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Re: coff-h8300 bfd bug (Electric Fence info)

Max Bowsher wrote:

> It's possible, but unlikely - you see, I've tested this on both Cygwin and
> RH8.0. However... they both share a common factor: gcc-3.2 ... I wonder
> maybe I should install gcc-3.2.1 .

Did you discover anything? I wouldn't be to hasty about ruling out the possibility that this is the case...

I'm seeing the same problem on cygwin now, as I did a week ago on linux.
My application is crashing - in the exact same spot. And the same remedy
worked - recompiling the native binutils&gcc toolset to the latest stable (not CVS).

Both cygwin and linux rh8.0 runs development versions of their development tools, so I would guess that theres a link here...

But of course, I don't know if this is the same problem you're experiensing.


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