 0);
+      od->set_address(0);
+      this->rel_dyn_->add_absolute(elfcpp::R_MIPS_NONE, od, 0);
+    }
+  return this->rel_dyn_;
+// Get the GOT section, creating it if necessary.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>*
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::got_section(Symbol_table* symtab,
+                                           Layout* layout)
+  if (this->got_ == NULL)
+    {
+      gold_assert(symtab != NULL && layout != NULL);
+      this->got_ = new Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>(this, symtab,
+                                                              layout);
+      layout->add_output_section_data(".got", elfcpp::SHT_PROGBITS,
+                                      (elfcpp::SHF_ALLOC | elfcpp::SHF_WRITE |
+                                      elfcpp::SHF_MIPS_GPREL),
+                                      this->got_, ORDER_DATA, false);
+      // Define _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ at the start of the .got section.
+      symtab->define_in_output_data("_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_", NULL,
+                                    Symbol_table::PREDEFINED,
+                                    this->got_,
+                                    0, 0, elfcpp::STT_OBJECT,
+                                    elfcpp::STB_GLOBAL,
+                                    elfcpp::STV_DEFAULT, 0,
+                                    false, false);
+    }
+  return this->got_;
+// Calculate value of _gp symbol.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::set_gp(Layout* layout, Symbol_table* symtab)
+  if (this->gp_ != NULL)
+    return;
+  Output_data* section = layout->find_output_section(".got");
+  if (section == NULL)
+    {
+      // If there is no .got section, gp should be based on .sdata.
+      // TODO(sasa): This is probably not needed.  This was needed for older
+      // MIPS architectures which accessed both GOT and .sdata section using
+      // gp-relative addressing.  Modern Mips Linux ELF architectures don't
+      // access .sdata using gp-relative addressing.
+      for (Layout::Section_list::const_iterator
+           p = layout->section_list().begin();
+           p != layout->section_list().end();
+           ++p)
+        {
+          if (strcmp((*p)->name(), ".sdata") == 0)
+            {
+              section = *p;
+              break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  Sized_symbol<size>* gp =
+    static_cast<Sized_symbol<size>*>(symtab->lookup("_gp"));
+  if (gp != NULL)
+    {
+      if (gp->source() != Symbol::IS_CONSTANT && section != NULL)
+        gp->init_output_data(gp->name(), NULL, section, MIPS_GP_OFFSET, 0,
+                             elfcpp::STT_OBJECT,
+                             elfcpp::STB_GLOBAL,
+                             elfcpp::STV_DEFAULT, 0,
+                             false, false);
+      this->gp_ = gp;
+    }
+  else if (section != NULL)
+    {
+      gp = static_cast<Sized_symbol<size>*>(symtab->define_in_output_data(
+                                      "_gp", NULL, Symbol_table::PREDEFINED,
+                                      section, MIPS_GP_OFFSET, 0,
+                                      elfcpp::STT_OBJECT,
+                                      elfcpp::STB_GLOBAL,
+                                      elfcpp::STV_DEFAULT,
+                                      0, false, false));
+      this->gp_ = gp;
+    }
+// Set the dynamic symbol indexes.  INDEX is the index of the first
+// global dynamic symbol.  Pointers to the symbols are stored into the
+// vector SYMS.  The names are added to DYNPOOL.  This returns an
+// updated dynamic symbol index.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+unsigned int
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::do_set_dynsym_indexes(
+    std::vector<Symbol*>* dyn_symbols, unsigned int index,
+    std::vector<Symbol*>* syms, Stringpool* dynpool,
+    Versions* versions, Symbol_table* symtab) const
+  std::vector<Symbol*> non_got_symbols;
+  std::vector<Symbol*> got_symbols;
+  reorder_dyn_symbols<size, big_endian>(dyn_symbols, &non_got_symbols,
+                                        &got_symbols);
+  for (std::vector<Symbol*>::iterator p = non_got_symbols.begin();
+       p != non_got_symbols.end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Symbol* sym = *p;
+      // Note that SYM may already have a dynamic symbol index, since
+      // some symbols appear more than once in the symbol table, with
+      // and without a version.
+      if (!sym->has_dynsym_index())
+        {
+          sym->set_dynsym_index(index);
+          ++index;
+          syms->push_back(sym);
+          dynpool->add(sym->name(), false, NULL);
+          // Record any version information.
+          if (sym->version() != NULL)
+            versions->record_version(symtab, dynpool, sym);
+          // If the symbol is defined in a dynamic object and is
+          // referenced in a regular object, then mark the dynamic
+          // object as needed.  This is used to implement --as-needed.
+          if (sym->is_from_dynobj() && sym->in_reg())
+            sym->object()->set_is_needed();
+        }
+    }
+  for (std::vector<Symbol*>::iterator p = got_symbols.begin();
+       p != got_symbols.end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Symbol* sym = *p;
+      if (!sym->has_dynsym_index())
+        {
+          // Record any version information.
+          if (sym->version() != NULL)
+            versions->record_version(symtab, dynpool, sym);
+        }
+    }
+  index = versions->finalize(symtab, index, syms);
+  int got_sym_count = 0;
+  for (std::vector<Symbol*>::iterator p = got_symbols.begin();
+       p != got_symbols.end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Symbol* sym = *p;
+      if (!sym->has_dynsym_index())
+        {
+          ++got_sym_count;
+          sym->set_dynsym_index(index);
+          ++index;
+          syms->push_back(sym);
+          dynpool->add(sym->name(), false, NULL);
+          // If the symbol is defined in a dynamic object and is
+          // referenced in a regular object, then mark the dynamic
+          // object as needed.  This is used to implement --as-needed.
+          if (sym->is_from_dynobj() && sym->in_reg())
+            sym->object()->set_is_needed();
+        }
+    }
+  // Set index of the first symbol that has .got entry.
+  this->got_->set_first_global_got_dynsym_index(
+    got_sym_count > 0 ? index - got_sym_count : -1U);
+  if (this->mips_stubs_ != NULL)
+    this->mips_stubs_->set_dynsym_count(index);
+  return index;
+// Create a PLT entry for a global symbol referenced by r_type relocation.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::make_plt_entry(Symbol_table* symtab,
+                                              Layout* layout,
+                                              Mips_symbol<size>* gsym,
+                                              unsigned int r_type)
+  if (gsym->has_lazy_stub() || gsym->has_plt_offset())
+    return;
+  if (this->plt_ == NULL)
+    {
+      // Create the GOT section first.
+      this->got_section(symtab, layout);
+      this->got_plt_ = new Output_data_space(4, "** GOT PLT");
+      layout->add_output_section_data(".got.plt", elfcpp::SHT_PROGBITS,
+                                      (elfcpp::SHF_ALLOC | elfcpp::SHF_WRITE),
+                                      this->got_plt_, ORDER_DATA, false);
+      // The first two entries are reserved.
+      this->got_plt_->set_current_data_size(2 * size/8);
+      this->plt_ = new Mips_output_data_plt<size, big_endian>(layout,
+                                                              this->got_plt_,
+                                                              this);
+      layout->add_output_section_data(".plt", elfcpp::SHT_PROGBITS,
+                                      (elfcpp::SHF_ALLOC
+                                       | elfcpp::SHF_EXECINSTR),
+                                      this->plt_, ORDER_PLT, false);
+    }
+  this->plt_->add_entry(gsym, r_type);
+// Get the .MIPS.stubs section, creating it if necessary.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>*
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::mips_stubs_section(Layout* layout)
+  if (this->mips_stubs_ == NULL)
+    {
+      this->mips_stubs_ =
+        new Mips_output_data_mips_stubs<size, big_endian>(this);
+      layout->add_output_section_data(".MIPS.stubs", elfcpp::SHT_PROGBITS,
+                                      (elfcpp::SHF_ALLOC
+                                       | elfcpp::SHF_EXECINSTR),
+                                      this->mips_stubs_, ORDER_PLT, false);
+    }
+  return this->mips_stubs_;
+// Get the LA25 stub section, creating it if necessary.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Mips_output_data_la25_stub<size, big_endian>*
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::la25_stub_section(Layout* layout)
+  if (this->la25_stub_ == NULL)
+    {
+      this->la25_stub_ = new Mips_output_data_la25_stub<size, big_endian>();
+      layout->add_output_section_data(".text", elfcpp::SHT_PROGBITS,
+                                      (elfcpp::SHF_ALLOC
+                                       | elfcpp::SHF_EXECINSTR),
+                                      this->la25_stub_, ORDER_TEXT, false);
+    }
+  return this->la25_stub_;
+// Process the relocations to determine unreferenced sections for
+// garbage collection.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::gc_process_relocs(
+                        Symbol_table* symtab,
+                        Layout* layout,
+                        Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object,
+                        unsigned int data_shndx,
+                        unsigned int,
+                        const unsigned char* prelocs,
+                        size_t reloc_count,
+                        Output_section* output_section,
+                        bool needs_special_offset_handling,
+                        size_t local_symbol_count,
+                        const unsigned char* plocal_symbols)
+  typedef Target_mips<size, big_endian> Mips;
+  typedef typename Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Scan Scan;
+  gold::gc_process_relocs<size, big_endian, Mips, elfcpp::SHT_REL, Scan,
+                          typename Target_mips::Relocatable_size_for_reloc>(
+    symtab,
+    layout,
+    this,
+    object,
+    data_shndx,
+    prelocs,
+    reloc_count,
+    output_section,
+    needs_special_offset_handling,
+    local_symbol_count,
+    plocal_symbols);
+// Scan relocations for a section.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::scan_relocs(
+                        Symbol_table* symtab,
+                        Layout* layout,
+                        Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object,
+                        unsigned int data_shndx,
+                        unsigned int sh_type,
+                        const unsigned char* prelocs,
+                        size_t reloc_count,
+                        Output_section* output_section,
+                        bool needs_special_offset_handling,
+                        size_t local_symbol_count,
+                        const unsigned char* plocal_symbols)
+  typedef Target_mips<size, big_endian> Mips;
+  typedef typename Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Scan Scan;
+  if (sh_type == elfcpp::SHT_REL)
+    gold::scan_relocs<size, big_endian, Mips, elfcpp::SHT_REL, Scan>(
+      symtab,
+      layout,
+      this,
+      object,
+      data_shndx,
+      prelocs,
+      reloc_count,
+      output_section,
+      needs_special_offset_handling,
+      local_symbol_count,
+      plocal_symbols);
+  else if (sh_type == elfcpp::SHT_RELA)
+    gold::scan_relocs<size, big_endian, Mips, elfcpp::SHT_RELA, Scan>(
+      symtab,
+      layout,
+      this,
+      object,
+      data_shndx,
+      prelocs,
+      reloc_count,
+      output_section,
+      needs_special_offset_handling,
+      local_symbol_count,
+      plocal_symbols);
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::mips_32bit_flags(elfcpp::Elf_Word flags)
+  return ((flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_32BITMODE) != 0
+          || (flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI) == elfcpp::E_MIPS_ABI_O32
+          || (flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI) == elfcpp::E_MIPS_ABI_EABI32
+          || (flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH) == elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_1
+          || (flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH) == elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_2
+          || (flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH) == elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_32
+          || (flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH) == elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_32R2);
+// Return the MACH for a MIPS e_flags value.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+unsigned int
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::elf_mips_mach(elfcpp::Elf_Word flags)
+  switch (flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_MACH)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_3900:
+      return mach_mips3900;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_4010:
+      return mach_mips4010;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_4100:
+      return mach_mips4100;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_4111:
+      return mach_mips4111;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_4120:
+      return mach_mips4120;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_4650:
+      return mach_mips4650;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_5400:
+      return mach_mips5400;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_5500:
+      return mach_mips5500;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_9000:
+      return mach_mips9000;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_SB1:
+      return mach_mips_sb1;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_LS2E:
+      return mach_mips_loongson_2e;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_LS2F:
+      return mach_mips_loongson_2f;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_LS3A:
+      return mach_mips_loongson_3a;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_OCTEON2:
+      return mach_mips_octeon2;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_OCTEON:
+      return mach_mips_octeon;
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_XLR:
+      return mach_mips_xlr;
+    default:
+      switch (flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH)
+        {
+        default:
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_1:
+          return mach_mips3000;
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_2:
+          return mach_mips6000;
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_3:
+          return mach_mips4000;
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_4:
+          return mach_mips8000;
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_5:
+          return mach_mips5;
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_32:
+          return mach_mipsisa32;
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_64:
+          return mach_mipsisa64;
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_32R2:
+          return mach_mipsisa32r2;
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_64R2:
+          return mach_mipsisa64r2;
+        }
+    }
+  return 0;
+// Check whether machine EXTENSION is an extension of machine BASE.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::mips_mach_extends(unsigned int base,
+                                                 unsigned int extension)
+  if (extension == base)
+    return true;
+  if ((base == mach_mipsisa32)
+      && this->mips_mach_extends(mach_mipsisa64, extension))
+    return true;
+  if ((base == mach_mipsisa32r2)
+      && this->mips_mach_extends(mach_mipsisa64r2, extension))
+    return true;
+  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < this->mips_mach_extensions_.size(); ++i)
+    if (extension == this->mips_mach_extensions_[i].first)
+      {
+        extension = this->mips_mach_extensions_[i].second;
+        if (extension == base)
+          return true;
+      }
+  return false;
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::merge_processor_specific_flags(
+    const std::string& name, elfcpp::Elf_Word in_flags,
+    unsigned char in_ei_class, bool dyn_obj)
+  // If flags are not set yet, just copy them.
