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Re: adding support for ptype to MI

Rick Moseley wrote:

"I think my main problem with type printing in MI is that there is no way in MI today to get a description of a type returned as a "serialized object". By serialized object I mean each type should be represented in a hierarchical way so that the UI can represent it as a tree to the user, letting her browse the type fields and giving her a chance to drill down/up there. A bit like what you get when you do "-data-evaluate-expression <variable-name>" in MI.

I'm afraid I don't understand what the problem is. Varobj certainly provides a hierarchical view of variables, and that includes type information.

Is that developers want just type information (e.g., for a type browser/inspector kind of thing)? In which case I would expect "-var-create - * (TYPE)0" to work. Alas, I see that is now broken.

Probably not very difficult to implement/fix. When I originally wrote varobj (for Insight -- not what gdb pilfered), it was designed to handle this usage.


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