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Re: Binutils- compilation on Ia64

On Mon, 2003-09-08 at 10:42, MUTHUKUMAR KANDASAMY wrote:
> /bin/sh ./../ylwrap "" arparse.y arparse.c arparse.h --  -d
> ./../ylwrap: -d: command not found

Thanks for fixing the typo in the from headers.

If you look at ylwrap, you will see that it is a script with a usage
line near the top that says the first argument is a program name.  In
your case, the program name is "" which obviously won't work.

If you look at the Makefile, you see that ylwrap is called with $(LEX)
and $(YACC), so one of those must be broken.  Figure out why.

I don't recommend using IA-64 RHL 7.2 for development.  It is too old,
and not ABI compatible because gcc/binutils development weren't finished
at that time.
Jim Wilson, GNU Tools Support,

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