+  if (!this->are_processor_specific_flags_set())
+    {
+      this->set_processor_specific_flags(in_flags);
+      this->ei_class_ = in_ei_class;
+      this->mach_ = this->elf_mips_mach(in_flags);
+      return;
+    }
+  elfcpp::Elf_Word new_flags = in_flags;
+  elfcpp::Elf_Word old_flags = this->processor_specific_flags();
+  elfcpp::Elf_Word merged_flags = this->processor_specific_flags();
+  merged_flags |= new_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_NOREORDER;
+  // Check flag compatibility.
+  new_flags &= ~elfcpp::EF_MIPS_NOREORDER;
+  old_flags &= ~elfcpp::EF_MIPS_NOREORDER;
+  // Some IRIX 6 BSD-compatibility objects have this bit set.  It
+  // doesn't seem to matter.
+  new_flags &= ~elfcpp::EF_MIPS_XGOT;
+  old_flags &= ~elfcpp::EF_MIPS_XGOT;
+  // MIPSpro generates ucode info in n64 objects.  Again, we should
+  // just be able to ignore this.
+  new_flags &= ~elfcpp::EF_MIPS_UCODE;
+  old_flags &= ~elfcpp::EF_MIPS_UCODE;
+  // DSOs should only be linked with CPIC code.
+  if (dyn_obj)
+    new_flags |= elfcpp::EF_MIPS_PIC | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_CPIC;
+  if (new_flags == old_flags)
+    {
+      this->set_processor_specific_flags(merged_flags);
+      return;
+    }
+  if (((new_flags & (elfcpp::EF_MIPS_PIC | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_CPIC)) != 0)
+      != ((old_flags & (elfcpp::EF_MIPS_PIC | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_CPIC)) != 0))
+    gold_warning(_("%s: linking abicalls files with non-abicalls files"),
+                 name.c_str());
+  if (new_flags & (elfcpp::EF_MIPS_PIC | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_CPIC))
+    merged_flags |= elfcpp::EF_MIPS_CPIC;
+  if (!(new_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_PIC))
+    merged_flags &= ~elfcpp::EF_MIPS_PIC;
+  new_flags &= ~(elfcpp::EF_MIPS_PIC | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_CPIC);
+  old_flags &= ~(elfcpp::EF_MIPS_PIC | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_CPIC);
+  // Compare the ISAs.
+  if (mips_32bit_flags(old_flags) != mips_32bit_flags(new_flags))
+    gold_error(_("%s: linking 32-bit code with 64-bit code"), name.c_str());
+  else if (!this->mips_mach_extends(this->elf_mips_mach(in_flags), this->mach_))
+    {
+      // Output ISA isn't the same as, or an extension of, input ISA.
+      if (this->mips_mach_extends(this->mach_, this->elf_mips_mach(in_flags)))
+        {
+          // Copy the architecture info from input object to output.  Also copy
+          // the 32-bit flag (if set) so that we continue to recognise
+          // output as a 32-bit binary.
+          this->mach_ = this->elf_mips_mach(in_flags);
+          merged_flags &= ~(elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_MACH);
+          merged_flags |= (new_flags & (elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH
+                           | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_MACH | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_32BITMODE));
+          // Copy across the ABI flags if output doesn't use them
+          // and if that was what caused us to treat input object as 32-bit.
+          if ((old_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI) == 0
+              && this->mips_32bit_flags(new_flags)
+              && !this->mips_32bit_flags(new_flags & ~elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI))
+            merged_flags |= new_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI;
+        }
+      else
+        // The ISAs aren't compatible.
+        gold_error(_("%s: linking %s module with previous %s modules"),
+                   name.c_str(), this->elf_mips_mach_name(in_flags),
+                   this->elf_mips_mach_name(merged_flags));
+    }
+  new_flags &= (~(elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_MACH
+                | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_32BITMODE));
+  old_flags &= (~(elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_MACH
+                | elfcpp::EF_MIPS_32BITMODE));
+  // Compare ABIs.  The 64-bit ABI does not use EF_MIPS_ABI. But, it does set
+  // EI_CLASS differently from any 32-bit ABI.
+  if ((new_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI) != (old_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI)
+      || (in_ei_class != this->ei_class_))
+    {
+      // Only error if both are set (to different values).
+      if (((new_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI)
+           && (old_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI))
+          || (in_ei_class != this->ei_class_))
+        gold_error(_("%s: ABI mismatch: linking %s module with "
+                     "previous %s modules"), name.c_str(),
+                   this->elf_mips_abi_name(in_flags, in_ei_class),
+                   this->elf_mips_abi_name(merged_flags, this->ei_class_));
+      new_flags &= ~elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI;
+      old_flags &= ~elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI;
+    }
+  // Compare ASEs.  Forbid linking MIPS16 and microMIPS ASE modules together
+  // and allow arbitrary mixing of the remaining ASEs (retain the union).
+  if ((new_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH_ASE)
+      != (old_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH_ASE))
+    {
+      int old_micro = old_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH_ASE_MICROMIPS;
+      int new_micro = new_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH_ASE_MICROMIPS;
+      int old_m16 = old_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH_ASE_M16;
+      int new_m16 = new_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH_ASE_M16;
+      int micro_mis = old_m16 && new_micro;
+      int m16_mis = old_micro && new_m16;
+      if (m16_mis || micro_mis)
+        gold_error(_("%s: ASE mismatch: linking %s module with "
+                     "previous %s modules"), name.c_str(),
+                   m16_mis ? "MIPS16" : "microMIPS",
+                   m16_mis ? "microMIPS" : "MIPS16");
+      merged_flags |= new_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH_ASE;
+      new_flags &= ~ elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH_ASE;
+      old_flags &= ~ elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH_ASE;
+    }
+  // Warn about any other mismatches.
+  if (new_flags != old_flags)
+    gold_error(_("%s: uses different e_flags (0x%x) fields than previous "
+                 "modules (0x%x)"), name.c_str(), new_flags, old_flags);
+  this->set_processor_specific_flags(merged_flags);
+// Adjust ELF file header.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::do_adjust_elf_header(
+    unsigned char* view,
+    int len)
+  gold_assert(len == elfcpp::Elf_sizes<size>::ehdr_size);
+  elfcpp::Ehdr<size, big_endian> ehdr(view);
+  unsigned char e_ident[elfcpp::EI_NIDENT];
+  memcpy(e_ident, ehdr.get_e_ident(), elfcpp::EI_NIDENT);
+  e_ident[elfcpp::EI_CLASS] = this->ei_class_;
+  elfcpp::Ehdr_write<size, big_endian> oehdr(view);
+  oehdr.put_e_ident(e_ident);
+  if (this->entry_symbol_is_compressed_)
+    oehdr.put_e_entry(ehdr.get_e_entry() + 1);
+// do_make_elf_object to override the same function in the base class.
+// We need to use a target-specific sub-class of
+// Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian> to store Mips specific information.
+// Hence we need to have our own ELF object creation.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::do_make_elf_object(
+    const std::string& name,
+    Input_file* input_file,
+    off_t offset, const elfcpp::Ehdr<size, big_endian>& ehdr)
+  int et = ehdr.get_e_type();
+  // ET_EXEC files are valid input for --just-symbols/-R,
+  // and we treat them as relocatable objects.
+  if (et == elfcpp::ET_REL
+      || (et == elfcpp::ET_EXEC && input_file->just_symbols()))
+    {
+      Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>* obj =
+        new Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>(name, input_file, offset, ehdr);
+      obj->setup();
+      return obj;
+    }
+  else if (et == elfcpp::ET_DYN)
+    {
+      // TODO(sasa): Should we create Mips_dynobj?
+      return Target::do_make_elf_object(name, input_file, offset, ehdr);
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      gold_error(_("%s: unsupported ELF file type %d"),
+                 name.c_str(), et);
+      return NULL;
+    }
+// Finalize the sections.
+template <int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::do_finalize_sections(Layout* layout,
+                                        const Input_objects* input_objects,
+                                        Symbol_table* symtab)
+  // Add +1 to MIPS16 and microMIPS init_ and _fini symbols so that DT_INIT and
+  // DT_FINI have correct values.
+  Mips_symbol<size>* init = static_cast<Mips_symbol<size>*>(
+      symtab->lookup(parameters->options().init()));
+  if (init != NULL && (init->is_mips16() || init->is_micromips()))
+    init->set_value(init->value() | 1);
+  Mips_symbol<size>* fini = static_cast<Mips_symbol<size>*>(
+      symtab->lookup(parameters->options().fini()));
+  if (fini != NULL && (fini->is_mips16() || fini->is_micromips()))
+    fini->set_value(fini->value() | 1);
+  // Check whether the entry symbol is mips16 or micromips.  This is needed to
+  // adjust entry address in ELF header.
+  Mips_symbol<size>* entry =
+    static_cast<Mips_symbol<size>*>(symtab->lookup(this->entry_symbol_name()));
+  this->entry_symbol_is_compressed_ = (entry != NULL && (entry->is_mips16()
+                                       || entry->is_micromips()));
+  if (!parameters->doing_static_link()
+      && (strcmp(parameters->options().hash_style(), "gnu") == 0
+          || strcmp(parameters->options().hash_style(), "both") == 0))
+    {
+      // .gnu.hash and the MIPS ABI require .dynsym to be sorted in different
+      // ways.  .gnu.hash needs symbols to be grouped by hash code whereas the
+      // MIPS ABI requires a mapping between the GOT and the symbol table.
+      gold_error(".gnu.hash is incompatible with the MIPS ABI");
+    }
+  // Check whether the final section that was scaned has HI16 or GOT16
+  // relocations without the corresponding LO16 part.
+  if (this->got16_addends_.size() > 0)
+      gold_error("Can't find matching LO16 reloc");
+  // Set _gp value.
+  this->set_gp(layout, symtab);
+  // Check for any mips16 stub sections that we can discard.
+  if (!parameters->options().relocatable())
+    {
+      for (Input_objects::Relobj_iterator p = input_objects->relobj_begin();
+          p != input_objects->relobj_end();
+          ++p)
+        {
+          Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>* object =
+            Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::as_mips_relobj(*p);
+          object->discard_mips16_stub_sections(symtab);
+        }
+    }
+  // Merge processor-specific flags.
+  for (Input_objects::Relobj_iterator p = input_objects->relobj_begin();
+       p != input_objects->relobj_end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>* relobj =
+        Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::as_mips_relobj(*p);
+      Input_file::Format format = relobj->input_file()->format();
+      if (format == Input_file::FORMAT_ELF)
+        {
+          // Read processor-specific flags in ELF file header.
