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Re: Linking arm thumb code

[I'm deleting the cc to the uclinux list]

Phil Blundell wrote:
> >ld: Warning: type of symbol `__uClibc_main' changed from 2 to 13 in
> >__uClibc_main.o
> Type 2 is plain old STT_FUNC; type 13 is STT_TFUNC.  I'm not sure why this
> warning is turning up, but I don't think it's directly related to the problem
> you're having.


> >        .weak   __init_stdio
> >        .thumb_set __init_stdio,__uClibc_empty_func
> >       ...
> >        .section        .rodata
> >        .align  2
> >.LC0:
> >        .word   __init_stdio
> I think ".thumb_set" is supposed to mark the symbol as being of Thumb type.
> That should mean that the low bit gets set, causing BX to do the right thing.
> Can you check the final linked executable and make sure this isn't happening?

Hmm, let's see. gdb session is:

Breakpoint 1, 0x9014d4ac in __uClibc_main ()
1: x/i $pc  0x9014d4ac <__uClibc_main+20>:	
    bl	0x9014d544 <_call_via_r0>
(gdb) stepi
0x9014d544 in _call_via_r0 ()
1: x/i $pc  0x9014d544 <_call_via_r0>:	bx	r0
(gdb) print/x $r0
$1 = 0x9014d4d0
(gdb) disass $r0
Dump of assembler code for function __uClibc_empty_func:
0x9014d4d0 <__uClibc_empty_func>:	bx	lr
0x9014d4d2 <__uClibc_empty_func+2>:	nop			(mov r8,r8)
End of assembler dump.

#So r0 points to the right function. Manually setting the lsb of r0 lets
me #continue past this point:

(gdb) set $r0=$r0+1
(gdb) stepi
0x9014d4d0 in __uClibc_empty_func ()
1: x/i $pc  0x9014d4d0 <__uClibc_empty_func>:	bx	lr
(gdb) print/x $lr
$2 = 0x9014d4b1

So bx here will correctly jump back. Without manual adjustment of r0 it
crashes really weird:

Breakpoint 1, 0x9014d4ac in __uClibc_main ()
1: x/i $pc  0x9014d4ac <__uClibc_main+20>:	
    bl	0x9014d544 <_call_via_r0>
(gdb) stepi
0x9014d544 in _call_via_r0 ()
1: x/i $pc  0x9014d544 <_call_via_r0>:	bx	r0
(gdb) print/x $r0
$1 = 0x9014d4d0

# and now I don't know what happens, but I suspect it's just gdb not
# that the simulator really is executing in ARM, not thumb. pc increment
# 4, so we're really in ARM state here.

(gdb) stepi
0x9014d4d0 in __uClibc_empty_func ()
1: x/i $pc  0x9014d4d0 <__uClibc_empty_func>:	bx	lr
0x9014d4d4 in exit ()
1: x/i $pc  0x9014d4d4 <exit>:	push	{r4, lr}
No mem: ARMul_readWord: @ 7261656a (kernel mode)

But of course this could also be the loader or elf2flt. Hmmm. I'm not
familiar enough with objdump and elf, so you'd have to assist me here.
greets from Zürich
-- vbi

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