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remaining python bits

Phil wanted a list of stuff from archer-tromey-python that hadn't yet
been ported.

I don't remember everything, I think a merge + diff would be more
complete.  Stuff I do remember:

* linespec decoder function.  This is handy if you want to write certain
  kinds of commands in python.

* The "-P" argument that lets you start write gdb script in Python.

* The code to let users post a Python function into the gdb event queue.
  This is necessary if you want to write a multi-threaded Python app on
  top of gdb.  E.g., handy if you want to do GUI stuff.

* The script library.  I think most of these are useful, but some
  require some redesign first (e.g., new-backtrace -- there was a thread
  about this).


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