+          const unsigned char* pehdr = relobj->get_view(
+                                            elfcpp::file_header_offset,
+                                            elfcpp::Elf_sizes<size>::ehdr_size,
+                                            true, false);
+          elfcpp::Ehdr<size, big_endian> ehdr(pehdr);
+          elfcpp::Elf_Word in_flags = ehdr.get_e_flags();
+          unsigned char ei_class = ehdr.get_e_ident()[elfcpp::EI_CLASS];
+          this->merge_processor_specific_flags(relobj->name(), in_flags,
+                                               ei_class, false);
+        }
+    }
+  for (Input_objects::Dynobj_iterator p = input_objects->dynobj_begin();
+       p != input_objects->dynobj_end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      Sized_dynobj<size, big_endian>* dynobj =
+        static_cast<Sized_dynobj<size, big_endian>*>(*p);
+      // Read processor-specific flags.
+      const unsigned char* pehdr = dynobj->get_view(elfcpp::file_header_offset,
+                                           elfcpp::Elf_sizes<size>::ehdr_size,
+                                           true, false);
+      elfcpp::Ehdr<size, big_endian> ehdr(pehdr);
+      elfcpp::Elf_Word in_flags = ehdr.get_e_flags();
+      unsigned char ei_class = ehdr.get_e_ident()[elfcpp::EI_CLASS];
+      this->merge_processor_specific_flags(dynobj->name(), in_flags, ei_class,
+                                           true);
+    }
+  if (this->plt_ != NULL)
+    {
+      // Set final PLT offsets for symbols.
+      this->plt_section()->set_plt_offsets();
+      // Define _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_ at the start of the .plt section.
+      // Set STO_MICROMIPS flag if the output has microMIPS code, but only if
+      // there are no standard PLT entries present.
+      unsigned char nonvis = 0;
+      if (this->is_output_micromips()
+          && !this->plt_section()->has_standard_entries())
+        nonvis = elfcpp::STO_MICROMIPS >> 2;
+      symtab->define_in_output_data("_PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_", NULL,
+                                    Symbol_table::PREDEFINED,
+                                    this->plt_,
+                                    0, 0, elfcpp::STT_FUNC,
+                                    elfcpp::STB_LOCAL,
+                                    elfcpp::STV_DEFAULT, nonvis,
+                                    false, false);
+    }
+  if (this->mips_stubs_ != NULL)
+    {
+      // Define _MIPS_STUBS_ at the start of the .MIPS.stubs section.
+      unsigned char nonvis = 0;
+      if (this->is_output_micromips())
+        nonvis = elfcpp::STO_MICROMIPS >> 2;
+      symtab->define_in_output_data("_MIPS_STUBS_", NULL,
+                                    Symbol_table::PREDEFINED,
+                                    this->mips_stubs_,
+                                    0, 0, elfcpp::STT_FUNC,
+                                    elfcpp::STB_LOCAL,
+                                    elfcpp::STV_DEFAULT, nonvis,
+                                    false, false);
+    }
+  if (!parameters->options().relocatable() && !parameters->doing_static_link())
+    // In case there is no .got section, create one.
+    this->got_section(symtab, layout);
+  // Emit any relocs we saved in an attempt to avoid generating COPY
+  // relocs.
+  if (this->copy_relocs_.any_saved_relocs())
+    this->copy_relocs_.emit_mips(this->rel_dyn_section(layout), symtab, layout,
+                                 this);
+  // Emit dynamic relocs.
+  for (typename std::vector<Dyn_reloc>::iterator p = this->dyn_relocs_.begin();
+       p != this->dyn_relocs_.end();
+       ++p)
+    p->emit(this->rel_dyn_section(layout), this->got_section(), symtab);
+  if (this->has_got_section())
+    this->got_section()->lay_out_got(layout, symtab, input_objects);
+  if (this->mips_stubs_ != NULL)
+    this->mips_stubs_->set_needs_dynsym_value();
+  // Check for functions that might need $25 to be valid on entry.
+  // TODO(sasa): Can we do this without iterating over all symbols?
+  typedef Symbol_visitor_check_symbols<size, big_endian> Symbol_visitor;
+  symtab->for_all_symbols<size, Symbol_visitor>(Symbol_visitor(this, layout,
+                                                               symtab));
+  // Add NULL segment.
+  if (!parameters->options().relocatable())
+    layout->make_output_segment(elfcpp::PT_NULL, 0);
+  for (Layout::Section_list::const_iterator p = layout->section_list().begin();
+       p != layout->section_list().end();
+       ++p)
+    {
+      if ((*p)->type() == elfcpp::SHT_MIPS_REGINFO)
+        {
+          Mips_output_section_reginfo<size, big_endian>* reginfo =
+            Mips_output_section_reginfo<size, big_endian>::
+              as_mips_output_section_reginfo(*p);
+          if (!parameters->options().relocatable())
+            {
+              Output_segment* reginfo_segment =
+                layout->make_output_segment(elfcpp::PT_MIPS_REGINFO,
+                                            elfcpp::PF_R);
+              reginfo_segment->add_output_section_to_nonload(reginfo,
+                                                             elfcpp::PF_R);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+  // Fill in some more dynamic tags.
+  // TODO(sasa): Add more dynamic tags.
+  const Reloc_section* rel_plt = (this->plt_ == NULL
+                                  ? NULL : this->plt_->rel_plt());
+  layout->add_target_dynamic_tags(true, this->got_, rel_plt,
+                                  this->rel_dyn_, true, false);
+  Output_data_dynamic* const odyn = layout->dynamic_data();
+  if (odyn != NULL
+      && !parameters->options().relocatable()
+      && !parameters->doing_static_link())
+  {
+    unsigned int d_val;
+    // This element holds a 32-bit version id for the Runtime
+    // Linker Interface.  This will start at integer value 1.
+    d_val = 0x01;
+    odyn->add_constant(elfcpp::DT_MIPS_RLD_VERSION, d_val);
+    // Dynamic flags
+    d_val = elfcpp::RHF_NOTPOT;
+    odyn->add_constant(elfcpp::DT_MIPS_FLAGS, d_val);
+    // Save layout for using when emiting custom dynamic tags.
+    this->layout_ = layout;
+    // This member holds the base address of the segment.
+    odyn->add_custom(elfcpp::DT_MIPS_BASE_ADDRESS);
+    // This member holds the number of entries in the .dynsym section.
+    odyn->add_custom(elfcpp::DT_MIPS_SYMTABNO);
+    // This member holds the index of the first dynamic symbol
+    // table entry that corresponds to an entry in the global offset table.
+    odyn->add_custom(elfcpp::DT_MIPS_GOTSYM);
+    // This member holds the number of local GOT entries.
+    odyn->add_constant(elfcpp::DT_MIPS_LOCAL_GOTNO,
+                       this->got_->get_local_gotno());
+    if (this->plt_ != NULL)
+      // DT_MIPS_PLTGOT dynamic tag
+      odyn->add_section_address(elfcpp::DT_MIPS_PLTGOT, this->got_plt_);
+  }
+ }
+// Get the custom dynamic tag value.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+unsigned int
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::do_dynamic_tag_custom_value(elfcpp::DT tag) const
+  switch (tag)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::DT_MIPS_BASE_ADDRESS:
+      {
+        // The base address of the segment.
+        // At this point, the segment list has been sorted into final order,
+        // so just return vaddr of the first readable PT_LOAD segment.
+        Output_segment* seg =
+          this->layout_->find_output_segment(elfcpp::PT_LOAD, elfcpp::PF_R, 0);
+        gold_assert(seg != NULL);
+        return seg->vaddr();
+      }
+    case elfcpp::DT_MIPS_SYMTABNO:
+      // The number of entries in the .dynsym section.
+      return this->get_dt_mips_symtabno();
+    case elfcpp::DT_MIPS_GOTSYM:
+      {
+        // The index of the first dynamic symbol table entry that corresponds
+        // to an entry in the GOT.
+        if (this->got_->first_global_got_dynsym_index() != -1U)
+          return this->got_->first_global_got_dynsym_index();
+        else
+          // In case if we don't have global GOT symbols we default to setting
+          // DT_MIPS_GOTSYM to the same value as DT_MIPS_SYMTABNO.
+          return this->get_dt_mips_symtabno();
+      }
+    default:
+      gold_error(_("Unknown dynamic tag 0x%x"), (unsigned int)tag);
+    }
+  return (unsigned int)-1;
+// Relocate section data.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::relocate_section(
+                        const Relocate_info<size, big_endian>* relinfo,
+                        unsigned int sh_type,
+                        const unsigned char* prelocs,
+                        size_t reloc_count,
+                        Output_section* output_section,
+                        bool needs_special_offset_handling,
+                        unsigned char* view,
+                        Mips_address address,
+                        section_size_type view_size,
+                        const Reloc_symbol_changes* reloc_symbol_changes)
+  typedef Target_mips<size, big_endian> Mips;
+  typedef typename Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Relocate Mips_relocate;
+  if (sh_type == elfcpp::SHT_REL)
+    gold::relocate_section<size, big_endian, Mips, elfcpp::SHT_REL,
+      Mips_relocate, gold::Default_comdat_behavior>(
+      relinfo,
+      this,
+      prelocs,
+      reloc_count,
+      output_section,
+      needs_special_offset_handling,
+      view,
+      address,
+      view_size,
+      reloc_symbol_changes);
+  else if (sh_type == elfcpp::SHT_RELA)
+    gold::relocate_section<size, big_endian, Mips, elfcpp::SHT_RELA,
+      Mips_relocate, gold::Default_comdat_behavior>(
+      relinfo,
+      this,
+      prelocs,
+      reloc_count,
+      output_section,
+      needs_special_offset_handling,
+      view,
+      address,
+      view_size,
+     reloc_symbol_changes);
+// Return the size of a relocation while scanning during a relocatable
+// link.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+unsigned int
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Relocatable_size_for_reloc::get_size_for_reloc(
+    unsigned int r_type,
+    Relobj* object)
+  switch (r_type)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_NONE:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD64:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64:
+      return 0;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_REL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_PC32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GPREL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_JALR:
+      return 4;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GPREL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_PC16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_GPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_DISP:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_LITERAL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_OFST:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+      return 2;
+    // These relocations are not byte sized
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_26:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26:
+      return 4;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_COPY:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT:
+      object->error(_("unexpected reloc %u in object file"), r_type);
+      return 0;
+    default:
+      object->error(_("unsupported reloc %u in object file"), r_type);
+      return 0;
+  }
+// Scan the relocs during a relocatable link.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::scan_relocatable_relocs(
+                        Symbol_table* symtab,
+                        Layout* layout,
+                        Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object,
+                        unsigned int data_shndx,
+                        unsigned int sh_type,
+                        const unsigned char* prelocs,
+                        size_t reloc_count,
+                        Output_section* output_section,
+                        bool needs_special_offset_handling,
+                        size_t local_symbol_count,
+                        const unsigned char* plocal_symbols,
+                        Relocatable_relocs* rr)
+  gold_assert(sh_type == elfcpp::SHT_REL);
+  typedef Mips_scan_relocatable_relocs<big_endian, elfcpp::SHT_REL,
+    Relocatable_size_for_reloc> Scan_relocatable_relocs;
+  gold::scan_relocatable_relocs<size, big_endian, elfcpp::SHT_REL,
+    Scan_relocatable_relocs>(
+    symtab,
+    layout,
+    object,
+    data_shndx,
+    prelocs,
+    reloc_count,
+    output_section,
+    needs_special_offset_handling,
+    local_symbol_count,
+    plocal_symbols,
+    rr);
+// Emit relocations for a section.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::relocate_relocs(
+                        const Relocate_info<size, big_endian>* relinfo,
+                        unsigned int sh_type,
+                        const unsigned char* prelocs,
+                        size_t reloc_count,
+                        Output_section* output_section,
+                        typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_Off
+                          offset_in_output_section,
+                        const Relocatable_relocs* rr,
+                        unsigned char* view,
+                        Mips_address view_address,
+                        section_size_type view_size,
+                        unsigned char* reloc_view,
+                        section_size_type reloc_view_size)
+  gold_assert(sh_type == elfcpp::SHT_REL);
+  gold::relocate_relocs<size, big_endian, elfcpp::SHT_REL>(
+    relinfo,
+    prelocs,
+    reloc_count,
+    output_section,
+    offset_in_output_section,
+    rr,
+    view,
+    view_address,
+    view_size,
+    reloc_view,
+    reloc_view_size);
+// Perform target-specific processing in a relocatable link.  This is
+// only used if we use the relocation strategy RELOC_SPECIAL.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::relocate_special_relocatable(
+    const Relocate_info<size, big_endian>* relinfo,
+    unsigned int sh_type,
+    const unsigned char* preloc_in,
+    size_t relnum,
+    Output_section* output_section,
+    typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_Off offset_in_output_section,
+    unsigned char* view,
+    Mips_address view_address,
+    section_size_type,
+    unsigned char* preloc_out)
+  // We can only handle REL type relocation sections.
