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arm-wince-pe-ld: Trouble creating DLL

Hello binutils:

I am trying to create a DLL using an arm-wince-pe cross-compile of
binutils2.13 on RedHat 7.1/x86.  I am using GCC 3.2 that I compiled for
arm-wince-pe myself.  I have been able to link .exe's, but when I try to
create a DLL, I get the following error:

arm-wince-pe-ld: ERROR: ../../../lib/libcorelibc.a(obj/ARM/SA1100/CE/retail/dllmain.obj.b) 
is compiled as absolute position code, whereas target HelloWorld.dll is
position independent
File in wrong format: failed to merge target specific data of file

I am trying to link against M$ system dll's from EVC 3.0.  Here is my
link command:

arm-wince-pe-ld HelloWorld.o -shared --dll -subsystem:wince -M -e DllMain -o HelloWorld.dll
-nostdlib -L../../../lib -L/usr/local/wince/lib/gcc-lib/arm-wince-pe/3.2 -lvbxsys -lutil
-lcorelibc -lcoredll -lwinsock -luuid -lcelib -lgcc > linkmap

Is there anything that I can do differently with the link so that
I can create DLL's?  Any ideas or suggestions??

Thanks in advance,
craig vanderborgh
voxware incorporated

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