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Re: MIPS gcc `leasi' pattern vs. binutils 'la' pseudo-op.

Hi Chris, 

 > 	[ addr is in $2 ]
 >         la $2,-2147483648($2)
 >         li      $3,1073676288                   # 0x3fff0000
 >         ori     $3,$3,0xffff
 >         sltu    $3,$3,$2
 > using the leasi pattern.  gas (again -mips3) assembles that `la' into:
 >   400514:       3c018000        lui     $at,0x8000
 >   400518:       0022102d        daddu   $v0,$at,$v0

I think this is what gas is expected to do.  IRIX as actually tries to
do the same thing, even though it does it wrong.


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