+  gold_assert(sh_type == elfcpp::SHT_REL);
+  typedef typename Reloc_types<elfcpp::SHT_REL, size, big_endian>::Reloc
+    Reltype;
+  typedef typename Reloc_types<elfcpp::SHT_REL, size, big_endian>::Reloc_write
+    Reltype_write;
+  typedef Mips_relocate_functions<size, big_endian> Reloc_funcs;
+  const Mips_address invalid_address = static_cast<Mips_address>(0) - 1;
+  Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>* object =
+    Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::as_mips_relobj(relinfo->object);
+  const unsigned int local_count = object->local_symbol_count();
+  Reltype reloc(preloc_in);
+  Reltype_write reloc_write(preloc_out);
+  elfcpp::Elf_types<32>::Elf_WXword r_info = reloc.get_r_info();
+  const unsigned int r_sym = elfcpp::elf_r_sym<size>(r_info);
+  const unsigned int r_type = elfcpp::elf_r_type<size>(r_info);
+  // Get the new symbol index.
+  // We only use RELOC_SPECIAL strategy in local relocations.
+  gold_assert(r_sym < local_count);
+  // We are adjusting a section symbol.  We need to find
+  // the symbol table index of the section symbol for
+  // the output section corresponding to input section
+  // in which this symbol is defined.
+  bool is_ordinary;
+  unsigned int shndx = object->local_symbol_input_shndx(r_sym, &is_ordinary);
+  gold_assert(is_ordinary);
+  Output_section* os = object->output_section(shndx);
+  gold_assert(os != NULL);
+  gold_assert(os->needs_symtab_index());
+  unsigned int new_symndx = os->symtab_index();
+  // Get the new offset--the location in the output section where
+  // this relocation should be applied.
+  Mips_address offset = reloc.get_r_offset();
+  Mips_address new_offset;
+  if (offset_in_output_section != invalid_address)
+    new_offset = offset + offset_in_output_section;
+  else
+    {
+      section_offset_type sot_offset =
+        convert_types<section_offset_type, Mips_address>(offset);
+      section_offset_type new_sot_offset =
+        output_section->output_offset(object, relinfo->data_shndx,
+                                      sot_offset);
+      gold_assert(new_sot_offset != -1);
+      new_offset = new_sot_offset;
+    }
+  // In an object file, r_offset is an offset within the section.
+  // In an executable or dynamic object, generated by
+  // --emit-relocs, r_offset is an absolute address.
+  if (!parameters->options().relocatable())
+    {
+      new_offset += view_address;
+      if (offset_in_output_section != invalid_address)
+        new_offset -= offset_in_output_section;
+    }
+  reloc_write.put_r_offset(new_offset);
+  reloc_write.put_r_info(elfcpp::elf_r_info<32>(new_symndx, r_type));
+  // Handle the reloc addend.
+  // The relocation uses a section symbol in the input file.
+  // We are adjusting it to use a section symbol in the output
+  // file.  The input section symbol refers to some address in
+  // the input section.  We need the relocation in the output
+  // file to refer to that same address.  This adjustment to
+  // the addend is the same calculation we use for a simple
+  // absolute relocation for the input section symbol.
+  const Symbol_value<size>* psymval = object->local_symbol(r_sym);
+  unsigned char* paddend = view + offset;
+  typename Reloc_funcs::Status reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::STATUS_OKAY;
+  switch (r_type)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_26:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::rel26(paddend, object, psymval,
+          offset_in_output_section, true, 0, sh_type == elfcpp::SHT_REL, NULL,
+          false /*TODO(sasa): cross mode jump*/, r_type, this->jal_to_bal());
+      break;
+    default:
+      gold_unreachable();
+    }
+  // Report any errors.
+  switch (reloc_status)
+    {
+    case Reloc_funcs::STATUS_OKAY:
+      break;
+    case Reloc_funcs::STATUS_OVERFLOW:
+      gold_error_at_location(relinfo, relnum, reloc.get_r_offset(),
+                             _("relocation overflow"));
+      break;
+    case Reloc_funcs::STATUS_BAD_RELOC:
+      gold_error_at_location(relinfo, relnum, reloc.get_r_offset(),
+        _("unexpected opcode while processing relocation"));
+      break;
+    default:
+      gold_unreachable();
+    }
+// Optimize the TLS relocation type based on what we know about the
+// symbol.  IS_FINAL is true if the final address of this symbol is
+// known at link time.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::optimize_tls_reloc(bool, int)
+  // FIXME: Currently we do not do any TLS optimization.
+  return tls::TLSOPT_NONE;
+// Scan a relocation for a local symbol.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+inline void
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Scan::local(
+                        Symbol_table* symtab,
+                        Layout* layout,
+                        Target_mips<size, big_endian>* target,
+                        Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object,
+                        unsigned int data_shndx,
+                        Output_section* output_section,
+                        const elfcpp::Rela<size, big_endian>* rela,
+                        const elfcpp::Rel<size, big_endian>* rel,
+                        unsigned int rel_type,
+                        unsigned int r_type,
+                        const elfcpp::Sym<size, big_endian>& lsym,
+                        bool is_discarded)
+  if (is_discarded)
+    return;
+  Mips_address r_offset;
+  typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_WXword r_info;
+  typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_Swxword r_addend;
+  if (rel_type == elfcpp::SHT_RELA)
+    {
+      r_offset = rela->get_r_offset();
+      r_info = rela->get_r_info();
+      r_addend = rela->get_r_addend();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      r_offset = rel->get_r_offset();
+      r_info = rel->get_r_info();
+      r_addend = 0;
+    }
+  unsigned int r_sym = elfcpp::elf_r_sym<size>(r_info);
+  Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>* mips_obj =
+    Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::as_mips_relobj(object);
+  if (mips_obj->is_mips16_stub_section(data_shndx))
+    {
+      mips_obj->get_mips16_stub_section(data_shndx)
+              ->new_local_reloc_found(r_type, r_sym);
+    }
+  if (r_type == elfcpp::R_MIPS_NONE)
+    // R_MIPS_NONE is used in mips16 stub sections, to define the target of the
+    // mips16 stub.
+    return;
+  if (!mips16_call_reloc(r_type)
+      && !mips_obj->section_allows_mips16_refs(data_shndx))
+    // This reloc would need to refer to a MIPS16 hard-float stub, if
+    // there is one.  We ignore MIPS16 stub sections and .pdr section when
+    // looking for relocs that would need to refer to MIPS16 stubs.
+    mips_obj->add_local_non_16bit_call(r_sym);
+  if (r_type == elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26
+      && !mips_obj->section_allows_mips16_refs(data_shndx))
+    mips_obj->add_local_16bit_call(r_sym);
+  switch (r_type)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_OFST:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_DISP:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_OFST:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_DISP:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_LDM:
+      // We need a GOT section.
+      target->got_section(symtab, layout);
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  if (call_lo16_reloc(r_type)
+      || got_lo16_reloc(r_type)
+      || got_disp_reloc(r_type))
+    {
+      // We may need a local GOT entry for this relocation.  We
+      // don't count R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE because we can estimate the
+      // maximum number of pages needed by looking at the size of
+      // the segment.  Similar comments apply to R_MIPS*_GOT16 and
+      // R_MIPS*_CALL16.  We don't count R_MIPS_GOT_HI16, or
+      // R_MIPS_CALL_HI16 because these are always followed by an
+      // R_MIPS_GOT_LO16 or R_MIPS_CALL_LO16.
+      Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>* got =
+        target->got_section(symtab, layout);
+      unsigned int r_sym = elfcpp::elf_r_sym<size>(r_info);
+      got->record_local_got_symbol(mips_obj, r_sym, r_addend, r_type, -1U);
+    }
+  switch (r_type)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL16:
+      gold_error(_("CALL16 reloc at 0x%lx not against global symbol "),
+                 (unsigned long)r_offset);
+      return;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_LO16:
+      {
+        // This relocation needs a page entry in the GOT.
+        // Get the section contents.
+        section_size_type view_size = 0;
+        const unsigned char* view = object->section_contents(data_shndx,
+                                                             &view_size, false);
+        view += r_offset;
+        Valtype32 val = elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::readval(view);
+        Valtype32 addend = (rel_type == elfcpp::SHT_REL ? val & 0xffff
+                                                        : r_addend);
+        if (rel_type == elfcpp::SHT_REL && got16_reloc(r_type))
+          target->got16_addends_.push_back(got16_addend<size, big_endian>(
+              object, data_shndx, r_type, r_sym, addend));
+        else
+          target->got_section()->record_got_page_entry(mips_obj, r_sym, addend);
+        break;
+      }
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_HI16:
+      // Record the reloc so that we can check whether the corresponding LO16
+      // part exists.
+      if (rel_type == elfcpp::SHT_REL)
+        target->got16_addends_.push_back(got16_addend<size, big_endian>(
+            object, data_shndx, r_type, r_sym, 0));
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_LO16:
+      {
+        if (rel_type != elfcpp::SHT_REL)
+          break;
+        // Find corresponding GOT16/HI16 relocation.
+        // According to the MIPS ELF ABI, the R_MIPS_LO16 relocation must
+        // be immediately following.  However, for the IRIX6 ABI, the next
+        // relocation may be a composed relocation consisting of several
+        // relocations for the same address.  In that case, the R_MIPS_LO16
+        // relocation may occur as one of these.  We permit a similar
+        // extension in general, as that is useful for GCC.
+        // In some cases GCC dead code elimination removes the LO16 but
+        // keeps the corresponding HI16.  This is strictly speaking a
+        // violation of the ABI but not immediately harmful.
+        typename std::list<got16_addend<size, big_endian> >::iterator it =
+          target->got16_addends_.begin();
+        while (it != target->got16_addends_.end())
+          {
+            got16_addend<size, big_endian> _got16_addend = *it;
+            // TODO(sasa): Split got16_addends_ list into two lists - one for
+            // GOT16 relocs and the other for HI16 relocs.
+            // Report an error if we find HI16 or GOT16 reloc from the
+            // previous section without the matching LO16 part.
+            if (_got16_addend.object != object
+                || _got16_addend.shndx != data_shndx)
+              {
+                gold_error("Can't find matching LO16 reloc");
+                break;
+              }
+            if (_got16_addend.r_sym != r_sym
+                || !is_matching_lo16_reloc(_got16_addend.r_type, r_type))
+              {
+                ++it;
+                continue;
+              }
+            // We found a matching HI16 or GOT16 reloc for this LO16 reloc.
+            // For GOT16, we need to calculate combined addend and record GOT page
+            // entry.
+            if (got16_reloc(_got16_addend.r_type))
+              {
+                section_size_type view_size = 0;
+                const unsigned char* view = object->section_contents(data_shndx,
+                                                                     &view_size,
+                                                                     false);
+                view += r_offset;
+                Valtype32 val = elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::readval(view);
+                int32_t addend = Bits<16>::sign_extend32(val & 0xffff);
+                addend = (_got16_addend.addend << 16) + addend;
+                target->got_section()->record_got_page_entry(mips_obj, r_sym,
+                                                             addend);
+              }
+            it = target->got16_addends_.erase(it);
+          }
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  switch (r_type)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_REL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_64:
+      {
+        if (parameters->options().output_is_position_independent())
+          {
+            // If building a shared library (or a position-independent
+            // executable), we need to create a dynamic relocation for
+            // this location.
