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Re: gas/ bug fix

   Date: Wed, 19 Apr 2000 15:47:47 -0600
   From: Jeffrey A Law <>

     > The patch below fixes a simple bug in gas/ I hit this bug becau
     > se
     > it prevents me from using my native yacc and lex, but it's really just a si
     > mple
     > bug, as configure already sets @YACC@ and @LEX@ correctly, but
     > fails to use them. Please apply this patch, release branch too, as this is 
     > just
     > a simple bug.
   Actually, I don't think we want to even try to support native yacc/lex for
   this stuff.  I'd rather see us use bison/flex exclusively.  

   Just my $0.02, Ian has the final say on this.

Actually, I don't really care.  It only matters for developers anyhow.

If it's easy to support yacc and lex, that's OK with me.  If we have
to compromise the existing code, then it's not.  So far, it sounds
like stuff mostly works OK.


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