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Re: arm-elf-as truncates branch offsets w/o warning

> >   1) Legal, non-relocatible branch destinations >= 0x0400,00000
> >      are not handled correctly and bad code is generated with
> >      no error or warning messages.

> Would you have a testcase for this as well?

Here's a slightly different (and easier to work with test case):

      .section .text0,"ax"
      .global _start
      b 0x100
      .section .text5,"ax"
      b  0x05000000     @ should be legal if this section is at 0x05000000

When this is assembled, with the unpatched assembler, it
generates incorrect code:

testit3.o:     file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .text:
Disassembly of section .text0:

00000000 <_start>:
   0:	ea00003e 	b	100 <*ABS*+0x100>
Disassembly of section .text5:

00000000 <label1>:
   0:	e1a00000 	nop			(mov r0,r0)
   4:	ea3ffffe 	b	1000004 <*ABS*+0x1000004>
   8:	e1a00000 	nop			(mov r0,r0)

The code at offset 4 in .text5 is incorrect.  

If linked with .text5 at 0x0500,0000 (which conceivably should
might have generated legal code), you get a fixup-error:

$ arm-elf-ld -o testit3 -T testit3.ld testit3.o
testit3.o: In function label1':
testit3.o(.text5+0x4): relocation truncated to fit: R_ARM_PC24 *UND*

If linked with .text5 at 0x0100,0000 (which one would think
should generate a fixup error since you can't jump from
0x0100,0004 from 0x0500,0000) you get the following:

testit3:     file format elf32-littlearm

Disassembly of section .text0:

00000000 <_start>:
   0:	ea00003e 	b	100 <*ABS*+0x100>
Disassembly of section .text:
Disassembly of section .glue:
Disassembly of section .text5:

01000000 <label1>:
 1000000:	e1a00000 	nop			(mov r0,r0)
 1000004:	eafffffd 	b	1000000 <label1>
 1000008:	e1a00000 	nop			(mov r0,r0)

The brach to 0x0500,0000 has turned into a branch to
0x0100,0000 without any warning.

Grant Edwards

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