+            Reloc_section* rel_dyn = target->rel_dyn_section(layout);
+            unsigned int r_sym = elfcpp::elf_r_sym<32>(r_info);
+            rel_dyn->add_symbolless_local_addend(object, r_sym,
+                                                 elfcpp::R_MIPS_REL32,
+                                                 output_section, data_shndx,
+                                                 r_offset);
+          }
+        break;
+      }
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD:
+      {
+        unsigned int r_sym = elfcpp::elf_r_sym<size>(r_info);
+        bool output_is_shared = parameters->options().shared();
+        const tls::Tls_optimization optimized_type
+            = Target_mips<size, big_endian>::optimize_tls_reloc(
+                                             !output_is_shared, r_type);
+        switch (r_type)
+          {
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GD:
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GD:
+          case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD:
+            if (optimized_type == tls::TLSOPT_NONE)
+              {
+                // Create a pair of GOT entries for the module index and
+                // dtv-relative offset.
+                Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>* got =
+                  target->got_section(symtab, layout);
+                unsigned int shndx = lsym.get_st_shndx();
+                bool is_ordinary;
+                shndx = object->adjust_sym_shndx(r_sym, shndx, &is_ordinary);
+                if (!is_ordinary)
+                  {
+                    object->error(_("local symbol %u has bad shndx %u"),
+                                  r_sym, shndx);
+                    break;
+                  }
+                got->record_local_got_symbol(mips_obj, r_sym, r_addend, r_type,
+                                             shndx);
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                // FIXME: TLS optimization not supported yet.
+                gold_unreachable();
+              }
+            break;
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_LDM:
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_LDM:
+          case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_LDM:
+            if (optimized_type == tls::TLSOPT_NONE)
+              {
+                // We always record LDM symbols as local with index 0.
+                target->got_section()->record_local_got_symbol(mips_obj, 0,
+                                                               r_addend, r_type,
+                                                               -1U);
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                // FIXME: TLS optimization not supported yet.
+                gold_unreachable();
+              }
+            break;
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+          case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+            layout->set_has_static_tls();
+            if (optimized_type == tls::TLSOPT_NONE)
+              {
+                // Create a GOT entry for the tp-relative offset.
+                Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>* got =
+                  target->got_section(symtab, layout);
+                got->record_local_got_symbol(mips_obj, r_sym, r_addend, r_type,
+                                             -1U);
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                // FIXME: TLS optimization not supported yet.
+                gold_unreachable();
+              }
+            break;
+          default:
+            gold_unreachable();
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  // Refuse some position-dependent relocations when creating a
+  // shared library.  Do not refuse R_MIPS_32 / R_MIPS_64; they're
+  // not PIC, but we can create dynamic relocations and the result
+  // will be fine.  Also do not refuse R_MIPS_LO16, which can be
+  // combined with R_MIPS_GOT16.
+  if (parameters->options().shared())
+    {
+      switch (r_type)
+        {
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_HI16:
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS_HI16:
+        case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_HI16:
+          // Don't refuse a high part relocation if it's against
+          // no symbol (e.g. part of a compound relocation).
+          if (r_sym == 0)
+            break;
+          // FALLTHROUGH
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26:
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS_26:
+        case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_26_S1:
+          gold_error(_("%s: relocation %u against `%s' can not be used when "
+                       "making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC"),
+                     object->name().c_str(), r_type, "a local symbol");
+        default:
+          break;
+        }
+    }
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+inline void
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Scan::local(
+                        Symbol_table* symtab,
+                        Layout* layout,
+                        Target_mips<size, big_endian>* target,
+                        Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object,
+                        unsigned int data_shndx,
+                        Output_section* output_section,
+                        const elfcpp::Rel<size, big_endian>& reloc,
+                        unsigned int r_type,
+                        const elfcpp::Sym<size, big_endian>& lsym,
+                        bool is_discarded)
+  if (is_discarded)
+    return;
+  local(
+    symtab,
+    layout,
+    target,
+    object,
+    data_shndx,
+    output_section,
+    (const elfcpp::Rela<size, big_endian>*) NULL,
+    &reloc,
+    elfcpp::SHT_REL,
+    r_type,
+    lsym, is_discarded);
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+inline void
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Scan::local(
+                        Symbol_table* symtab,
+                        Layout* layout,
+                        Target_mips<size, big_endian>* target,
+                        Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object,
+                        unsigned int data_shndx,
+                        Output_section* output_section,
+                        const elfcpp::Rela<size, big_endian>& reloc,
+                        unsigned int r_type,
+                        const elfcpp::Sym<size, big_endian>& lsym,
+                        bool is_discarded)
+  if (is_discarded)
+    return;
+  local(
+    symtab,
+    layout,
+    target,
+    object,
+    data_shndx,
+    output_section,
+    &reloc,
+    (const elfcpp::Rel<size, big_endian>*) NULL,
+    elfcpp::SHT_RELA,
+    r_type,
+    lsym, is_discarded);
+// Scan a relocation for a global symbol.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+inline void
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Scan::global(
+                                Symbol_table* symtab,
+                                Layout* layout,
+                                Target_mips<size, big_endian>* target,
+                                Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object,
+                                unsigned int data_shndx,
+                                Output_section* output_section,
+                                const elfcpp::Rela<size, big_endian>* rela,
+                                const elfcpp::Rel<size, big_endian>* rel,
+                                unsigned int rel_type,
+                                unsigned int r_type,
+                                Symbol* gsym)
+  Mips_address r_offset;
+  typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_WXword r_info;
+  typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_Swxword r_addend;
+  if (rel_type == elfcpp::SHT_RELA)
+    {
+      r_offset = rela->get_r_offset();
+      r_info = rela->get_r_info();
+      r_addend = rela->get_r_addend();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      r_offset = rel->get_r_offset();
+      r_info = rel->get_r_info();
+      r_addend = 0;
+    }
+  unsigned int r_sym = elfcpp::elf_r_sym<size>(r_info);
+  Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>* mips_obj =
+    Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::as_mips_relobj(object);
+  Mips_symbol<size>* mips_sym = Mips_symbol<size>::as_mips_sym(gsym);
+  if (mips_obj->is_mips16_stub_section(data_shndx))
+    {
+      mips_obj->get_mips16_stub_section(data_shndx)
+              ->new_global_reloc_found(r_type, mips_sym);
+    }
+  if (r_type == elfcpp::R_MIPS_NONE)
+    // R_MIPS_NONE is used in mips16 stub sections, to define the target of the
+    // mips16 stub.
+    return;
+  if (!mips16_call_reloc(r_type)
+      && !mips_obj->section_allows_mips16_refs(data_shndx))
+    // This reloc would need to refer to a MIPS16 hard-float stub, if
+    // there is one.  We ignore MIPS16 stub sections and .pdr section when
+    // looking for relocs that would need to refer to MIPS16 stubs.
+    mips_sym->set_need_fn_stub();
+  // A reference to _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ implies that we need a got
+  // section.  We check here to avoid creating a dynamic reloc against
+  if (!target->has_got_section()
+      && strcmp(gsym->name(), "_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_") == 0)
+    target->got_section(symtab, layout);
+  // We need PLT entries if there are static-only relocations against
+  // an externally-defined function.  This can technically occur for
+  // shared libraries if there are branches to the symbol, although it
+  // is unlikely that this will be used in practice due to the short
+  // ranges involved.  It can occur for any relative or absolute relocation
+  // in executables; in that case, the PLT entry becomes the function's
+  // canonical address.
+  bool static_reloc = false;
+  // Set CAN_MAKE_DYNAMIC to true if we can convert this
+  // relocation into a dynamic one.
+  bool can_make_dynamic = false;
+  switch (r_type)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_OFST:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_DISP:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_OFST:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_DISP:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_LDM:
+      // We need a GOT section.
+      target->got_section(symtab, layout);
+      break;
+    // This is just a hint; it can safely be ignored.  Don't set
+    // has_static_relocs for the corresponding symbol.
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_JALR:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_JALR:
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GPREL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GPREL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_GPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GPREL16:
+      // TODO(sasa)
+      // GP-relative relocations always resolve to a definition in a
+      // regular input file, ignoring the one-definition rule.  This is
+      // important for the GP setup sequence in NewABI code, which
+      // always resolves to a local function even if other relocations
+      // against the symbol wouldn't.
+      //constrain_symbol_p = FALSE;
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_REL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_64:
+      if (parameters->options().shared()
+          || strcmp(gsym->name(), "__gnu_local_gp") != 0)
+        {
+          if (r_type != elfcpp::R_MIPS_REL32)
+            {
+              static_reloc = true;
+              mips_sym->set_pointer_equality_needed();
+            }
+          can_make_dynamic = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      // Fall through.
+    default:
+      // Most static relocations require pointer equality, except
+      // for branches.
+      mips_sym->set_pointer_equality_needed();
+      // Fall through.
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_26:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_PC16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_26_S1:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_PC7_S1:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_PC10_S1:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_PC16_S1:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_PC23_S2:
+      static_reloc = true;
+      mips_sym->set_has_static_relocs();
+      break;
+    }
+  // If there are call relocations against an externally-defined symbol,
+  // see whether we can create a MIPS lazy-binding stub for it.  We can
+  // only do this if all references to the function are through call
+  // relocations, and in that case, the traditional lazy-binding stubs
+  // are much more efficient than PLT entries.
+  switch (r_type)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_JALR:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_JALR:
+      if (!mips_sym->no_lazy_stub())
+        {
+          if ((mips_sym->needs_plt_entry() && mips_sym->is_from_dynobj())
+              // Calls from shared objects to undefined symbols of type
+              // STT_NOTYPE need lazy-binding stub.
+              || (mips_sym->is_undefined() && parameters->options().shared()))
+            target->mips_stubs_section(layout)->make_entry(mips_sym);
+        }
+      break;
+    default:
+      {
+        // We must not create a stub for a symbol that has relocations
+        // related to taking the function's address.
+        mips_sym->set_no_lazy_stub();
+        target->remove_lazy_stub_entry(mips_sym);
+        break;
+      }
+  }
+  if (relocation_needs_la25_stub<size, big_endian>(mips_obj, r_type,
+                                                   mips_sym->is_mips16()))
+    mips_sym->set_has_nonpic_branches();
+  // R_MIPS_HI16 against _gp_disp is used for $gp setup,
+  // and has a special meaning.
+  bool gp_disp_against_hi16 = (!mips_obj->is_newabi()
+                               && strcmp(gsym->name(), "_gp_disp") == 0
+                               && (hi16_reloc(r_type) || lo16_reloc(r_type)));
+  if (static_reloc && gsym->needs_plt_entry())
+    {
+      target->make_plt_entry(symtab, layout, mips_sym, r_type);
+      // Since this is not a PC-relative relocation, we may be
+      // taking the address of a function.  In that case we need to
+      // set the entry in the dynamic symbol table to the address of
+      // the PLT entry.
+      if (gsym->is_from_dynobj() && !parameters->options().shared())
+        {
+          gsym->set_needs_dynsym_value();
+          // We distinguish between PLT entries and lazy-binding stubs by
+          // giving the former an st_other value of STO_MIPS_PLT.  Set the
+          // flag if there are any relocations in the binary where pointer
+          // equality matters.
+          if (mips_sym->pointer_equality_needed())
+            mips_sym->set_mips_plt();
+        }
+    }
+  if ((static_reloc || can_make_dynamic) && !gp_disp_against_hi16)
+    {
+      // Absolute addressing relocations.
+      // Make a dynamic relocation if necessary.
