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Re: Abort in elflink.c: elf_link_check_versioned_symbol

Ramana Radhakrishnan <> writes:

> The symbol for which this abort happens is
> _ZNSsC1IN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPcSsEEEET_S4_RKSaIcE from libstdc
> Looking at this symbol in, I can see that this is
> versioned and weak as below but the actual symbol doesn't appear in the
> shared object.  
>>From the Symbol Table of libstdc++
>   936: 0008e1e4    40 FUNC    WEAK   DEFAULT   11
> _ZNSsC1IN9__gnu_cxx17__normal_iteratorIPcSsEEEET_S4_RKSaIcE@@GLIBCXX_3.4

That is a real symbol definition.  It merely happens to be marked weak.

I think what is happening is that elf_link_check_versioned_symbol
assumes that it will only be called when the regular symbol resolution
code did not resolve the symbol.  So it does not expect to see an
unhidden symbol here; an unhidden symbol should already have been
resolved.  So you should find out why elf_link_check_versioned_symbol is
being called here.


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