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Branch archer-pmuldoon-exception-rewind-master replaces archer-pmuldoon-exception-rewind

The old archer-pmuldoon-exception-rewind tracked archer branch, which made it an enormous pain to keep updating it. I cannot remember why this tracked archer, but I think "back then" that is how we did things. Anyway, I just decided to kill it, and create archer-pmuldoon-exception-rewind-master instead. This tracks master. I forward ported all the changes to this branch, and it is now current with master. This should be the branch used when merging these changes with Fedora or any other topic branch. This probably means that the old commits:


should be reverted out of the Fedora branch, and just a git merge done from archer-pmuldoon-exception-rewind-master.

I would do this myself, but I really don't want to get in your way. Let me know if I can help.



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