+      if (gsym->needs_dynamic_reloc(Scan::get_reference_flags(r_type)))
+        {
+          if (gsym->may_need_copy_reloc())
+            {
+              target->copy_reloc(symtab, layout, object,
+                                 data_shndx, output_section, gsym, *rel);
+            }
+          else if (can_make_dynamic)
+            {
+              // Create .rel.dyn section.
+              target->rel_dyn_section(layout);
+              target->dynamic_reloc(mips_sym, elfcpp::R_MIPS_REL32, mips_obj,
+                                    data_shndx, output_section, r_offset);
+            }
+          else
+            gold_error(_("non-dynamic relocations refer to dynamic symbol %s"),
+                       gsym->name());
+        }
+    }
+  bool for_call = false;
+  switch (r_type)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_LO16:
+      for_call = true;
+      // Fall through.
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_DISP:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_DISP:
+      {
+        // The symbol requires a GOT entry.
+        Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>* got =
+          target->got_section(symtab, layout);
+        got->record_global_got_symbol(mips_sym, mips_obj, r_type, false,
+                                      for_call);
+        mips_sym->set_global_got_area(GGA_NORMAL);
+      }
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+      {
+        // This relocation needs a page entry in the GOT.
+        // Get the section contents.
+        section_size_type view_size = 0;
+        const unsigned char* view =
+          object->section_contents(data_shndx, &view_size, false);
+        view += r_offset;
+        Valtype32 val = elfcpp::Swap<32, big_endian>::readval(view);
+        Valtype32 addend = (rel_type == elfcpp::SHT_REL ? val & 0xffff
+                                                        : r_addend);
+        Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>* got =
+          target->got_section(symtab, layout);
+        got->record_got_page_entry(mips_obj, r_sym, addend);
+        // If this is a global, overridable symbol, GOT_PAGE will
+        // decay to GOT_DISP, so we'll need a GOT entry for it.
+        bool def_regular = (mips_sym->source() == Symbol::FROM_OBJECT
+                            && !mips_sym->object()->is_dynamic()
+                            && !mips_sym->is_undefined());
+        if (!def_regular
+            || (parameters->options().output_is_position_independent()
+                && !parameters->options().Bsymbolic()
+                && !mips_sym->is_forced_local()))
+          {
+            got->record_global_got_symbol(mips_sym, mips_obj, r_type, false,
+                                          for_call);
+            mips_sym->set_global_got_area(GGA_NORMAL);
+          }
+      }
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD:
+      {
+        const bool is_final = gsym->final_value_is_known();
+        const tls::Tls_optimization optimized_type =
+          Target_mips<size, big_endian>::optimize_tls_reloc(is_final, r_type);
+        switch (r_type)
+          {
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GD:
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GD:
+          case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD:
+            if (optimized_type == tls::TLSOPT_NONE)
+              {
+                // Create a pair of GOT entries for the module index and
+                // dtv-relative offset.
+                Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>* got =
+                  target->got_section(symtab, layout);
+                got->record_global_got_symbol(mips_sym, mips_obj, r_type, false,
+                                              false);
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                // FIXME: TLS optimization not supported yet.
+                gold_unreachable();
+              }
+            break;
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_LDM:
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_LDM:
+          case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_LDM:
+            if (optimized_type == tls::TLSOPT_NONE)
+              {
+                // We always record LDM symbols as local with index 0.
+                target->got_section()->record_local_got_symbol(mips_obj, 0,
+                                                               r_addend, r_type,
+                                                               -1U);
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                // FIXME: TLS optimization not supported yet.
+                gold_unreachable();
+              }
+            break;
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+          case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+          case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+            layout->set_has_static_tls();
+            if (optimized_type == tls::TLSOPT_NONE)
+              {
+                // Create a GOT entry for the tp-relative offset.
+                Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>* got =
+                  target->got_section(symtab, layout);
+                got->record_global_got_symbol(mips_sym, mips_obj, r_type, false,
+                                              false);
+              }
+            else
+              {
+                // FIXME: TLS optimization not supported yet.
+                gold_unreachable();
+              }
+            break;
+          default:
+            gold_unreachable();
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_COPY:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT:
+      // These are relocations which should only be seen by the
+      // dynamic linker, and should never be seen here.
+      gold_error(_("%s: unexpected reloc %u in object file"),
+                 object->name().c_str(), r_type);
+      break;
+    default:
+      break;
+    }
+  // Refuse some position-dependent relocations when creating a
+  // shared library.  Do not refuse R_MIPS_32 / R_MIPS_64; they're
+  // not PIC, but we can create dynamic relocations and the result
+  // will be fine.  Also do not refuse R_MIPS_LO16, which can be
+  // combined with R_MIPS_GOT16.
+  if (parameters->options().shared())
+    {
+      switch (r_type)
+        {
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_HI16:
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS_HI16:
+        case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_HI16:
+          // Don't refuse a high part relocation if it's against
+          // no symbol (e.g. part of a compound relocation).
+          if (r_sym == 0)
+            break;
+          // R_MIPS_HI16 against _gp_disp is used for $gp setup,
+          // and has a special meaning.
+          if (!mips_obj->is_newabi() && strcmp(gsym->name(), "_gp_disp") == 0)
+            break;
+          // FALLTHROUGH
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26:
+        case elfcpp::R_MIPS_26:
+        case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_26_S1:
+          gold_error(_("%s: relocation %u against `%s' can not be used when "
+                       "making a shared object; recompile with -fPIC"),
+                     object->name().c_str(), r_type, gsym->name());
+        default:
+          break;
+        }
+    }
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+inline void
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Scan::global(
+                                Symbol_table* symtab,
+                                Layout* layout,
+                                Target_mips<size, big_endian>* target,
+                                Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object,
+                                unsigned int data_shndx,
+                                Output_section* output_section,
+                                const elfcpp::Rela<size, big_endian>& reloc,
+                                unsigned int r_type,
+                                Symbol* gsym)
+  global(
+    symtab,
+    layout,
+    target,
+    object,
+    data_shndx,
+    output_section,
+    &reloc,
+    (const elfcpp::Rel<size, big_endian>*) NULL,
+    elfcpp::SHT_RELA,
+    r_type,
+    gsym);
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+inline void
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Scan::global(
+                                Symbol_table* symtab,
+                                Layout* layout,
+                                Target_mips<size, big_endian>* target,
+                                Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object,
+                                unsigned int data_shndx,
+                                Output_section* output_section,
+                                const elfcpp::Rel<size, big_endian>& reloc,
+                                unsigned int r_type,
+                                Symbol* gsym)
+  global(
+    symtab,
+    layout,
+    target,
+    object,
+    data_shndx,
+    output_section,
+    (const elfcpp::Rela<size, big_endian>*) NULL,
+    &reloc,
+    elfcpp::SHT_REL,
+    r_type,
+    gsym);
+// Return whether a R_MIPS_32 relocation needs to be applied.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+inline bool
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Relocate::should_apply_r_mips_32_reloc(
+    const Mips_symbol<size>* gsym,
+    unsigned int r_type,
+    Output_section* output_section,
+    Target_mips* target)
+  // If the output section is not allocated, then we didn't call
+  // scan_relocs, we didn't create a dynamic reloc, and we must apply
+  // the reloc here.
+  if ((output_section->flags() & elfcpp::SHF_ALLOC) == 0)
+      return true;
+  if (gsym == NULL)
+    return true;
+  else
+    {
+      // For global symbols, we use the same helper routines used in the
+      // scan pass.
+      if (gsym->needs_dynamic_reloc(Scan::get_reference_flags(r_type))
+          && !gsym->may_need_copy_reloc())
+        {
+          // We have generated dynamic reloc (R_MIPS_REL32).
+          bool multi_got = false;
+          if (target->has_got_section())
+            multi_got = target->got_section()->multi_got();
+          bool has_got_offset;
+          if (!multi_got)
+            has_got_offset = gsym->has_got_offset(GOT_TYPE_STANDARD);
+          else
+            has_got_offset = gsym->global_gotoffset() != -1U;
+          if (!has_got_offset)
+            return true;
+          else
+            // Apply the relocation only if the symbol is in the local got.
+            // Do not apply the relocation if the symbol is in the global
+            // got.
+            return symbol_references_local(gsym, gsym->has_dynsym_index());
+        }
+      else
+        // We have not generated dynamic reloc.
+        return true;
+    }
+// Perform a relocation.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+inline bool
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Relocate::relocate(
+                        const Relocate_info<size, big_endian>* relinfo,
+                        Target_mips* target,
+                        Output_section* output_section,
+                        size_t relnum,
+                        const elfcpp::Rela<size, big_endian>* rela,
+                        const elfcpp::Rel<size, big_endian>* rel,
+                        unsigned int rel_type,
+                        unsigned int r_type,
+                        const Sized_symbol<size>* gsym,
+                        const Symbol_value<size>* psymval,
+                        unsigned char* view,
+                        Mips_address address,
+                        section_size_type)
+  Mips_address r_offset;
+  typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_WXword r_info;
+  typename elfcpp::Elf_types<size>::Elf_Swxword r_addend;
+  if (rel_type == elfcpp::SHT_RELA)
+    {
+      r_offset = rela->get_r_offset();
+      r_info = rela->get_r_info();
+      r_addend = rela->get_r_addend();
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      r_offset = rel->get_r_offset();
+      r_info = rel->get_r_info();
+      r_addend = 0;
+    }
+  typedef Mips_relocate_functions<size, big_endian> Reloc_funcs;
+  typename Reloc_funcs::Status reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::STATUS_OKAY;
+  Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>* object =
+    Mips_relobj<size, big_endian>::as_mips_relobj(relinfo->object);
+  unsigned int r_sym = elfcpp::elf_r_sym<size>(r_info);
+  bool target_is_16_bit_code = false;
+  bool target_is_micromips_code = false;
+  bool cross_mode_jump;
+  Symbol_value<size> symval;
+  const Mips_symbol<size>* mips_sym = Mips_symbol<size>::as_mips_sym(gsym);
+  bool changed_symbol_value = false;
+  if (gsym == NULL)
+    {
+      target_is_16_bit_code = object->local_symbol_is_mips16(r_sym);
+      target_is_micromips_code = object->local_symbol_is_micromips(r_sym);
+      if (target_is_16_bit_code || target_is_micromips_code)
+        {
+          // MIPS16/microMIPS text labels should be treated as odd.
+          symval.set_output_value(psymval->value(object, 1));
+          psymval = &symval;
+          changed_symbol_value = true;
+        }
+    }
+  else
+    {
+      target_is_16_bit_code = mips_sym->is_mips16();
+      target_is_micromips_code = mips_sym->is_micromips();
+      // If this is a mips16/microMIPS text symbol, add 1 to the value to make
+      // it odd.  This will cause something like .word SYM to come up with
+      // the right value when it is loaded into the PC.
+      if ((mips_sym->is_mips16() || mips_sym->is_micromips())
+          && psymval->value(object, 0) != 0)
+        {
+          symval.set_output_value(psymval->value(object, 0) | 1);
+          psymval = &symval;
+          changed_symbol_value = true;
+        }
+      // Pick the value to use for symbols defined in shared objects.
+      if (mips_sym->use_plt_offset(Scan::get_reference_flags(r_type))
+          || mips_sym->has_lazy_stub())
+        {
+          Mips_address value;
+          if (!mips_sym->has_lazy_stub())
+            {
+              // Prefer a standard MIPS PLT entry.
+              if (mips_sym->has_mips_plt_offset())
+                {
+                  value = target->plt_section()->mips_entry_address(mips_sym);
+                  target_is_micromips_code = false;
+                  target_is_16_bit_code = false;
+                }
+              else
+                {
+                  value = (target->plt_section()->comp_entry_address(mips_sym)
+                           + 1);
+                  if (target->is_output_micromips())
+                    target_is_micromips_code = true;
+                  else
+                    target_is_16_bit_code = true;
+                }
+            }
+          else
+            value = target->mips_stubs_section()->stub_address(mips_sym);
+          symval.set_output_value(value);
+          psymval = &symval;
+        }
+    }
+  // TRUE if the symbol referred to by this relocation is "_gp_disp".
+  // Note that such a symbol must always be a global symbol.
