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Re: porting and binary format output

Hi Paul,

I am trying to design a processor on an FPGA and port gas and gcc
to it as simply as possible. Is there a way to get gas to output
plain binary files? I'd like to avoid having to write ELF relocation
code since I plan to strip all of it to a plain binary to run on
the FPGA core anyway.

There is no simple way to do this. The assembler only creates object files and there is not enough information in a plain binary file for it to be successfully linked with other binary files. (Except in the trivially simple case of just concatenating the binary files, but in that situation you do not need a linker at all). Hence the assembler needs to create object files in a more sophisticated file format than just plain binary.

Just because GAS is creating an ELF format output file (or COFF, or AOUT or one of the other binary file formats), this does not mean that automatically have to write relocation code. This is only needed if the instruction set of your target FPGA supports instructions whose exact binary layout cannot be fully determined at assembly time. (eg branch instructions to destinations outside of the file/section thats is currently being assembled).

If you can restrict your ISA to instructions that are fully resolvable at assembly time then you will not need to generate relocations. You may well find that this restricts your ISA too much for it to be useful, but you may find it helpful as a starting point before going on to develop a more flexible ISA.


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