Note: this is draft in preparation of setting up our Patchwork instance. It is not ready yet.

Developer setup

To help tracking patch versions and tracking when a patch gets merged, we are using Gerrit's git commit hook, which automatically adds a Change-Id trailer line in commit message. This is not mandatory, but it greatly helps us avoid manual work.

The script can be downloaded and installed like this (it would be good to check that you don't already have a .git/hook/commit-msg file, to avoid overwriting it):

wget -O .git/hooks/commit-msg
chmod +x .git/hooks/commit-msg

Now, try creating a dummy commit, you should see a line like this being added at the end of your commit message (after saving and exiting the commit message editor):

Change-Id: Ifa01173c235a912dd25ee980175e5a1ce190162d

None: Patchwork (last edited 2020-05-21 19:04:05 by SimonMarchi)

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