+  bool gp_disp = (gsym != NULL && (strcmp(gsym->name(), "_gp_disp") == 0)
+                  && !object->is_newabi());
+  // TRUE if the symbol referred to by this relocation is "__gnu_local_gp".
+  // Note that such a symbol must always be a global symbol.
+  bool gnu_local_gp = gsym && (strcmp(gsym->name(), "__gnu_local_gp") == 0);
+  if (gp_disp)
+    {
+      if (!hi16_reloc(r_type) && !lo16_reloc(r_type))
+        gold_error_at_location(relinfo, relnum, r_offset,
+          _("relocations against _gp_disp are permitted only"
+            " with R_MIPS_HI16 and R_MIPS_LO16 relocations."));
+    }
+  else if (gnu_local_gp)
+    {
+      // __gnu_local_gp is _gp symbol.
+      symval.set_output_value(target->adjusted_gp_value(object));
+      psymval = &symval;
+    }
+  // If this is a reference to a 16-bit function with a stub, we need
+  // to redirect the relocation to the stub unless:
+  //
+  // (a) the relocation is for a MIPS16 JAL;
+  //
+  // (b) the relocation is for a MIPS16 PIC call, and there are no
+  //     non-MIPS16 uses of the GOT slot; or
+  //
+  // (c) the section allows direct references to MIPS16 functions.
+  if (r_type != elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26
+      && !parameters->options().relocatable()
+      && ((mips_sym != NULL
+           && mips_sym->has_mips16_fn_stub()
+           && (r_type != elfcpp::R_MIPS16_CALL16 || mips_sym->need_fn_stub()))
+          || (mips_sym == NULL
+              && object->get_local_mips16_fn_stub(r_sym) != NULL))
+      && !object->section_allows_mips16_refs(relinfo->data_shndx))
+    {
+      // This is a 32- or 64-bit call to a 16-bit function.  We should
+      // have already noticed that we were going to need the
+      // stub.
+      Mips_address value;
+      if (mips_sym == NULL)
+        value = object->get_local_mips16_fn_stub(r_sym)->output_address();
+      else
+        {
+          gold_assert(mips_sym->need_fn_stub());
+          if (mips_sym->has_la25_stub())
+            value = target->la25_stub_section()->stub_address(mips_sym);
+          else
+            {
+              value = mips_sym->template
+                      get_mips16_fn_stub<big_endian>()->output_address();
+            }
+          }
+      symval.set_output_value(value);
+      psymval = &symval;
+      changed_symbol_value = true;
+      // The target is 16-bit, but the stub isn't.
+      target_is_16_bit_code = false;
+    }
+  // If this is a MIPS16 call with a stub, that is made through the PLT or
+  // to a standard MIPS function, we need to redirect the call to the stub.
+  // Note that we specifically exclude R_MIPS16_CALL16 from this behavior;
+  // indirect calls should use an indirect stub instead.
+  else if (r_type == elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26 && !parameters->options().relocatable()
+           && ((mips_sym != NULL
+                && (mips_sym->has_mips16_call_stub()
+                    || mips_sym->has_mips16_call_fp_stub()))
+               || (mips_sym == NULL
+                   && object->get_local_mips16_call_stub(r_sym) != NULL))
+           && ((mips_sym != NULL && mips_sym->has_plt_offset())
+               || !target_is_16_bit_code))
+    {
+      Mips16_stub_section<size, big_endian>* call_stub;
+      if (mips_sym == NULL)
+        call_stub = object->get_local_mips16_call_stub(r_sym);
+      else
+        {
+          // If both call_stub and call_fp_stub are defined, we can figure
+          // out which one to use by checking which one appears in the input
+          // file.
+          if (mips_sym->has_mips16_call_stub()
+              && mips_sym->has_mips16_call_fp_stub())
+            {
+              call_stub = NULL;
+              for (unsigned int i = 1; i < object->shnum(); ++i)
+                {
+                  if (object->is_mips16_call_fp_stub_section(i))
+                    {
+                      call_stub = mips_sym->template
+                                  get_mips16_call_fp_stub<big_endian>();
+                      break;
+                    }
+                }
+              if (call_stub == NULL)
+                call_stub =
+                  mips_sym->template get_mips16_call_stub<big_endian>();
+            }
+          else if (mips_sym->has_mips16_call_stub())
+            call_stub = mips_sym->template get_mips16_call_stub<big_endian>();
+          else
+            call_stub = mips_sym->template get_mips16_call_fp_stub<big_endian>();
+        }
+      symval.set_output_value(call_stub->output_address());
+      psymval = &symval;
+      changed_symbol_value = true;
+    }
+  // If this is a direct call to a PIC function, redirect to the
+  // non-PIC stub.
+  else if (mips_sym != NULL
+           && mips_sym->has_la25_stub()
+           && relocation_needs_la25_stub<size, big_endian>(
+                                       object, r_type, target_is_16_bit_code))
+    {
+      Mips_address value = target->la25_stub_section()->stub_address(mips_sym);
+      if (mips_sym->is_micromips())
+        value += 1;
+      symval.set_output_value(value);
+      psymval = &symval;
+    }
+  // For direct MIPS16 and microMIPS calls make sure the compressed PLT
+  // entry is used if a standard PLT entry has also been made.
+  else if ((r_type == elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26
+            || r_type == elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_26_S1)
+          && !parameters->options().relocatable()
+          && mips_sym != NULL
+          && mips_sym->has_plt_offset()
+          && mips_sym->has_comp_plt_offset()
+          && mips_sym->has_mips_plt_offset())
+    {
+      Mips_address value = (target->plt_section()->comp_entry_address(mips_sym)
+                            + 1);
+      symval.set_output_value(value);
+      psymval = &symval;
+      target_is_16_bit_code = !target->is_output_micromips();
+      target_is_micromips_code = target->is_output_micromips();
+    }
+  // Make sure MIPS16 and microMIPS are not used together.
+  if ((r_type == elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26 && target_is_micromips_code)
+      || (micromips_branch_reloc(r_type) && target_is_16_bit_code))
+   {
+      gold_error(_("MIPS16 and microMIPS functions cannot call each other"));
+   }
+  // Calls from 16-bit code to 32-bit code and vice versa require the
+  // mode change.  However, we can ignore calls to undefined weak symbols,
+  // which should never be executed at runtime.  This exception is important
+  // because the assembly writer may have "known" that any definition of the
+  // symbol would be 16-bit code, and that direct jumps were therefore
+  // acceptable.
+  cross_mode_jump =
+    (!parameters->options().relocatable()
+     && !(gsym != NULL && gsym->is_weak_undefined())
+     && ((r_type == elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26 && !target_is_16_bit_code)
+         || (r_type == elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_26_S1 && !target_is_micromips_code)
+         || ((r_type == elfcpp::R_MIPS_26 || r_type == elfcpp::R_MIPS_JALR)
+             && (target_is_16_bit_code || target_is_micromips_code))));
+  bool local = (mips_sym == NULL
+                || (mips_sym->got_only_for_calls()
+                    ? symbol_calls_local(mips_sym, mips_sym->has_dynsym_index())
+                    : symbol_references_local(mips_sym,
+                                              mips_sym->has_dynsym_index())));
+  // Global R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE/R_MICROMIPS_GOT_PAGE relocations are equivalent
+  // to R_MIPS_GOT_DISP/R_MICROMIPS_GOT_DISP.  The addend is applied by the
+  if (got_page_reloc(r_type) && !local)
+    r_type = (micromips_reloc(r_type) ? elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_DISP
+                                      : elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_DISP);
+  unsigned int got_offset = 0;
+  int gp_offset = 0;
+  bool update_got_entry = false;
+  bool extract_addend = rel_type == elfcpp::SHT_REL;
+  switch (r_type)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_NONE:
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_16:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::rel16(view, object, psymval, r_addend,
+                                        extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_32:
+      if (should_apply_r_mips_32_reloc(mips_sym, r_type, output_section,
+                                       target))
+        reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::rel32(view, object, psymval, r_addend,
+                                          extract_addend, r_type);
+      if (mips_sym != NULL
+          && (mips_sym->is_mips16() || mips_sym->is_micromips())
+          && mips_sym->global_got_area() == GGA_RELOC_ONLY)
+        {
+          // If mips_sym->has_mips16_fn_stub() is false, symbol value is
+          // already updated by adding +1.
+          if (mips_sym->has_mips16_fn_stub())
+            {
+              gold_assert(mips_sym->need_fn_stub());
+              Mips16_stub_section<size, big_endian>* fn_stub =
+                mips_sym->template get_mips16_fn_stub<big_endian>();
+              symval.set_output_value(fn_stub->output_address());
+              psymval = &symval;
+            }
+          got_offset = mips_sym->global_gotoffset();
+          update_got_entry = true;
+        }
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_REL32:
+      gold_unreachable();
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_PC32:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relpc32(view, object, psymval, address,
+                                          r_addend, extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26:
+      // The calculation for R_MIPS16_26 is just the same as for an
+      // R_MIPS_26.  It's only the storage of the relocated field into
+      // the output file that's different.  So, we just fall through to the
+      // R_MIPS_26 case here.
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_26:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_26_S1:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::rel26(view, object, psymval, address,
+          gsym == NULL, r_addend, extract_addend, gsym, cross_mode_jump, r_type,
+          target->jal_to_bal());
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_HI16:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relhi16(view, object, psymval, r_addend,
+                                          address, gp_disp, r_type,
+                                          extract_addend);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_HI0_LO16:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::rello16(target, view, object, psymval,
+                                          r_addend, extract_addend, address,
+                                          gp_disp, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_LITERAL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_LITERAL:
+      // Because we don't merge literal sections, we can handle this
+      // just like R_MIPS_GPREL16.  In the long run, we should merge
+      // shared literals, and then we will need to additional work
+      // here.
+      // Fall through.
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GPREL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_GPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GPREL7_S2:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GPREL16:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgprel(view, object, psymval,
+                                           target->adjusted_gp_value(object),
+                                           r_addend, extract_addend,
+                                           gsym == NULL, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_PC16:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relpc16(view, object, psymval, address,
+                                          r_addend, extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_PC7_S1:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relmicromips_pc7_s1(view, object, psymval,
+                                                      address, r_addend,
+                                                      extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_PC10_S1:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relmicromips_pc10_s1(view, object, psymval,
+                                                       address, r_addend,
+                                                       extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_PC16_S1:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relmicromips_pc16_s1(view, object, psymval,
+                                                       address, r_addend,
+                                                       extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GPREL32:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgprel32(view, object, psymval,
+                                             target->adjusted_gp_value(object),
+                                             r_addend, extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_HI16:
+      if (gsym != NULL)
+        got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(gsym, GOT_TYPE_STANDARD,
+                                                       object);
+      else
+        got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(r_sym, GOT_TYPE_STANDARD,
+                                                       object);
+      gp_offset = target->got_section()->gp_offset(got_offset, object);
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgot_hi16(view, gp_offset, r_type);
+      update_got_entry = changed_symbol_value;
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_LO16:
+      if (gsym != NULL)
+        got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(gsym, GOT_TYPE_STANDARD,
+                                                       object);
+      else
+        got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(r_sym, GOT_TYPE_STANDARD,
+                                                       object);
+      gp_offset = target->got_section()->gp_offset(got_offset, object);
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgot_lo16(view, gp_offset, r_type);
+      update_got_entry = changed_symbol_value;
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_DISP:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_DISP:
+      if (gsym != NULL)
+        got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(gsym, GOT_TYPE_STANDARD,
+                                                       object);
+      else
+        got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(r_sym, GOT_TYPE_STANDARD,
+                                                       object);
+      gp_offset = target->got_section()->gp_offset(got_offset, object);
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgot(view, gp_offset, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL16:
+      gold_assert(gsym != NULL);
+      got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(gsym, GOT_TYPE_STANDARD,
+                                                     object);
+      gp_offset = target->got_section()->gp_offset(got_offset, object);
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgot(view, gp_offset, r_type);
+      // TODO(sasa): We should also initialize update_got_entry in other places
+      // where relgot is called.
