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Re: arm-ld, -q and interworking code

Thanks for your reply.

ld's help says,
> -q, --emit-relocs Generate relocations in final output
so, ld should emit relocation information at the offset 00000014, shouldn't it?

best regards.


Daniel Jacobowitz wrote:
On Wed, Apr 07, 2004 at 02:06:49PM +0900, tanaka wrote:


LD for ARM does not emits relocation information for the address
which is in the interworking code When executed with -q option.

------------ test.r --------------
test:     file format elf32-littlearm

OFFSET   TYPE              VALUE
00000000 R_ARM_PC24        main

I think

00000014 ?????? ?????

is missing. Is this bug?

No. Or at least, not really.

0010000c <__main_from_arm>:
 10000c:	e59fc000 	ldr	ip, [pc, #0]	; 100014 <__main_from_arm+0x8>
 100010:	e12fff1c 	bx	ip
 100014:	00100005 	andeqs	r0, r0, r5

This is a statically linked executable.  The linker fills in the
address of main, but has no reason to use a relocation to do so.

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