The below code won't work as java longs are signed, so values in the upper address range will be represented as negative decimal numbers for the purposes of the < 0 decimal comparisons. So a read at 0xffffffffff600000 will fail as when rendered to a singed long it will be a negative decimal value in the comparison and the <0 test will fail. static void verifyBounds (jlong fileOffset, jbyteArray bytes, jlong start, jlong length) { // XXX: 64-bit? if (fileOffset < 0) throw new java::lang::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (); if (start < 0) throw new java::lang::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (); if (length < 0) throw new java::lang::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (); if (start + length > bytes->length) throw new java::lang::ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (); }
Removed verifyBounds()in, replaced it with an upper-bound check, and comitted it. (Nominally negative signed start and length numbers interpreted as large unsigned numbers will exceed bytes->length and cause a bounds exception. A nominally negative signed fileOffset number interpreted as a large unsigned value will /probably/ result in a read error and a throwErrno().)
Patched worked.