+      update_got_entry = changed_symbol_value;
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT16:
+      if (gsym != NULL)
+        {
+          got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(gsym,
+                                                         GOT_TYPE_STANDARD,
+                                                         object);
+          gp_offset = target->got_section()->gp_offset(got_offset, object);
+          reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgot(view, gp_offset, r_type);
+        }
+      else
+        reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgot16_local(view, object, psymval,
+                                                   r_addend, extract_addend,
+                                                   r_type);
+      update_got_entry = changed_symbol_value;
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD:
+      if (gsym != NULL)
+        got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(gsym, GOT_TYPE_TLS_PAIR,
+                                                       object);
+      else
+        got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(r_sym, GOT_TYPE_TLS_PAIR,
+                                                       object);
+      gp_offset = target->got_section()->gp_offset(got_offset, object);
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgot(view, gp_offset, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+      if (gsym != NULL)
+        got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(gsym,
+                                                       GOT_TYPE_TLS_OFFSET,
+                                                       object);
+      else
+        got_offset = target->got_section()->got_offset(r_sym,
+                                                       GOT_TYPE_TLS_OFFSET,
+                                                       object);
+      gp_offset = target->got_section()->gp_offset(got_offset, object);
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgot(view, gp_offset, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_LDM:
+      // Relocate the field with the offset of the GOT entry for
+      // the module index.
+      got_offset = target->got_section()->tls_ldm_offset(object);
+      gp_offset = target->got_section()->gp_offset(got_offset, object);
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgot(view, gp_offset, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgotpage(target, view, object, psymval,
+                                             r_addend, extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_OFST:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_OFST:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relgotofst(target, view, object, psymval,
+                                             r_addend, extract_addend, local,
+                                             r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_JALR:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_JALR:
+      // This relocation is only a hint.  In some cases, we optimize
+      // it into a bal instruction.  But we don't try to optimize
+      // when the symbol does not resolve locally.
+      if (gsym == NULL || symbol_calls_local(gsym, gsym->has_dynsym_index()))
+        reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::reljalr(view, object, psymval, address,
+                                            r_addend, extract_addend,
+                                            cross_mode_jump, r_type,
+                                            target->jalr_to_bal(),
+                                            target->jr_to_b());
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_DTPREL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::tlsrelhi16(view, object, psymval,
+                                             elfcpp::DTP_OFFSET, r_addend,
+                                             extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_DTPREL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::tlsrello16(view, object, psymval,
+                                             elfcpp::DTP_OFFSET, r_addend,
+                                             extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::tlsrel32(view, object, psymval,
+                                           elfcpp::DTP_OFFSET, r_addend,
+                                           extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_TPREL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::tlsrelhi16(view, object, psymval,
+                                             elfcpp::TP_OFFSET, r_addend,
+                                             extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_TPREL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::tlsrello16(view, object, psymval,
+                                             elfcpp::TP_OFFSET, r_addend,
+                                             extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::tlsrel32(view, object, psymval,
+                                           elfcpp::TP_OFFSET, r_addend,
+                                           extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_SUB:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_SUB:
+      reloc_status = Reloc_funcs::relsub(view, object, psymval, r_addend,
+                                         extract_addend, r_type);
+      break;
+    default:
+      gold_error_at_location(relinfo, relnum, r_offset,
+                             _("unsupported reloc %u"), r_type);
+      break;
+    }
+  if (update_got_entry)
+    {
+      Mips_output_data_got<size, big_endian>* got = target->got_section();
+      if (mips_sym != NULL && mips_sym->get_applied_secondary_got_fixup())
+        got->update_got_entry(got->get_primary_got_offset(mips_sym),
+                              psymval->value(object, 0));
+      else
+        got->update_got_entry(got_offset, psymval->value(object, 0));
+    }
+  // Report any errors.
+  switch (reloc_status)
+    {
+    case Reloc_funcs::STATUS_OKAY:
+      break;
+    case Reloc_funcs::STATUS_OVERFLOW:
+      gold_error_at_location(relinfo, relnum, r_offset,
+                             _("relocation overflow"));
+      break;
+    case Reloc_funcs::STATUS_BAD_RELOC:
+      gold_error_at_location(relinfo, relnum, r_offset,
+        _("unexpected opcode while processing relocation"));
+      break;
+    default:
+      gold_unreachable();
+    }
+  return true;
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+inline bool
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Relocate::relocate(
+                        const Relocate_info<size, big_endian>* relinfo,
+                        Target_mips* target,
+                        Output_section* output_section,
+                        size_t relnum,
+                        const elfcpp::Rela<size, big_endian>& reloc,
+                        unsigned int r_type,
+                        const Sized_symbol<size>* gsym,
+                        const Symbol_value<size>* psymval,
+                        unsigned char* view,
+                        Mips_address address,
+                        section_size_type view_size)
+  return relocate(
+    relinfo,
+    target,
+    output_section,
+    relnum,
+    &reloc,
+    (const elfcpp::Rel<size, big_endian>*) NULL,
+    elfcpp::SHT_RELA,
+    r_type,
+    gsym,
+    psymval,
+    view,
+    address,
+    view_size);
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+inline bool
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Relocate::relocate(
+                        const Relocate_info<size, big_endian>* relinfo,
+                        Target_mips* target,
+                        Output_section* output_section,
+                        size_t relnum,
+                        const elfcpp::Rel<size, big_endian>& reloc,
+                        unsigned int r_type,
+                        const Sized_symbol<size>* gsym,
+                        const Symbol_value<size>* psymval,
+                        unsigned char* view,
+                        Mips_address address,
+                        section_size_type view_size)
+  return relocate(
+    relinfo,
+    target,
+    output_section,
+    relnum,
+    (const elfcpp::Rela<size, big_endian>*) NULL,
+    &reloc,
+    elfcpp::SHT_REL,
+    r_type,
+    gsym,
+    psymval,
+    view,
+    address,
+    view_size);
+// Get the Reference_flags for a particular relocation.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Scan::get_reference_flags(
+                       unsigned int r_type)
+  switch (r_type)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_NONE:
+      // No symbol reference.
+      return 0;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_64:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_LO16:
+      return Symbol::ABSOLUTE_REF;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_26:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_26:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_26_S1:
+      return Symbol::FUNCTION_CALL | Symbol::ABSOLUTE_REF;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GPREL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GPREL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_REL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_GPREL:
+      return Symbol::RELATIVE_REF;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_PC16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_PC32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_JALR:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_JALR:
+      return Symbol::FUNCTION_CALL | Symbol::RELATIVE_REF;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_DISP:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_CALL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_LITERAL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_PAGE:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_GOT_OFST:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_GOT_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_CALL_LO16:
+      // Absolute in GOT.
+      return Symbol::RELATIVE_REF;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPMOD64:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL64:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_LDM:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_DTPREL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL32:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL64:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS16_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GD:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_GOTTPREL:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_HI16:
+    case elfcpp::R_MICROMIPS_TLS_TPREL_LO16:
+      return Symbol::TLS_REF;
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_COPY:
+    case elfcpp::R_MIPS_JUMP_SLOT:
+    default:
+      gold_unreachable();
+      // Not expected.  We will give an error later.
+      return 0;
+    }
+// Report an unsupported relocation against a local symbol.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Scan::unsupported_reloc_local(
+                        Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object,
+                        unsigned int r_type)
+  gold_error(_("%s: unsupported reloc %u against local symbol"),
+             object->name().c_str(), r_type);
+// Report an unsupported relocation against a global symbol.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::Scan::unsupported_reloc_global(
+                        Sized_relobj_file<size, big_endian>* object,
+                        unsigned int r_type,
+                        Symbol* gsym)
+  gold_error(_("%s: unsupported reloc %u against global symbol %s"),
+             object->name().c_str(), r_type, gsym->demangled_name().c_str());
+// Return printable name for ABI.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const char*
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::elf_mips_abi_name(elfcpp::Elf_Word e_flags,
+                                                 unsigned char ei_class)
+  switch (e_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI)
+    {
+    case 0:
+      if ((e_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ABI2) != 0)
+        return "N32";
+      else if (elfcpp::abi_64(ei_class))
+        return "64";
+      else
+        return "none";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ABI_O32:
+      return "O32";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ABI_O64:
+      return "O64";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ABI_EABI32:
+      return "EABI32";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ABI_EABI64:
+      return "EABI64";
+    default:
+      return "unknown abi";
+    }
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+const char*
+Target_mips<size, big_endian>::elf_mips_mach_name(elfcpp::Elf_Word e_flags)
+  switch (e_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_MACH)
+    {
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_3900:
+      return "mips:3900";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_4010:
+      return "mips:4010";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_4100:
+      return "mips:4100";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_4111:
+      return "mips:4111";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_4120:
+      return "mips:4120";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_4650:
+      return "mips:4650";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_5400:
+      return "mips:5400";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_5500:
+      return "mips:5500";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_SB1:
+      return "mips:sb1";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_9000:
+      return "mips:9000";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_LS2E:
+      return "mips:loongson-2e";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_LS2F:
+      return "mips:loongson-2f";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_LS3A:
+      return "mips:loongson-3a";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_OCTEON:
+      return "mips:octeon";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_OCTEON2:
+      return "mips:octeon2";
+    case elfcpp::E_MIPS_MACH_XLR:
+      return "mips:xlr";
+    default:
+      switch (e_flags & elfcpp::EF_MIPS_ARCH)
+        {
+        default:
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_1:
+          return "mips:3000";
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_2:
+          return "mips:6000";
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_3:
+          return "mips:4000";
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_4:
+          return "mips:8000";
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_5:
+          return "mips:mips5";
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_32:
+          return "mips:isa32";
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_64:
+          return "mips:isa64";
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_32R2:
+          return "mips:isa32r2";
+        case elfcpp::E_MIPS_ARCH_64R2:
+          return "mips:isa64r2";
+        }
+    }
+    return "unknown CPU";
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+Target::Target_info Target_mips<size, big_endian>::mips_info =
+  size,                 // size
+  big_endian,           // is_big_endian
+  elfcpp::EM_MIPS,      // machine_code
+  true,                 // has_make_symbol
+  false,                // has_resolve
+  false,                // has_code_fill
+  true,                 // is_default_stack_executable
+  false,                // can_icf_inline_merge_sections
+  '\0',                 // wrap_char
+  "/lib/",       // dynamic_linker
+  0x400000,             // default_text_segment_address
+  64 * 1024,            // abi_pagesize (overridable by -z max-page-size)
+  4 * 1024,             // common_pagesize (overridable by -z common-page-size)
+  false,                // isolate_execinstr
+  0,                    // rosegment_gap
+  elfcpp::SHN_UNDEF,    // small_common_shndx
+  elfcpp::SHN_UNDEF,    // large_common_shndx
+  0,                    // small_common_section_flags
+  0,                    // large_common_section_flags
+  NULL,                 // attributes_section
+  NULL,                 // attributes_vendor
+  "__start"		// entry_symbol_name
+// The selector for mips object files.
+template<int size, bool big_endian>
+class Target_selector_mips : public Target_selector
+  Target_selector_mips()
+    : Target_selector(elfcpp::EM_MIPS, size, big_endian,
+                (size == 64 ?
+                  (big_endian ? "elf64-tradbigmips" : "elf64-tradlittlemips") :
+                  (big_endian ? "elf32-tradbigmips" : "elf32-tradlittlemips")),
+                (size == 64 ?
+                  (big_endian ? "elf64-tradbigmips" : "elf64-tradlittlemips") :
+                  (big_endian ? "elf32-tradbigmips" : "elf32-tradlittlemips")))
+  { }
+  Target* do_instantiate_target()
+  { return new Target_mips<size, big_endian>(); }
+Target_selector_mips<32, true> target_selector_mips32be;
+Target_selector_mips<32, false> target_selector_mips32;
+Target_selector_mips<64, true> target_selector_mips64be;
+Target_selector_mips<64, false> target_selector_mips64;
+} // End anonymous namespace.

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