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Re: Windows Error when I want to start arm-elf-gdb

On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Alan Lehotsky wrote:

> I had this very same problem and it was terribly hard to find (I finally ran gdb under a gdb with the -nw flag
> and discovered that it was due to having a bad gdbtk initialization file in my home directory.
> (can't remember if it's named gdbtk.ini or .gdbtk on windows)
> There were apparently "commands" in that file that just made tcl/tk miserable....

This should not happen. If it does, it's a bug. The preference file is
automatically regenerated when you run Insight. It is not for user

> >But when I want to use the Insight GDB, I have a big Windows Error (see attach : error arm-elf-gdb.gif).

The error message is that errMsg is undefined in main.tcl when running
tk_messageBox about not finding the Iwidgets library.

What version of Insight are you using? (What's the last ChangeLog entry in

You're installation of Insight is complaining about two things...

1) There is an error in your main.tcl concerning some code which looks
something like:

    if {[catch {package require Iwidgets 3.0} msg]} {
       tk_messageBox -title Error -message $errMsg ;# blah blah blah

You must be using an older version of Insight, since this bug is long
since gone. If you can post either the date of your snapshot or dig up
this bit from your main.tcl, that would help me pin your problem down.

2) Insight is failing to find the Iwidgets library
Does INSTALLDIR/share/iwidgets3* exist (what is the exact folder name)? Do
you have the function "find_iwidgets_library" in utils.tcl? What does it say?


PS. Oddly, I've only seen Alan's reply to your message. It has not yet
arrived from the mailing list in my inbox...

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